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- Hi, we're Joel and Lia.
- And this video is us guessing some Philadelphia slang.
(playful music)
- So some of you guys might know we were recently
on the Preston & Steve show.
- Which is a really popular radio station in Philadelphia.
- Yeah.
- And they kindly invited us on the show
to just talk about all things British, differences,
cultural differences, basically what we do on our channel,
but on their radio show.
- Live on air.
- For half an hour.
- To however many people tune in, which I've heard is like,
hundreds of thousands, like loads of people.
- Loads of people.
- Also, we were connected by one of our viewers.
So one of our viewers emailed our management
and Preston & Steve's producer and were like,
guys, you're in London, I love Joel and Lia,
I love you guys, can you please connect?
And that's how it happened.
So thank you so much to the kind lady that introduced us.
- Yeah, it happened.
You made that happen.
So thanks for doing that.
- So we did film some of our day, I'm not quite sure
on how much we did film,
so we'll just insert the footage now
and then we'll get onto the slang after this.
- We are at the W Hotel in Maxwell Square.
(live radio show)
- I thought it was the boyfriend went over
and he got tackled, I didn't know he was chasing you.
- (gasp) Marissa.
- Wait, what, to get in?
- Alright, let me start these again.
- [Lia] So look at this cool little set up
they've got going here, this is so cool.
I think it's gonna be live, how can our audience tune in?
We should probably tell them.
I'm gonna tell you guys online.
- [Man] Its just interesting to hear your perspective
what you find interesting about The United States
and vice versa of what your perceptions
are of our perception of you.
So you do basically three videos a week about--
- Three a week?
Nearly four.
- [Man] And so it's very casual that you have your...
And I know you're best friends but has there ever been
any romantic spark between you two?
- Not at all.
- Because we hated each other at first as well.
- That first connection wasn't there.
- That's probably why it works.
- They're both super good looking.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I mean just from our point of view
it's like in 'Cheers' with Sam and Diane or any
sort of thing it's, you know, there's this--
- Yeah.
- I don't tend to take things home from restaurants
like Americans just take it home.
- My wife and I, it looks like we're packing for a trip.
- I have a question about that,
you don't take it home because there isn't anything left or?
- Is this a dumb thing?
- Not really.
- If we were somewhere and there's loads
of food leftover, I'm like this is lovely.
So just finished live on air, how was that?
- It was so much fun, it was good!
It's our favorite topic, American versus U.K.,
it was just really nice.
- I know, I said a few silly things.
(both laugh)
- It was live, you can't edit out.
- You can't edit that out.
But we hope that a few new people from Philly get
to find our channel.
- Yeah.
- And, yeah!
- So if you do, whatever vlog this ends up in,
if you did hear the radio show and you've subscribed,
hello, welcome.
- Well I'll just say, it's been a couple of weeks
since we were on the show.
- Yeah.
- So we did actually guess some slang whilst we were there.
- Yeah, we did.
- But I can't remember any of it apart from w-i-t.
- W-i-t, wit.
- Wit.
- So I can't even remember wit.
I can't even remember this first one which is Jawn
or you guys would say "Jahn".
That's the first slang, I remember saying it but I can't
remember what it is.
- Oh, I actually do remember what this one is.
- Do you?
- It's a person, a place or a thing?
Is it -
- Oh yeah.
- Yeah remember when he's like, it's a noun.
- Cause it could literally mean anything.
- Yeah.
- And we were like, there's that like 'thingymajig',
or 'whatsit' and we say 'whatsit' or
and it's so you--
- It's anything, you could be a jawn.
- I'm a jawn.
- You could be like that old jawn.
- Or this is a jawn.
- Where's my thingy-jawn?
- Oh, wow.
- I think that's what they said it was.
Let's check.
- Anything, so it's just literally anything.
You can just, so you just say--
- A person, place, or thing, it's a noun.
- Hi guys and welcome to jawn and jawn.
- Jawn and jawn.
This is jawn.
- But as I said on the radio show, it gets confused
between the name "John", because--
- Yeah It sounds like 'John'.
- If you guys, in your accent obviously in ours
it is 'jawn' and 'john', but in American
they say like 'john' and 'john'.
- (gasps) Oh yeah.
- That must be really confusing if your name's John.
- Thumbs up for Joel's american accent.
- Thank you.
- Let's get this to 1,000.
- 1,000 come on guys.
- Thousand thumbs up.
If you're new to this channel, we do lots of this sort of
guessing slang as well as loads of other sorts of videos
so click the subscribe button and the notification bell.
- Yeah.
- To be a winner.
- A winner.
- Heh, you'll be a winner.
- We post videos thrice weekly.
- Thrice weekly.
- So there's lots to choose from.
- So the person that sent this to us is a girl called Jenna.
She e-mailed us a list of all the slang from Philadelphia,
as with all of our slang videos we get comments being like,
"That's not just in that place, I say that as well".
So, don't blame us, blame Jenna.
- Youse, youse.
- Think it's 'Youse' isn't it?
- Youse.
- Youse.
So the word is youse.
yaʊs, yows, yaʊs?
- I do know this one, cause we--
- Youse.
- We might say that here, like it's the same as like,
y'all or like.
- Yeah 'youse lot'.
- Youse lot, yeah.
- Youse.
- Youse lot come over here.
- It sounds really English so that's why it sounds really
like midlands-y.
- Yeah.
- Like youse lot get yourself over there and do this.
- Yeah.
- Like it's what you might call like a group of kids, youse.
- Youse.
- But not youths, just youse.
- Yeah.
Jimmies, jimmies.
- Jimmies, um does that mean, um, like pajamas?
- Oh yeah.
Cause we'd say jammies.
- Get me jimmy jammies on, yeah.
I get, oh, get your jimmies on.
- Jimmies.
- Could it be slang for like, a certain type of food?
- Oh, right.
- Like jimmies, could jimmies always mean pizza?
- That's true.
- Like jimmies.
- Maybe.
I was thinking it was something rude, but I'm not gonna
say it on our channel.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- We'll keep it P.G.
- Jimmy is another word for sprinkles.
- Ah, what like cooking sprinkles?
- So we call them hundreds of thousands.
- Oh, hundreds and thousands.
- Can I get some jimmies on my ice cream, that's cool.
- That's good.
- That's cool yeah cause in the U.K., you guys, well,
maybe everyone in the world calls them sprinkles
for some reason brits call them hundreds of thousands.
- Hundreds and thousands.
- Is it hundreds and thousands or hundreds of thousands?
- I say hundreds and thousands.
- Hundreds and thous- yeah I don't even--
- Do you say hundreds of thousands?
- I just say 'mmm'.
Hundreds 'mmm' thousands.
I don't know what it is.
- Hundreds 'mmm' thousands.
- Hundreds and thousands, why do we call it that?
It's so basic and like.
- I don't know, we're just like, 'oh what's that, oh
there's hundreds and thousands of them'.
- Yeah.
- Yeah I don't know.
- So funny, but yeah so.
- Sprinkles.
- Philadelphians obviously call them jimmies.
- Jimmies, okay.
- I love jimmies.
- Me too.
Water ice.
- Water ice?
- Yeah, water, ice.
- I know what this is, it's a snow cone.
- What's that?
- I dunno, it's something Americans do.
It's like, well it might not be, but a snow cone is
where it's just crushed ice and then they put, like,
fruity syrup over it.
- Oh, they do that, yeah that's so dumb.
I saw that in Starbucks.
- That is so dumb.
- Just insult an entire nation.
Oh yeah that's so dumb.
- When we were at the food festival they put their ice all.
- Yeah and they shaved the ice, didn't they?
- Shaved the ice and put loads of sauce syrup on.
- That is so dumb.
- That's so dumb.
- Oh my gosh, gonna get so much hate.
I just don't get it, because here's my reasons.
I don't like ice.
- Yeah that's true you've got sensitive teeth.
- I've got sensitive teeth and I can't handle it.
- Yeah she can barely handle ice cream.
- Yeah I eat it like this.
- Let alone iced water.
- We actually just had ice cream before filming this.
- Yeah.
- And Lia took one bite and went
"I forgot it was cold".
- I forgot (laughter).
- It means Italian ice, not sure if you know what that is,
pretty much just flavored ice, flavored ice!
- Oh so I was right?
- You were right!
Water ice.
- Why's it Italian ice then?
- I'm buying water ice would you like some?
Was the example.
- So it must be snowcone.
- Snowcone, yeah.
- Well I got it right, tick correct, well done Joel.
- Correct, so much for guessing slang, more like just
explaining words.
- Acing life, explaining words.
- Next one is dawlin.
- Drawling, is that just like, if you're like bro you're
like talking like slow and like monotonous, it's drawlin.
- Drawlin, yeah maybe you had too much to drink
and you're drawlin.
- Yeah, drawlin.
- Drawlin.
- It is you.
- Oh.
- You're acting crazy or wild but in a negative way,
that's interesting, Amanda broke up with me
but she was really drawlin for that.
- Drawing? You mean drawlin.
- Drawlin for that.
- She was really drawlin for that.
- This is so confusing, drawlin, so someone's acting crazy
so when Lia has a crazy five minutes, I'm like
stop your drawlin, get back to work.
- That sounds good actually, that can stay.
- Stop your drawlin.
- You can keep that, stop your drawlin.
- Stop yo drawlin!
- Young boul.
- Young boul.
young boul?
- Young b-o-u-l.
- Young boul, maybe it's like young fool.
- Young boul (laughter).
oh you young boul.
- Is it a stupid person?
- Newborn baby?
My young boul?
- My young boul.
we're so stupid.
- Young boul, someone who's younger than you or just
young in general!
- I don't wanna date her, she's a young boul.
Why boul?
- Boul, we're definitely saying it wrong.
- Boul.
- Young boul.
- Yeah wouldn't they say boul, boul
but again, it's the same thing in our,
yeah it is, buoy.
Oh my gosh so many people are like, but that,
buoy is just normal, I was like I can't believe you
think that's normal, cause I know it is to you guys
cause you say it, but it's like to us it just sounds
so funny, I love it, buoy.
- Oh my gosh.
- Buoy!
- American words that tickle us, that's a good video.
- Yeah, tickle us.
This next one is sort of a phrase, ya mean.
- Is it, do you know what I mean?
- I think so, yeah.
- Ya mean.
- Ya mean means, do you know what I mean,
- Oh I love that.
- That kid's really wild, ya mean?
- Why do you say.
- Yeah but you did that with an odd inflection didn't you
you did that like.
- That kid's really wild.
- Ya mean?
- Ya mean?
Yeah cause that's how you say 'you know what I mean'?
You go, ya mean?
- Ya mean, ya mean, do you know what I mean?
- Ya mean?
It's just like, with Essex people, though, because
they don't say do you know what I mean, they say, j'mean.
- J'mean, j'mean.
- Like, (mumbles) j'mean?
- J'mean, yeah, do you know what I mean, je-no-mean.
- Do you know what I mean?
- Yeah, so yours is 'ya mean'.
- Ya mean.
- It's very cool.
- It's good isn't it?
- I might say that.
- The next one is 'Wawa', which.
- Oh no, but that's a store, isn't it?
- Oh, it's not even slang, yeah.
- We saw loads of those in America, Wawa.
- I was about to be like.
(DJ Khaled - Wild Thoughts ft. Rihanna)
wa,wa,wa wild thoughts.
- She probably invented this.
It's probably Rihanna's merch store.
- Yeah, maybe Rihanna was in a car, and she
was trying to think of lyrics and she kept going
past like wawa, she was like 'wa, wa wa wa'
'wa, wa wa wild thoughts, when I'm with you
all I get is wild thoughts'.
- It's good that she didn't go past like, Trader Joe's.
- Joe, Joe Joe Joe.
- So good.
- The next one is, ever that.
- Ever that?
- Ever that.
- Does it mean like, have you ever experienced that?
I'm guessing it's like ya mean, it's like, 'ever that?'.
- What, so someone goes, 'drinking Prosecco, ever that?'.
- Ever that?
- Drinking Prosecco, ever that?
- Ever that?
- It doesn't sound good in our accents.
- It sounds so stupid.
- Um, no, it means you are, or would do anything but that.
So this guy said I was cute but I said, "ever that",
Oh meaning like no, I'm not, or like, block.
- Block.
- I said if you said something like, Joel,
I look really ugly today, I'd be like 'ever mean'.
No, is that the one, oh it's ever that?
- Ever that.
Ever that, does it mean like, stop with the negativity.
- It means like that.
- Oh, ever that.
- [Both] Yeah, ever that.
- I've no idea.
- Ever that, this guy said I was cute,
and I said, ever that.
- Or does it mean yes?
Like I am?
- Yeah I am?
- I'm forever that.
I'm cute, yeah, ever that.
Maybe it means that.
- Okay I don't, we don't get that one, so if that
can be explained in the comments.
- Someone help us in the comments.
And the final one, Hoagie, I know what this means, so.
- Hoagie?
- Yeah.
- Bogey.
- No.
- Ew.
- Hungry for a bogey.
- Oh.
- Oh I'm feeling hoagie.
- Hoagie for my own bogey.
- So gross, unsubscribe.
- We're so not normally this gross.
- No.
- Um, well I've just read it haven't I.
- Well done.
- When you look down to look at the word again
and then you accidentally read the description.
- Yeah.
Like a subway, so you can get like a sub, or a hoagie,
or a sammich, they all mean the same thing.
- Sammich.
- Sammich is my favorite.
- Guys I'm really hungry for a sammich.
- Gimme a sammich, ya mean?
That was good!
- That's sick, are you from Philadelphia?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, can I just say finally
one that we learnt on the show, is wit.
- Wit, oh yeah.
- W-I-T it means--
- What was that again, cream cheese?
- It's a Philly cheese steak wit, means can I get
the cheese steak with onions.
- With onions.
- So without onions it's just a Philly cheese steak,
but Wit is with onions.
- Wit, that's so weird it's like when we learned in New York
the schmear means cream cheese, can I get a schmear,
bagel with schmear or a schmear bagel.
It's wit, it's so cool.
- Wit.
- Well guys If you enjoyed that video, don't forget to
give us a like and subscribe, we post videos thrice weekly.
- You can smash that subscribe button.
- Smash that subscribe button and that notification bell.
to be alerted for every time I post a video!
- It's an in joke, it's cause we're too old for YouTube.
- We're too old, there's so many young YouTubers
that do this high energy stuff.
- We do hand gestures but we don't go like,
we go thrice weekly.
- Thrice weekly and then like, boom boom boom boom.
- Smash that subscribe, notifications on, okay,
that's it guys.
- Cool.
Send us your slang, let us know what other slang
in the comments below we love learning from you guys,
we're actually getting more and more clever.
- Every time.
- Yeah!
- We do it.
- Well you remembered the word Wit,
that's more than I did. - Thanks darling.
- Well done.
- I don't know why it stuck,
things don't usually stick with me.
- No they don't, that's true.
- They take a long time to stick into my funny little head.
- Ya mean?
- Ya mean?
- Ever that!
- Ever that!
We sound so hillbilly.
We sound like The Amanda Show.
- Yeah we do, I love that show!
- Also if you want to watch the like, full Preston and Steve
interview, we'll link it down below, it was streamed live
on their Facebook page, um, yeah, do that.
And if any of you know of any other radio shows
that would like to interview Joel and Lia, hook us up!
- We could do phone interviews.
oh wait no, last I was on the phone to America
it cost me so much money!
We won't do a phone interview!
- If they, or if they're in London, whatever just hook us up
we love radio now.
- Love radio, we've got faces for the radio.
- Yeah we have.
- Ever that.
- Ever that!
- Okay, goodbye guys.
- Anyway, love you guys, see you soon.
- [Both] Bye!
- [Lia] Oh well Joel, what's a, uh--
- [Joel] What's a dickhead, should we put dickhead in it?
- [Lia] Someone stupid!
- [Joel] We say dickhead here in the U.K., so--
- [Lia] Stop acting like a dickhead, yeah, that's so funny
she said that, ard, ard, shat's a-r-d?
- [Joel] Oh that's something we learnt on the show,
it means you're okay, alright, but Preston and Steve
didn't know what It meant.