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  • - When have you ever seen all four Tesla's together?

  • I've never seen it in a picture or a video before.

  • (dramatic orchestral music)

  • What is up everybody?

  • If you remember we got a Tesla Roadster,

  • an original Roadster.

  • And we already have a Model X, this gray guy right here.

  • But one of our friends Shay,

  • I'll link him in the description below,

  • but he reached out to us and said,

  • hey I just got a Model 3 Performance

  • and my buddy has a Tesla Model S P100D.

  • So we thought it'd be fun to come out

  • to an abandoned airport runway

  • and see what it would be like to accelerate

  • with every one of these cars.

  • This is every Tesla that Tesla has ever made.

  • It's the Model S, the Model X,

  • the Model 3 and the original Roadster.

  • A lot of people forget about that original Roadster,

  • but check it out, there's our new little blue guy,

  • 523 the Model S, Model 3, and the Model X.

  • These are all performance models.

  • (record scratching) Other than the Tesla Roadster,

  • it's not really the sport model, but it's the Roadster.

  • I would imagine the Model S is going to be the fastest

  • but who knows when you're going zero to 60,

  • maybe it depends on the driver

  • and how quick you push on the pedal.

  • We're gonna get some crazy good videos,

  • Shay is like, an expert filming guy, cinematographer.

  • He's got his drone out, you figure it out yet?

  • - Oh, oh yeah, in fact Danny said

  • that if I win with my Model 3

  • I get your Roadster reservation, was that correct?

  • - You can have this Roadster and I'll take your Model 3.

  • (laughing)

  • 'Kay I'm gonna put this camera right here,

  • hopefully nobody hits this, it would be bad for the camera

  • it'd probably be worse for the Tesla.

  • So, get ready for this shot.

  • This is gonna be a little tricky but, we can do this.

  • (upbeat music)

  • All right let's give it a practice,

  • what's the countdown gonna look like?

  • - Three, two, one, go!

  • - Yes!

  • Oh, oh wait, nope.

  • (laughing)

  • Sam went, Sam thought that was it.

  • Okay so we're gonna go on go.

  • This is the trickiest part with drag racing

  • is getting people to all push on the pedal

  • at the exact same time.

  • It's gonna be hard to get that

  • because there's just four of us, that's a lot of variables

  • and we're kinda close together, so, try not to hit me!

  • - I won't hit you, you don't hit me!

  • - All right!

  • I probably shouldn't be holding the camera while I do this.

  • All right whenever you're ready, go for it.

  • (intense drumming)

  • Oh wait whoa. (record scratching)

  • Let me make sure I'm in drive, yeah I'm in drive,

  • okay, all right I'm ready.

  • - Three, two, one.

  • (tires squealing) (intense music)

  • (yelling)

  • (engines revving)

  • - Aw they whooped me!

  • They crushed me, ah.

  • (laughing)

  • We'll have to have you take a look at the footage

  • and see how it really panned out.

  • I think my Model X beat the Model 3, so that's good to see.

  • This just goes to show you the acceleration

  • and what's changed within Teslas

  • over the last seven or eight years.

  • This is the Roadster when it came out

  • it was one of the fastest vehicles you could find.

  • And now here we are losing to a Model 3,

  • which the Model 3 out the door is,

  • the one that he has right now I think is around $65,000.

  • This Roadster when it first came out was $125,000.

  • That's what this exact model right here was,

  • I have the sticker somewhere here in the car,

  • definitely the technology has changed a lot,

  • you get a lot from that Model 3 Performance.

  • Let's go ask him if he cheated.

  • Hey how did it go, did you win?

  • - Hail the conquering hero!

  • - [Host] It was hard for me to see, okay,

  • which one was second place, could you tell?

  • - Oh the X for sure. - Oh yeah.

  • - Yeah and the Model 3 came in a respectable.

  • - I actually wasn't pressing the accelerater

  • all the way down, so I just, I hit it wrong, but.

  • - Ugh, second place is first loser!

  • (laughing) - That's right.

  • - This is really nuts, what a cool experience.

  • - [Host] Is it pretty fast though, the car?

  • - It just, like, I think I blackout.

  • (laughing)

  • - [Friend] Three, two, one, go!

  • (upbeat techno music) (screaming)

  • - Jeez that thing's so fast!

  • - [Host] I saw you slow down did you

  • get some gravel on your car or something?

  • - Yeah, I think I chipped up my window

  • on that one pretty good. - No!

  • - [Man] I hope you did, did you really?

  • - [Host] Where, really?

  • - [Man] Did I do that?

  • - There, there, yeah you cheater.

  • (yelling)

  • - Oh, its a shame!

  • Elon, please send him a new windshield.

  • Please, help! - Crap.

  • I saw you slow down before the finish line,

  • I'm like uh-oh, did he get rocks.

  • (laughing)

  • At least you got the ceramic coating on here,

  • that should protect your paint, right,

  • you did ceramic coating? - No, not yet.

  • (laughing) (dramatic music)

  • - [Man] Lesson to all Tesla owners.

  • - Yikes, sorry about that Shay.

  • Let it be noted that this was Shay's idea, no just kidding.

  • (laughing)

  • - They are awesome cars, just nothing else.

  • - I think the real question is,

  • is the Model 3 that much slower

  • to warrant double the price tag?

  • - You know, well, when you figure you have to replace

  • a windshield every time you go drag racing,

  • probably make up that money pretty dang quick.

  • (laughing) - There's no doubt

  • the Model 3 is a good car,

  • doesn't do the Christmas dance like the Model X, but.

  • I'd like to know your thoughts.

  • What did you think about these,

  • did anything surprise you from it?

  • The Roadster surprisingly is the slowest,

  • it's the old battery technology, first car they made,

  • it just doesn't accelerate as fast.

  • Check out Shay, he's the one that filmed those epic shots

  • and edited those beautiful cinematic shots

  • and he has a YouTube channel, he just got started up!

  • And let us know what else you wanna see!

  • What do you wanna see with the Roadster

  • or any of these cars,

  • anything that you wanna see, let us know.

  • Guys, good job at driving, thanks for not crashing

  • into each other, well done.

  • You guys killed it over there, the cameras.

  • That was fun, thanks guys.

  • (laughing)

  • (beeping)

  • Okay so I never won in my Roadster.

  • Sad, sad story, never won, that's all right though.

  • - Seeing how far back you are,

  • makes it even more funny

  • when your wife's worried about the kids.

  • (laughing) - I know, exactly!

  • All right did you hear that comment from Shay?

  • He said isn't it even more funny

  • how scared Lesley was riding in this thing,

  • when I'm clearly the slowest one here,

  • and she was terrified, the kids!

  • - I feel so dangerous right now.

  • If we both die, the kids, Danny the kids!

  • - I think I blackout.

- When have you ever seen all four Tesla's together?


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A2 初級 美國腔

哪款特斯拉最快? (Which Tesla is the FASTEST?)

  • 198 2
    Allen Ho 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日