字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 Lily Carollo:I used to shower at night when I was a boy. But when I went full time, I switched to morning because of the hair. The hair thing. Isn't it pretty? That right there is my mommy. This is my mommy. She's been very supportive. And my father... I would prefer not to talk about. So that's me and my dog, Speedy. I miss Speedy. He's.. he was such a good dog. This is the best Star Trek series. DS9. This is the vinyl version for The Smile Sessions. It's one of the best albums. You remember such a small percentage of the dreams that you have, especially those from your earlier childhood. But I remember this one clearly. I was onboard the Enterprise D, and there was this transporter accident, and I had switched bodies with a female classmate of mine in the second grade. And instead of being freaked out about it, I was kind of content with it. I was happy with it. That was the first instance of... what was going on. From coming out, to getting hormones, to wondering if you'll get the surgeries that you need, finding employment, what other people will think, it's, it's all hard. And I'm not going to be here forever because I have one last thing I need to do for my transition, and I need to be around family and friends to take that last step. My mom has been so supportive, she's just been completely – I am her kid first. It would be so much more difficult, without family support. Maybe near impossible. Surf's Up is about -- it's a song about a man coming to realize that the only way to achieve real happiness, the only way to be really happy, is to have childhood innocence. Is to have that childhood innocence. And once you lose that, and because – you cant, you know, get that type of innocence back. That's where the whole tragedy of the song comes from. Joe Posner, Vox: I think that you might be connecting some of the lyrics to your experience. Lily: Um -- I love kids. I love interacting with kids but when I usually see little girls I kind of look at them with envy. Because, you know, I'll never be a little girl. I was never a teenage girl. [Singing along] ...Aboard a tidal wave ... I can't be a little girl I can't be a teenager. I feel like my high school years would have been so much better. My college years would have been so much better, had I been just, you know, born a girl. [Music: "A children's song..."] If I was the wealthiest person on earth, and if there – if I had to give it all away to be born with a female body, I would give it all away. Am I going to look like your average girl? Am I going to, is transitioning going to turn out all right? Am I going to find a job? Am I going to ... will I get all the surgeries that I think I need to get? Joe: How long has it been, that you've been, like, working toward that? Lily: About two years and nine months. When I don't have to wake up and be worried about something big, that is, that is when I know I will be through it.
B1 中級 美國腔 作為變性婦女的生活 (Life as a transgender woman) 1673 30 Celeste 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字