字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Now, most people have a pretty good idea of whether they're an introvert or an extrovert. 大部分人應該很清楚自己是內向或是外向的人。 So, here's an easy question for you: are you an introvert or an extrovert? 所以,有個很簡單的問題要問你:你是內向者,還是外向者呢? Whatever you replied, I'm sure you're right, but there's a little bit more to it. 無論你的答案是什麼,我想你都沒錯,但其中有更多的涵義。 Within introversion and extroversion, you have a lot more detailed personality traits. 在內向性與外向性之間,每個人都有更多具體的性格特質。 And understanding more about these can help improve your well-being—particularly if you're introverted. 多了解自己的性格特質可以幫助你提升幸福感,特別是如果你很內向。 In the West, we live in a world designed for extroverted behavior. 在西方,我們活在一個為外向行為所設計的世界。 To get ahead in a typical workplace, for example, you have to survive an open plan office, attend conferences and their networking mixers, and do presentations to rooms full of people. 例如,為了在平時的工作場所獲得認可,你必須在開放式辦公室中游刃有餘,參加會議以及社交聚會,還有在擠滿人的會議室裡做簡報。 In her book "Quiet", Susan Cain calls this The Extrovert Ideal—the belief that the ideal self is gregarious, Susan Cain 在其所著《安靜,就是力量:內向者如何發揮積極的力量!》中,說明了理想的自我善於交際。 highly social, and comfortable in the spotlight. 社交能力強並樂於成為目光焦點。 Even studies have found that extroverted people land more frequently in leadership positions and enjoy higher levels of happiness. 甚至有研究發現,外向的人更容易位居高位,享受更高程度的幸福感。 A lot of these findings are based on broad definitions, where extroverts are sociable, outgoing, and assertive, and introverts have a more reserved demeanor. 很多研究都是基於一些寬泛的定義,即認為外向型的人善交際、外向、又堅定自信;內向型的人行事保守、低調。 But there are many nuances of your personality. 但每個人性格上又存在很多細微差異。 A 2017 study looked at which detailed personality traits indicate high levels of well-being. 2017 年的一項研究檢視了那一個特定的性格特徵預示著更高的幸福感。 They found that higher enthusiasm predicted positive relationships, self-acceptance, and life satisfaction. 研究者發現,更高的熱情預示著積極的人際關係、更高的自我接受度和生活滿意度。 Those with more intellectual curiosity experienced more personal growth, 求知欲較高的人,成長速度會更快。 which is probably good news for everyone watching this video! 這對正在觀賞這部影片的人來說可是好消息! And more industrious people were more likely to be satisfied with their purpose in life and experience positive mood. 而勤奮的人更容易對自己的人生目標感到滿意,並擁有積極樂觀的心態。 Even if these personality traits aren't well-developed right now, 即使這些性格特質目前還未得到充分發展, they can evolve over the course of your life. 它們會在你的人生過程中逐漸發展茁壯。 You can aim to be more enthusiastic or industrious over time. 隨著時間過去,你可以努力讓自己變得更熱情、更勤奮。 But it is a slow change. 但這是一個緩慢變化的過程。 Another line of research looks at how you feel in your environment right now. 另一項研究著眼於你對當前環境的感受, This feeling of how well you fit into your surroundings, whether that be your school, 你對周圍環境的適應程度,不論是你的學校、 workplace or social settings, is known as person-environment fit. 工作場所或社交場合,稱作「人與環境契合度」。 A lot of people in the West who are more introverted feel like they don't fit in, so then 許多內向的西方人覺得他們無法融入環境。 they fake being extroverted, and this leads to lower self-esteem. 所以他們假裝外向,這會導致自尊心下降。 This was the basis for a 2018 study, where researchers 2018年一項研究就以這個想法為基礎。 looked at the relationship between person-environment fit, introverts, and well-being. 研究人員檢視人與環境契合度、內向性與幸福感之間的關係。 Participants were asked how introverted or extroverted they are and then how introverted or extroverted they wanted to be. 參與者會被詢問他們有多內向或外向,還有他們想要變得多內向或多外向。 The majority of participants wanted to be more extroverted, particularly those who were introverted. 大部分參與者都想要變得更外向,特別是那些比較內向的人。 This was largely because they live in a society that values extroversion. 這主要是因為他們生活在一個以外向為主流的社會。 More than 80% of the participants said they felt like it was necessary to show extroverted characteristics in just going about their daily life. 超過 80% 的參與者說,他們覺得在他們的日常生活中有必要表現得外向。 Now researchers called this desire to be more extroverted than you are your extroversion-deficit belief. 研究者將這種想要變得比你現在更外向的欲望稱為「外向性不足信念」, And it highlights the importance of self-acceptance in your beliefs. 這也凸顯了在你的信念中自我接納的重要性。 For example, this study found introverts who were self-accepting and comfortable with their 例如:這個研究發現,內向者對於他們的內向性有較高自我接受度與舒適度的人 introversion experienced higher levels of well-being, closer to those experienced by extroverts. 會感受到較高程度的幸福感,跟外向者感受到的程度差不多。 And well-being didn't come from people having a particular personality trait, it came from how their beliefs about themselves interacted with those traits. 幸福感不是來自特定人格特質的人們,而來自他們對自己的信念與那些人格特質如何互相影響。 So becoming more accepting of your introversion and 所以接受你自己的內向性 your place on this introversion-extroversion continuum.... 和你在內向—外向光譜上的位置, is essential for introverts to increase their well-being. 對增加內向者的幸福是很有必要的。 Luckily, your beliefs can be changed. 幸運地是,你的信念是可以改變的。 For starters, remember that schools and workplaces in the West are often geared towards extroverts. 首先:記得西方的學校、工作場所通常是適合外向者的。 Feeling uneasy in these situations doesn't mean that you don't fit in, 在這些處境中感到不自在不代表你無法融入。 it means that they weren't designed for you. 而是代表這些環境不是為你所設計的。 Focus on your strengths and situations where you can use them. 專注於你的優勢,以及可以發揮優勢的時候。 Know that not all introverts are the same. 要知道不是所有的內向者都一樣。 Some are shy, some are anxious, some are reflective, and others just prefer quiet time. 有些很害羞、有些很焦慮、有些比較深思熟慮,還有其他人可能只是想要安靜的時間。 A good task is to add a qualifier to how you are introverted, so you can understand more about how you will respond to a specific environment. 有個好做法是分辨出你是哪一種的內向性,所以你就能更了解在特定環境裡你會如何反應。 And don't force yourself to be someone you're not! 還有不要強迫你自己成為另一個人! More than one third of people fall on the more introverted side of the spectrum. 超過 3 分之 1 的人落在光譜中偏向內向的一邊。 You can try to mould your specific personality traits to be more enthusiastic or intellectually curious or industrious over time. 隨著時間的推移,你可以把你自己的人格特質塑造得更熱情、更有求知欲或是更勤勞。 And this may lead to increased wellbeing, 這可能可以讓你增加幸福感, but the biggest thing that leads to happiness is accepting that being an introvert is okay. 但通往幸福的重點是要接受身為內向者沒什麼不好。 It's normal. 這很正常。 And practicing self-acceptance leads to the greatest boost in well-being. 實踐自我接納可以最大限度地提升幸福感。
C1 高級 中文 美國腔 外向 內向 幸福感 人格 接納 研究 外向的世界、內向的你,如何快樂調適? (An Introvert's Guide to Happiness) 47046 1183 Aniceeee 發佈於 2023 年 08 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字