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  • When it comes to managing your weight, we know that it mostly boils down to our ability,

  • or lack of ability, to properly control our food intake.

  • Successful weight loss is mostly dictated by eating less in terms of *calories* than

  • we burn.

  • Weight gain is the opposite, where above all else, you need to eat more.

  • These concepts are fairly simple to understand.

  • Execution, however, tends to be significantly tougher.

  • One of the main reasons why: According to the scientific data, more often than not,

  • we tend to underreport our food intake.

  • In other words, we suck at understanding our food.

  • We often think we're eating less than we actually are, and that's why we don't

  • see any results.

  • So how do we fix this?

  • Well, you know those calorie tracking apps your fit friend has always been harping about?

  • That might just do the trick.

  • Track your food to know exactly how much you're eating!

  • Crazy idea, right?

  • In all seriousness, monitoring your food can be quite effective.

  • And it's actually nothing new.

  • Even back in 93, studies implementing self-monitoring tests were able to yield great weight loss

  • results.

  • With pen and paper no less.

  • Nowadays, mobile apps make tracking easier than ever, even recording intake just by scanning

  • your food labels.

  • But to elucidate tracking efficacy further, we can take a little dive into a fresh, 2019

  • study from the Journal of Obesity Society.

  • In this 6-month weight loss study, subjects were instructed to track every single thing

  • they ate or drank into a web-based food tracking system.

  • However, researchers weren't interested in the subjects' food choices, but rather

  • their tracking patterns.

  • With that in mind, data was collected on the amount of times subjects logged their food

  • per day, the time they spent on the website, the amount of days per month they tracked

  • their food, and the amount of weight they lost.

  • The results: Those that lost the most weight, categorized

  • as losing 10% or more of their initial bodyweight, were the most consistent in their food tracking

  • endeavors.

  • Those that lost the least, categorized as losing less than 5%, were also the least consistent.

  • At the end of the study, the most successful group tracked 21 days of the month with an

  • average of about 3 sessions per day.

  • The least successful group clocked in at only 9 days per month with a one and a half session

  • average per day and more than half quit tracking completely.

  • Boom.

  • Simply put, track your food folks.

  • Now, if you're one of those that complain that tracking takes too much time and effort,

  • note that the most successful group in the study initially took only 23 minutes per day

  • to track their food.

  • By the end, it dropped down to just 16 minutes.

  • Again, they used a web-based system.

  • Consumer apps like MyFitnessPal should be much easier and quicker to use.

  • Perhaps taking only 10 minutes of your day.

  • Now, a few tips on actually tracking your food:

  • 1.

  • Make sure you log EVERYTHING, especially those little snacks you think wouldn't make a

  • difference.

  • They do.

  • 2.

  • Track frequently.

  • Best practice is about 3 times per day like the folks in the study, preferably around

  • the times you have your big meals.

  • 3.

  • Once you know your average intake, adjust it as you see fit.

  • In short, more food if you're trying to gain weight.

  • Less food, or better yet, more exercise, if you're trying to lose weight.

  • And 4, be consistent.

  • No explanation needed there.

  • Oh, and one more thing.

  • Even though tracking's main appeal is to learn your caloric needs, it doesn't mean

  • to just go eat whatever you want until you hit that magic calorie number.

  • Choosing healthy whole food choices is still a good idea.

  • And getting something like more protein, especially for weight loss, might help you achieve your

  • results more effectively.

  • Another topic for another day.

  • But there you have it.

  • Track your food folks.

  • Once you understand your food a bit better, you can dial your tracking back just a tad

  • bit.

  • For now, let's get to it and happy tracking!

  • Let me know about your tracking experiences in the comments below.

  • Has it worked for you?

  • If not, what's something better?

  • If you enjoyed this video, please it give it a hearty thumbs up and share it with your

  • tracking-loving friends.

  • As always, thank you for watching and TRACK YOUR PROTEIN!

When it comes to managing your weight, we know that it mostly boils down to our ability,


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B1 中級 美國腔

為什麼你必須跟蹤你的食物!(新科學)通過計算卡路里有效地減肥 (Why You NEED to Track Your Food! (New Science) Lose Weight Effectively By Counting Calories)

  • 89 4
    CHEN ZHAO 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日