字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Richard Costolo: I love you too. You know I have to start with by tweeting this, so 我也愛你們 你知道我必須先上Twitter分享 所以 just give me one second. I'm a professional so this will only take a second. 請給我幾秒鐘 我是專家,所以只需要一秒鐘 All right, I want to start off by thanking President Coleman, all the graduates, friends 搞定了。 首先,我想感謝Coleman校長、所有畢業生、各位親朋好友, and family, faculty of course and finally the Board of Regents who sit behind me quietly judging us all. 當然還有全體教職員。 最後是坐在我身後、默默評判大家的校董會成員。 I'd like to also take a moment to thank my mother and father who are here today 我也想-我也想佔用一點時間,感謝我父母今天來到現場 and I'd like all of you to remember at the end of the day, to take a moment to 我希望大家記得在今天結束後,找個時間 thank your parents or whoever it was that helped you get where you are today. They have 感謝你們的父母,或任何幫助你達到今天成就的人 sacrificed greatly for you and we'll be out of here by 3:30 I promise. 他們為你們做了很大犧牲。我保證會在三點半之前結束。 When I woke up this morning and started writing my speech, I was thinking about my first month 當我今早醒來,開始撰寫演講稿時,突然想起我在大學度過的 on campus in September, when I was a freshman. And the football team went into that season, 第一個九月。當時我是大一新生,本校足球隊以季前賽 ranked number one in the nation, preseason and there was all this -- I remember that 冠軍之姿進入季後賽。整座校園… 我記得 September when I got here, there was all this excitement on campus. And our first game was 我九月入學時,校園裡瀰漫著興奮的氣息。 我們第一場比賽 at Wisconsin and we went up there and we lost our first game, 21 to 14 and there was this 於威斯康辛州舉行,我們前去參賽,卻輸了第一場比賽:21比14; just crushing disappointment afterwards. And I'd like you to think of that, soaring expectations 隨之而來的是極度的失望。 我希望你們想像一下,緊接著 followed by crushing disappointment, as a metaphor for your next 20 minutes with me. 熱烈期待而來的極度失望,這正是接下來20分鐘的寫照。 When I was sitting where you are so many years ago, but what seems to me really like just 多年前,我曾經坐在你們所坐的位置,但感覺就像 yesterday, I was earning my degree in Computer Science and, Yay nerds! At the time, 昨天的事。我取得資訊工程學位 耶,書呆子! 當時 the CS Department was in the School of Literature, Science and the Arts, so I had to have a certain 資訊工程系屬於文理學院,因此我必須修滿一定的 number of Arts credits to graduate. And so my first semester senior year, I decided, 藝術學分才能畢業。因此大四第一學期, Well I‘ll take an acting class because" -- I'm just going to pander to the crowd, 我決定:「好,我要修一門表演課。」因為- 我只是想將歡樂帶給大家, that's the kind of person I am. I thought, I’ll take an acting class because we 我就是那種人。 我想,我要修一門表演課,因為 won't have a lot of homework and I‘ll go in and we'll say Arthur Miller lines to 家庭作業不至於太多。我們只需對一些亞瑟‧米勒(著名劇作家) each other and then I can work on my operating systems programs at night. And I loved 撰寫的台詞,晚上我可以繼續研究作業系統程式。我非常喜愛 the class so much that my second semester senior year, I took another acting class and 那堂課,因此大四第二學期,我修了另一門表演課。事實上,我開始演出單人脫口秀, in fact I started doing standup comedy which I'd never done before at the Michigan Union at the U-Club. 那是我不曾在Michigan Union(學生活動中心)U-Club中做過的事。 So that, by the time I was sitting where you guys are today with my CS degree, I had offers 因此,當我坐在你們今天所坐的位置,手中拿著資訊工程文憑時, from three technology companies to go work for them as a programmer, but I decided instead 已有三家科技公司提供我程式設計師職位,但我決定放棄。 that what I would do is move to Chicago, try to get into the improv comedy group Second 我想做的是:搬到芝加哥,試著加入Second City City and go on from there to Saturday Night Live and ultimate fame and glory. 即興劇團,以此為跳板,邁向《週六夜現場》,最後坐享名聲與榮耀。 Now in the Hollywood version of my story, what would happen is there'd be about three 好,在我的好萊塢版故事中,發生的情況是-歷時大約三分鐘 minutes where I would move to Chicago and I would suffer mightily probably at night or in the rain. 我搬到芝加哥,在黑夜或大雨中感到極度挫折,背景將出現音樂。 There would be music in the background and I would come home at night 夜晚時,我回到有一隻狗相伴的高大閣樓, to a dog in a giant loft that I could somehow miraculously afford and fall asleep. And after 藉此才能奇蹟似地忍受和入睡 those three minutes, I would be discovered by a director who would cast me to film and 三分鐘後,我會被某位導演發掘,他會找我拍片, I'd walk down the red carpet and my parents would be across the red carpet giving me the thumbs up. 我會走上星光大道。我父母會走過紅毯,向我豎起大拇指。 In the real world story of what happened when I decided to make a big bet on myself and 現實世界中的情況是,當我決定在自己身上下個大賭注、 take the chance to do this because it's what I loved, I was grinding away for a long time 冒險一試時-因為這是我喜愛的事-我熬了很長一段時間 and I had no money and we would rehearse during the day and perform to these little 我沒有收入。我們白天排練,晚上在一些小劇院 theaters at night for free. And I was taking classes during the day at Second City as well, 免費演出 我白天同時在Second City上課, trying to learn improvisation and I eventually had to get odd jobs because I had no money. 試著學習即興表演。最後我不得不開始打零工,因為我身無分文。 So I put my CS degree from Michigan to use wrapping flatware and selling place settings in Crate & Barrel. 因此,我將我從密西根大學取得的資訊工程學位,用來在Crate & Barrel包裝餐具和銷售居家用品。 But while I kept on improvising in Chicago for many years, I want to tell you two lessons 但我持續在芝加哥從事即興表演多年。 I learned in that very first year there, learning at Second City. The first one was we had this 我想告訴各位,我第一年從Second City學到的兩個教訓。第一個教訓是: director at Second City, who was instructing a class I was in, named Don Depollo. And there Second City有位名叫Don Depollo的導演, are four people up on stage, there are about 10 of us in the class and these guys are improvising 指導我修習的一門課,班上大約有10名學生。4個人在舞臺上表演;他們正演出以自助洗衣店為場景的即興劇。 that they're in a laundromat and the scene ends and Don asked all of us in the room, 演出結束後,Don問現場所有人: What do you see up there on that stage right now? And there was nothing up there, 「現在你們在舞臺上看見什麼?」 舞臺上空無一物, so we described what we see up on the stage. It's an empty stage. 因此我們照實描述:「只是一個空蕩蕩的舞臺。」 And Don says, So far today, you guys have improvised that you're in an apartment, an 於是Don說,「到目前為止,你們曾經演出以公寓為場景的即興劇; apartment, a laundromat and an apartment. What are you afraid of? We all kind of 公寓、自助洗衣店、公寓等場景。你們在怕什麼?」 所有人 looked at each other like, �What do you mean what are we afraid of? And he said, 都面面相覷,心想:「『我們在怕什麼』是什麼意思?」 他說, You need to make more courageous choices. The reason that stage is completely empty 「你們必須做更勇敢的選擇。舞臺空蕩蕩、 and doesn't have a set on it is so that you can go out there and be in the Keebler 沒有任何佈景的原因,在於使你們上臺時, Elf factory or be on the space shuttle as an astronaut who's never even tried to fly 可以想像自己身處Keebler(美國餅乾品牌)精靈工廠;或身處太空梭, a plane before. Make bigger choices, take courageous risks. 卻連飛機都沒開過的太空人。做更大膽的選擇,勇於冒險。」 And a few months later I was studying at Second City with another legendary director there, 幾個月後,我接受Second City另一名傳奇導演 Martin de Maat, and Steve Carell was out on stage. Steve and I were on the same group Martin de Maat的指導。史提夫‧卡爾(美國演員)在舞臺上;史提夫和我同組, and he was improvising something. I was back stage and I thought of this amazing line and 他正在進行即興演出。當時我在後台,想到一句精彩的對白。 I thought, I got to go out there and get into the scene and I'm going to get this line out. 我想:「我必須上臺參與演出,設法說出這句對白。」因此我上了舞臺, And so I entered the stage and I try to start moving the scene in the direction 試著將劇情導向我想說的對白。 of what I wanted to say and Martin stops the scene. He says, Stop, stop. And he says 此時,Martin中止演出,他說,「暫停、暫停。」表面上是 to the whole class, but really he's talking to me. He says, You can't plan on a script. 對全班同學說,但事實上是針對我。他說:「你不能預設腳本, The beauty of improvisation is you're experiencing it in the moment. If you try to plan what 即興演出之美在於當下的體驗。如果你試著設想 the next line is suppose to be, you're just going to be disappointed when the other people 下一句對白,當臺上其他演員的反應不如你所預期時, on stage with you don't do or say what you want them to do and you'll stand there frozen. 你將會感到失望;你將使自己陷入困境。 Be in this moment. And he stopped everyone in the room and said, All of you right now, 體驗當下。」他讓現場所有人停止活動,說道,「每一個人,此時此刻, be in this moment. Now be here in this moment, now be here in this moment." 體驗當下、活在當下、體驗這一刻。」 I continued to stay in Chicago and improvised there for many years and ultimately got lots 我繼續留在芝加哥從事即興表演多年, of auditions for shows and got all none of them. Fortunately during this time, the internet happened 終於得到不少試鏡機會,卻不曾錄取。幸運的是,這段期間,網際網路開始興起。 and that was great because when the internet happened -- I know it's funny to you guys. 這很棒,因為當網際網路開始興起-我知道你們覺得不可思議- When I was your age, we didn't have the internet in our pants. 當我在你們這個年紀時, 褲袋裡沒有網路這種東西 We didn't even have the internet not in our pants. That's how bad it was. I know I sound like my grandfather 甚至連褲袋以外的地方也沒有網路,情況就是這麼糟。 我知道我的話聽起來像老人家的抱怨: right now. We didn't have teeth. There were no question marks, we just had words. 我們連牙都沒有(笑聲)。毫無疑問,我們只剩一張嘴。」 What was I talking about? The internet. 我講到哪裡了?網際網路。 So I dove into the internet because I saw it's this extensible structure that had 因此我一頭栽進網路世界,因為我發現它的延伸性結構 these amazing possibilities and I created a sequence of companies over the course of 具有驚人的可能性。之後20年期間,我創立了許多公司, the next 20 years that led me to Twitter. If there's ever an example of the importance 最後導致我加入Twitter。如果存在一個例子,能體現勇於冒險及致力於你 of making bold bets and focusing on what you love, it's Twitter. When Twitter cofounder 所愛之事的重要性,那就是Twitter。當Twitter共同創始人 Jack Dorsey talks about the origins of his thinking for the product, he talks about his fascination with maps. Jack Dorsey,談到他創立這個平臺的靈感來源時,提到他對地圖的痴迷 He talks about his ultimate fascination with dispatch systems 他談到自己深受調度系統吸引, as he studied maps and the more efficient way of getting things like taxis and ambulances 當他研究地圖及更有效率的調度方式時;例如使計程車和救護車 to where they needed to more quickly. And when he sent out his first tweet, "Just setting up my Twitter," 更快抵達目的地。當他貼出第一則Twitter訊息:「我剛剛創立了Twitter!」 he didn't plan for President Obama to declare victory on that platform in the 2012 election. 他不曾料到,2012年歐巴馬總統會在這個平臺上宣佈勝選消息。 None of us at Twitter thought during the earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Fukushima, Japan that Twitter中不曾有人料到,當日本福島 our service would be a great alternative communication platform if the mobile networks in Japan were 發生地震及隨之而來的海嘯時,日本的行動網路於天災中受損, spotty in the aftermath. And certainly none of us even hoped, let alone considered, that 我們的服務會成為極佳的輔助通訊平臺。當然,不曾有人料到,更別提設想過,當突尼西亞和埃及發生「阿拉伯之春」革命時, our platform would be one of those used to organize protests across the Middle East in 我們的平臺會成為組織 Tunisia and in Egypt during the Arab Spring. 整個中東地區反抗行動的工具之一。 Here's the amazing thing about what I've observed when I've witnessed all of those things. 當我目睹這些事件時,這是我觀察到的一些令人訝異的發展。 Not only can you not plan the impact you're going to have. You often won't recognize 你不僅無法預料自己可能造成的影響,甚至當你 it even while you're having it. A few months after I started at Twitter, Russian President 造成影響時,往往毫無所覺。我加入Twitter幾個月後,俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫蒞臨Twitter Medvedev was coming to the office. And that morning going into the office, the streets 辦公室 那天早上我前往辦公室時, were all completely blocked off by the San Francisco Police and the U.S. Secret Service 舊金山警方已將街道完全封鎖,美國特勤局和 was there and Russian Security Forces were there and so was this crazy scene walking into the building. 俄羅斯安全部隊也在現場,因此辦公大樓四周的景象十分瘋狂。 I remember going through the metal detector to get into our office 我記得進入辦公室前必須通過金屬探測器, which was there just for the day and there were all these guys in these crazy uniforms 那是為了當天裝設的。現場全是穿著誇張制服的 with these beautiful German Shepherds that looked like they could kill you standing right next to them. 傢伙,身旁站著美麗的德國狼犬, And so there was this huge buildup and President Medvedev came into the office with his entourage 看起來彷彿隨時能致人於死,因此陣仗十分驚人。梅德韋傑夫總統和隨行人員準備進入辦公室 and they're all these reporters and cameras behind them and he was going to send out his 他們身後擠滿記者和攝影機。他準備從辦公室將他的 first tweet from the office to the rest ofthe world. Everyone was waiting for that happen 第一則twitter訊息發送到全世界,所有人都引頸期盼那一刻來臨 and as he was walking down the hall, taking a tour of the office before going to send 當他走進大廳,準備在發送 his first tweet, I got a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and I say, What is it? 第一則twitter訊息前參觀辦公室時,有人拍我的肩膀。我轉頭說:「怎麼了?」 And this person says to me, The site is down. And being the thoughtful, charismatic 那個人對我說:「網站掛了。」身為謹慎、充滿魅力的 leader that I am, I said, Like totally down? Totally down. 領導者,我說:「你是指…整個掛了?」(笑聲)「整個掛了。」 So the next day, you know you guys and the rest of the world read President Obama welcoming 因此隔天,你們知道,你們和全世界群眾都讀到歐巴馬總統歡迎 Russian President Medvedev to Twitter and declaring that we maybe no longer needed the 俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫加入Twitter的訊息。他說,「也許我們再也不需要 red phone anymore because we could now use Twitter. But for me, that moment was, The 紅色電話(美國和俄羅斯領袖間的直接通訊系統),因為現在我們可以使用Twitter。」但對我來說, site is down. And it's always like that, not the site is down part. The impact 那一刻的意義是:網站掛了。情況總是如此, is what others framed for you and the world after it happens. The present is only what 不僅是網站掛了的部分。所謂的影響是事後他人 you're experiencing and focused on right now and every so often, my past and present come together. 及世界對你的評價,當下僅在於你目前體驗的每分每秒。 I was invited to this fundraiser at this children's hospital in the Bay Area last year and 我的過去和現在不時產生交集。去年我獲邀參加灣區兒童醫院募款活動, Steve Carell was the guest speaker. And so I took a photocopy of this review of the group that 史提夫‧卡爾是演講嘉賓,因此我將25年前, Steve and I were in Chicago over 25 years ago to the charity auction. And I showed it 史提夫和我在芝加哥即興劇團時的團體照帶去慈善拍賣會。當我有機會和史提夫交談時 to Steve when I got a chance to talk to him. He's mobbed the whole time by people, but ,我讓他觀賞那張照片。他總是被人群包圍,但 we got a chance to have a brief conversation. We looked at this photocopy of the review 我們終於找到機會進行簡短交談我們看著那張團體照, and talked about the different people in the group and where they were now and we'd kept 談論劇團中其他人的情況、他們現在在哪裡。有些人仍與我們保持聯繫, in touch with some but not with all of them. At the end of that conversation, Steve patted 但並非所有人。談話結束時,史提夫拍拍我的背說: me on the back and he said, I'm really sorry it didn't work out for you. You 「真的很遺憾你沒能成功。」 cannot draw that path looking forward. You cannot draw any of your paths looking forward. 你無法預知未來的道路,你無法預知未來的發展, So you have to figure out what you love to do what you have conviction about and go do that. 因此你必須找到自己喜愛的事、找出確定的目標 然後著手進行。 Here's the challenge, so far, you guys have gotten where you are by meeting and exceeding expectations. 其中的挑戰在於,到目前為止,你們已達成或超越某些期許。 You are awesome. You have excelled. Look at you. You looked like an amazing, giant choir. 你們十分優秀,你們表現出色。看看各位,你們就像一個傑出、壯觀的合唱團! But from here on out, you have to switch gears. You are no longer meeting and exceeding expectations. 但從現在開始,你必須改變想法。別再憂心是否能達成或超越期許; There are no expectations. There's no script. When you're doing what you love 人生沒有預設值,人生沒有劇本。當你從事喜愛之事時, to do, you become resilient because that's the habit you create for yourself. 你將擁有眾多可能性,因為這是你自行養成的習慣。 You create a habit of taking chances on yourself and making bold choices in service to doing what you love. 你將養成冒險的習慣,做大膽的選擇,為所愛之事付出。 If on the other hand, you do what you think is expected of you or what you are supposed to do, 如果相反地,你致力於自認應該達成的期許或目標, and things go poorly or chaos ensues as it surely will, you will look to 當情況不如預期或一團混亂時-這是極可能發生的事- external sources for what to do next because that will be the habit you've created for yourself. 你的下一步行動將仰賴外力援助,因為這將成為你自行養成的習慣; You'll be standing there frozen on the stage of your own life. If you're just filling a role, 你將在人生舞臺上陷入困境。如果你只執著於扮演某個角色, you will be blind-sided. Here's the other problem. I don't feel like I can stand here 你將鑽進死胡同。另一個問題是,我認為我不該站在這裡, and tell you to try to have an impact because the problem seems so massive, 勉勵各位試著造成某種影響 it seems impossible to make any impact at all and you just end up feeling like you can't do anything. 因為這項工程似乎太過龐大、似乎難以達成,只會導致你們感到無能為力。 Just thinking about it, you know Syria and Iran and North Korea, is you go through that 試想一下,你們知道-敘利亞、伊朗、北韓-當各位細想以上國家時, list, you know it makes me want to sweat and not just because I'm wearing this robe that 你們知道,這讓我冷汗直流。不僅是因為我穿的這件長袍不含一絲 has no natural fibers in it. I think this was synthesized from tractor fuel three days ago. 天然纖維;我認為這是三天前由拖拉機燃料合成的。 So instead, what I implore you to do is believe that if you make courageous choices 因此,我懇請各位做的是:請相信,如果你做出勇敢的選擇 and bet on yourself, and put yourself out there that you will have an impact as a result 在自己身上下賭注,讓自己放手一搏,你將造成某種影響; of what you do and you don't need to know now what that will be or how it will happen because nobody ever does. 那是你所作所為的結果。你不必急著知道將造成何種影響或如何造成,因為沒有人知道。 So I like to think of you guys in the metaphor of my early improv days as having been backstage preparing 因此,我想將各位比喻成我年輕時在即興劇團後台做準備的階段。 and you are here now and look at everything you've accomplished. It's remarkable. 現在你身處此地,目睹自己達成的一切成就;十分了不起。 You are just also amazing to me and I'm so proud of everything you've done. 我眼中的你們也十分傑出,你們的成就令我十分驕傲。 But as you get ready to walk out under the bright lights of the improvisational stage of the rest of your life, 但當你準備走向人生即興劇舞臺的聚光燈下時, I implore you to remember those two lessons I learned years ago, be bold, 我懇請各位記住我多年前學到的兩個教訓:大膽無畏、 make courageous choices for yourself. Be in the Keebler Elf Factory, what are you afraid of? 做勇敢的選擇。想像自己身處Keebler精靈工廠;你有什麼好怕的? And secondly, don't always worry about what your next line is supposed to be, 其次,別總是擔心下一句對白該說什麼、 what you're supposed to do next, there's no script. Live your life, be in this moment, 下一步該做什麼;人生沒有劇本。享受你的人生,活在當下、 be in this moment, now be in this moment. 體驗當下、活在這一刻。 Twenty years from now, you will be sitting in a different seat in this stadium and 二十年後,你將坐在這座體育場中不同位置; you will be lying in a field looking up at the clouds and you will be holding a patient's 你將躺在原野上仰望雲朵;你將握著病人的手 hand walking into surgery, and you will be grading or evaluating a student's essay, 走進手術室;你將替學生的論文評分; and you will be sitting on the sidelines of your daughter's soccer practice and 你將坐在場邊觀看女兒的足球練習; you will be standing behind this podium. 你將站在這座講台後。 Be right there and nowhere else in that moment, soak it all in and remember to say, 用心體驗那一刻,沉浸於那一刻,記得說聲謝謝。 Thank you. Thank you, hashtag, go blue! 謝謝。 加油,密西根人!
B1 中級 中文 舞臺 史提夫 劇團 體驗 芝加哥 辦公室 Twitter 執行長密西根大學演講:「大膽無畏,做自己的選擇。」(中英字幕) (Dick Costolo at 2013 spring commencement) 16075 2307 Halu Hsieh 發佈於 2017 年 06 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字