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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Adverb Phrase six. The adverb phrase
today is per se. All right. Let's take a look at the note here. Per se basically
means by itself or in itself or in or of itself. Something like that. It is used
about the qualities of something on its own. On its own considered separately
from other things. So now originally comes from Latin. So let's continue with
the note here. In Latin \"per' means by or through and 'se' means itself
himself/herself or themselves. So that's the reflexive part. So that's why in
English, when we say 'per se' in most cases it means by itself or in itself. Okay.
Let's look at several examples here. It is not what he said per se. So it's not
maybe actually the words that he said or the words that he used but it was his
attitude that got him in trouble. So it's not the words by themselves that he used
but his whole attitude got him in trouble. Okay. Let's look at number two. It
is not the job per se. So it's not the job by itself. Like I might not mind
doing this job or that person might not mind doing the job per se that I
don't like but the fact that I would have to work the graveyard shift is the
reason I refused it. Remember the graveyard shift that's the shift at one
o'clock, two three. four in the morning. The person didn't want to do that. They
didn't mind the job. They didn't mind you know the work that you had to do in that job.
But they just didn't want to work that late shift. So it's not the job per se
but the fact that you had to do ... you know, the time that you had to work was not
suitable for them. Okay. And the last one here. It is not his acting ability per se. So
it's not his acting ability by itself maybe his acting ability is good enough
you know, as an actor for the part but the fact that he is not suitable for the
part. Maybe they just wanted a different person or a different-looking person.
Okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's
clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.