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  • Hi, I'm Pam and I'm Alan. And these are our kids, Maddie, Pepper, Avery.

  • And we're the Soong family. This is our home, our living room.

  • This is the room where all of the kids spend the most time

  • And as you can see, there are a lot of toys, a lot of books,

  • a lot of art supplies. So this room encapsulates really sort of all of the

  • activities that the kids do. There's no real organization here. It looks very messy

  • and this is also a room where we invite our friends.

  • It's our family room but it is effectively our home. On a personal note, I've been at

  • home for eight years and it's been a joy. However the only time I haven't worked

  • outside of the home was when I had my kids. I want them to

  • see me not just as their mom but somebody who can be a role model for

  • them inside and outside of the home. And quite frankly this room represents sort

  • of the last big project I needed to overhaul. I want to give this room

  • to the kids where they have the space to play, to learn. I'm excited to build

  • again, like building book shelves, I just build anything. Alright you've gotta teach them to build some stuff too! Ok!

  • I mean, when I look at the pictures and the art, it just reminds me of these

  • little lives growing, and I think our experience is actually really relatable.

  • I think that families come to this point in their life where they feel like their

  • house is a little out of control. Clearing out the room, it seemed like a

  • huge burden initially, and I felt like I really wouldn't be able to do this.

  • But as I was doing this, I felt that it was so important to actually take the time

  • to think about this and to actually get rid of stuff and that it's actually

  • doable. The time spent doing it in the long run, it just really transformed the

  • space and they know where everything goes now. It's not just decorating

  • necessarily, it's really about how you solve a problem and every room is really

  • a problem to be solved. It is such a deep breath and exhale to be in this room.

  • It's fantastic!

  • How do you guys feel about the room?

  • I'm totally freaking out!

Hi, I'm Pam and I'm Alan. And these are our kids, Maddie, Pepper, Avery.


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A2 初級 美國腔

兒童友好型客廳理念 - 宜家家居之旅(第307集 (Kid-Friendly Living Room Ideas - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 307))

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    jack20010207 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日