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(dramatic orchestral music)
- [Ana] Jude is the light of my life.
He's on the autism spectrum,
and so that makes him extra special.
(video game controller clicking)
- [Jude] Justin, Justin.
- [Ana] I don't want him to be stuck
in just a video game world.
(tires crunching)
(car beeping)
Hiking can bring you strength,
and I want to impart some of that to him.
(wind whooshing)
(footsteps crunching)
My parents, they tried to raise me
to be a traditional Latina.
When they thought of outdoor activities,
it was meant for boys, so I was told no.
(gentle music)
It didn't always work.
I seemed to always find a way to break the rules.
2012 was a pivotal year for me.
My mother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.
While she was in hospice, my son's father
decided that he wanted to end our six-year relationship,
and then my mother died two days later.
My son was 4 1/2.
(dramatic music)
It all just shattered me.
(person breathing heavily)
I was in a really dark place.
I literally, one day I had this urge to get out.
Getting to the top of the mountain is a journey.
I've learned so much about myself
and what I'm capable of by taking that journey.
I want Jude to feel a sense of accomplishment himself
when we finish a hike.
Jude does not particularly love hiking.
I have tried to get him outdoors.
I push him.
I want him to expand his horizon.
I do worry about his future.
I want him to be happy.
I want him to find love.
(gentle piano music)
Come here.
Try that one.
Is that good?
- Yeah.
- All right, cool.
You want to lead the way?
- [Jude] I guess.
- [Ana] All right.
- [Jude] You're too slow.
- [Ana] I'm too slow?
They look pretty, don't they?
All these things that I've struggled through,
when it comes to the end of the day,
what keeps me sane is knowing that Jude is okay,
'cause he is the light of my life,
and hearing his voice, seeing him, cuddling with him,
it makes just about everything go away.
- [Jude] There's a bunch of flowers.
- [Ana] Yeah, what do you think those are?
Do you know the name?
- [Jude] No, lupins.
- [Ana] They're lupins?
How did you know that?
- [Jude] 'Cause you told me.
- [Ana] Oh. (laughs)
(gentle music)
- [Jude] Look at the wildflowers here.
- [Ana] Yeah.