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- If you're hungry, there is no better city
in India to find a snack than Mumbai.
With over 20 million residents,
the city is constantly on the move.
It's loud, crowded, and full of flavor.
(water sizzling)
Every street corner is a chance
to taste something fantastic.
(bright music)
North of the center, in a quieter neighborhood
called Borivali, you'll find
a sandwich stand that is one of a kind,
and definitely worth the 300 rupee ride.
(upbeat music)
(speaking in foreign language)
Great things come in pairs, and it just so happens
that around the corner from Kunal's stand
is another exceptional spot.
It's a traditional Indian puri dish, completely re-imagined.
(speaking in foreign language)
Back near city center, just down the road from Juhu Beach
is a stand that is elevating a dish every Indian knows.
(upbeat music)
(speaking in foreign language)
If you head east and cross Sanjay National Park,
you'll emerge on a newer side of Mumbai.
There isn't much happening culturally,
but there is a dish you won't find anywhere else.
(speaking in foreign language)
(upbeat music)