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Brightly storytime presents
I'm a Ballerina! by Sue Fliess Illustrated by Joey Chou
Ballet lessons! Time to go-- we head for the studio
First we balance on the barre, leaning over, reaching far,
Stretching arms and legs out long.
Ballet dancers must be strong!
Five positions in ballet--
We'll review them all today!
Next we plié and chassé, pirouette, petit jeté
We've been working hard all year. Our recital's finally here!
Last rehearsal for the show- Get it right from head-to-toe
Twist my hair up in a bun--
Getting dressed is half the fun!
Tutu, tights, a crown, some bows... Mom puts powder on my nose.
Ballet slippers for my feet.
Now my costume is complete!
My recital starts at eight.
Hurry up! We can't be late!
The music is about to start!
"What if I forget my part?"
"Take some deep breaths. You'll be great!"
I breathe in and stand up straight.
Fix my tutu. Tug my tights.
My instructor dims the lights.
We hope our show will be a hit!
Curtains open...this is it!
That's my number. Here I go...
I can't believe I'm in a show!
Gracefully we bend and rise,
Arms like wings of butterflies.
Perfectly I pirouette! But the show's not over yet...
Glide and twirl, leap...and land.
All the parents clap and stand.
Time for me to take a bow.
I'm a ballerina now!