字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It's not easy dating when you're naturally more reserved and don't go out of your way to meet people on a daily basis. 如果你本來就是個內向且不愛出門交友的人,那麼約會對你來說肯定不是一件容易的事。 But there are many benefits to date an introvert. 但與內向的人交往卻有很多好處喔! As you get older, you may get sick and tired of meeting new people who only want to have a good time. 當年紀漸增,你應該會厭倦與那些酒肉朋友們來往。 Instead, you begin to find yourself wanting more. 你會發現你其實想要的更多。 Here are 5 reasons why introverts make the best relationship partners. 這裡提供「內向的人更具有脫單優勢」的五個原因。 1. They can teach you to take less for granted. 第一,他們教你不把一切視為理所當然。 Introverts are observant and notice the little things that are commonly overlooked. 內向的人是觀察者,他們能夠注意到經常被忽略的小細節。 This means that they have a keen eye for unique moments. 這表示他們對於特殊的時刻有著敏銳的觀察力。 They also know how to slow down and learn to appreciate things in the present. 他們也知道如何放慢腳步並學會珍惜當下。 As wise individuals, they don't see life as a race, they know how to pace themselves. 作為有智慧的人,他們不認為生活是競爭,他們知道如何自我調適。 So if you catch yourself constantly feeling burnt out or stressed because you're always looking for the next big thing. 如果你經常感到焦慮或壓力,是因為你總是希望自己能夠出人頭地。 Unwind with your partner and learn how to enjoy what you have now. 與你的伴侶一起放鬆,學會享受當下的美好。 2, they make you their top priority. 第二,他們把你當作第一。 Are you unsure about entering a long distance relationship? 你是否對於遠距離戀愛感到不安? If your partner is an introvert, you won't have to worry about becoming less important to them. 如果你的伴侶是個內向的人,那麼你大可不必擔心你在他們心中的份量會減少。 In fact, introverts tend to excel in long distance relationships. 其實,內向的人往往在遠距離戀愛中表現得更出色。 Because they put a lot of effort in making things work with their partner. 因為他們很努力維繫與伴侶的感情。 Consider it a reliable individual, they are great in making a practical schedule that lines up with yours. 他是一個很可靠的人,他們非常善於將你納入他計畫。 Introverts also tend to enjoy going out of their way to bring joy to their partners. 內向的人也會非常努力地帶給伴侶快樂。 Because that's how they demonstrate their love and dedication. 因為這是他們表現愛與奉獻的方式。 For long distance relationship tips please be sure to check out our video here. 如果需要遠距離戀愛的小秘方的話,請點這邊的影片觀看。 3, you can count on them to be there for you on your bad days. 第三,當你心情不好的時候,他們會陪伴在你身邊。 Maybe you just got laid-off, or maybe you're dealing with some family drama. 你可能剛被解雇,或正為家裡的事煩惱不已。 Whatever the case may be, if you need to have a good cry, know that you can do so on your partner's shoulder. 不管發生什麼事情,如果想痛哭一場的話,你要知道伴侶的肩膀永遠會借你靠。 Introverts make great listeners and excellent problem-solvers. 內向的人是傑出的聆聽者與問題解決者。 Because they know how to absorb information and pick up on useful details. 因為他們知道如何吸收資訊並從中獲取有用的細節。 Of course no one's perfect and that's impossible to have all the answers. 當然沒有人是完美的,所以不可能得到解決問題的所有答案。 But introverts are careful and earn less stirring time of their emergencies. 但是內向的人很細心,當面對緊急情況時,可以將反應時間降到最低。 No matter how big or loud the storm is, they know how to provide the calm, which is incredibly refreshing. 不管「風暴」多大多吵雜,他們總是懂得給予冷靜的氛圍,令人振奮起精神。 4, you always feel like there're something interesting to learn about them. 第四,你總是覺得在他們身上可以學習到很多有趣的東西。 Introverts are naturally mysterious by nature. 內向的人本身就帶有神秘的氣質。 They prefer not to put all their cards down at once and slowly warm up to others. 他們一開始並不會輕易地卸下心防,但會慢慢地溫暖他人。 So if you're dating an introvert, be thankful that they chose to let you in. 所以如果你正在和一個內向的人約會,應該感謝他們讓你進入他們的世界。 Since introverts tend to internalize their thoughts often, their inner worlds tend to be complicated yet rich and full of imagination. 由於內向的人傾向於將他們的想法藏在心裡,他們的內心世界往往比較複雜、豐饒且富有想像力。 They make deep thinkers and always think to have something interesting to say when you least expected. 他們總是深入思考,且在你意想不到的時候說出一些很有趣的話。 5, they're in it for the long haul. 第五,他們傾向於建立長期戀愛關係。 Looking for a one-night stand? 想找一夜情嗎? Then look someone else because you've got the wrong person. 那麼你應該去找別人因為你找錯人了。 Introverts like to weigh all their options before making any decisions. 內向的人在做決定之前喜歡列出所有的選項。 This makes them methodical, responsible, and level-headed. 這讓他們顯得有條不紊、有責任感且頭腦清醒。 If an introvert chooses you as their partner then it means they see a future with you. 如果內向的人選擇你當他們的伴侶,這表示他們在你的眼裡看見未來。 We all know that excitement eventually wears off after the first stage of relationships. 我們都知道,在熱戀期過了之後,興奮新鮮感終究會消失。 But this never discourages introverts. 但這並不會使內向的人卻步。 In fact, they don't care about adrenaline rush. 事實上,他們並不在意腎上腺素的飆升。 So you'll know that your partner's serious about you because they have a good time with you regardless. 所以你會知道你的伴侶對你很認真,因為無論如何他們都能愉快地與你相處。 Good luck out there! Introverts are no lose of targets. 祝你好運啦!不要錯過任何內向的人喔! It might just be best to set up the Netflix bay and wait. 最好可以在 Netflix 看部影片並等待。 But before you go, subscribe to Psych2Go. 但在你離開之前,記得訂閱我們 Psych2Go 喔! And remember to let us know any of your experience as with introverts. 然後記得告訴我們你與內向者交往的經驗。 Also, don't forget to check out our Patreon for some awesome Psych2Go perks. 不要忘記去看看 Patreon 頁面上我們 Psych2Go 的文章喔! Thanks for watching! 謝謝觀看!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 內向 戀愛 細節 學會 表現 卸下 你是內向的人嗎?別擔心,或許你更具有脫單優勢喔! (5 Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Relationship Partners) 62685 2568 jasmine 發佈於 2019 年 06 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字