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- Hi, we're Joel and Lia.
- And this video is stereotypes
that British people have about Americans
- [Together] Debunked!
(laughs loudly)
- So we've taken inspiration from a website called
Matador Network and this is listing
some stereotypes that we Brits have about Americans.
But based on this article and our inexperiences,
we know that lots of these stereotypes
aren't actually true.
- So we're gonna debunk them! - So we're gonna discuss it.
- We're gonna debunk them. - Debunk them!
- Consider yourself debunked.
(laughs loudly)
- Like the article calls it like, busted!
And we were like what's a more Joel and Lia word for that?
- [Together] Debunked.
- So the first stereotype is that
all Americans love McDonald's.
- Wrong, they love Wendy's, In-N-Out Burger...
- [Together] Chick-fil-A...
- Whataburger...
- Jack in the Box...
- Well that might be true, but that's a stereotype as well.
Not just McDonald's but they love all fast food.
And it's probably because it stemmed from America.
Loads of these brands that we just mentioned
are all American brands.
- Yeah.
And also, it's not that people love that food,
it's that that what's so readily available I would think.
- Yeah, definitely.
- It's just like well what other choice is there really?
- I know, true.
- There's like fast food everywhere.
- Fast food all over the place,
but saying that, there is also a whole
wide variety of like...
- Genres. - Types of food.
Genres of food, like you guys have
amazing Mexican food, you have amazing, like,
Lebanese food, Thai food, there's so many
different foods in America that I think
we Brits just go, ew fast food is America.
- Yep. - But actually it's
a whole load of different things.
- Yeah definitely, and like some of the best food
might be out of like a van or something.
- Yeah, like street food. - Like a street food.
But yeah, certainly all Americans love McDonald's...
- [Together] Not true.
- Brits need to stop saying that.
We love McDonald's. - Yeah.
We would probably say before like,
oh Americans love McDonald's and they love making it
bigger, better, larger. - Yeah.
- And I know a lot of their portion sizes are bigger, but.
- Yeah, but still, we're learning,
we're learning more about America.
- Okay, next stereotype is that Americans are lazy
and they drive everywhere.
- I guess it is true Americans do
drive everywhere and they have huge cars,
loads of gas, loads of fumes, loads of pollution...
- Yeah.
- But they kind of need to. - Yeah.
- We've experienced that. - Like it's...
- You can't not have a car.
- I know, like we were just like
oh, the supermarket's only,
it's only a 10 minute walk away.
So we walk there from where we're staying
in Austin to the supermarket and we just
find ourself walking along a motorway.
- Yeah.
- Like we're literally just walking
along this massive main road. - Yeah.
And sometimes the pavement will just,
or sidewalk, will just come to an end.
- They stop.
- And you're like... - The sidewalk's finished.
- What am I supposed to do?
- It's not, so it's actually not really an option.
- No.
- To just walk everywhere.
- And so like Lia said before, knowing much about America,
we would've just been like you guys are lazy,
you don't walk anywhere, but now we know
actually that's not the case.
- You can't, just can't.
- You just can't. - You just can't.
- And it's so spread out. - Yeah.
- Like everywhere there's so much space in America.
- I was listening to a podcast and
a girl was saying she's an actress and comedian.
She had like a meeting in LA, she had two meetings.
And they were only 20 minutes walk apart from each other
and she was like I'll just walk.
And like the people she was around were like
that is outrageous.
She's like, oh, I'm just going to walk it.
Got her maps out on her phone and was walking
in the heat, like the hottest day ever,
along this, yeah, basically motorway.
- Yeah.
- On the side of the road and people were just like
what is... - You're mental.
- Yeah, you're mental just get an Uber.
- I mean we do love walking, but it's because
we just assume that it would be like it is in England.
- Yeah. - Really pedestrian friendly,
nice, normal weather, (sighs loudly)
not extremes of weather.
- I just love London not in that if we,
you know if you are walking from one place to the next
everywhere, it's just like. - Yeah.
- You can. - You just can.
- Yeah, and we got an email. - Yeah.
- From someone saying I've hired a car
and I'm going to London, like. - Yeah.
- And we were literally, well,
it wasn't an email, it was actually on the livestream.
- Yeah, on a livestream.
- And I think we were like just take the car back.
- Yeah, just return the car. - Use public transport.
- You don't need it. - [Together] Yeah.
- It's the opposite.
When we go to America, everyone's like you need a car.
And we're like, no! - No, we don't!
- It's the opposite way, Americans are like we need a car,
and we're like no, honestly you don't.
(laughs loudly)
- Yeah. - Yeah, so that's that one.
- Debunked. - Debunked!
- So the other stereotype that all Brits have,
we've said it before, is that all Americans
are super, super, super patriotic
and they're all like America first, America first.
- I don't really know if I can debunk that
because I feel like a lot of them that we've met are.
- Yeah, not it's true.
- So I might have to agree.
Oh no, you know we can't say that everyone is on thing.
There's not one thing that everyone will agree on ever.
- No.
- But I say a majority are.
- I think that, like this article explains it as well,
and I think loads of Americans are
and they are a lot more patriotic than Brits are.
- Yeah.
- But there are loads of Americans
that are just really interested in other countries
especially because most Americans came
from other countries. - Yeah.
- That they're all interested in learning about cultures.
Like 86 percent of the people who subscribe to this channel,
- [Together] Are Americans.
- So clearly they have an interest in
British culture or what British people think about America.
Like it's not just that they're obsessed with America,
there are lots of Americans who love other cultures
and want to connect with their German roots,
with their Irish roots. - Yeah.
- Whether they're Dutch or whether they're...
- Yeah, that's so true actually.
- They are actually, yeah, a bit more diverse than we think.
- Yeah we're not just like America and then we're out.
- Right. - We'll say like America's
great, but also so are many other places.
And they're willing to like learn about other places.
At worst, Brits may be a little more ignorant.
- Yeah.
- Oh, we live in an amazing country.
- Yeah. - Everywhere else
is just a nice holiday.
- I know, literally.
And because we live so close to Europe,
I know lots of Americans are like
you're so lucky that you can just like
nip to Europe, like nip into France
and Germany or Spain. - Yeah.
We are very lucky.
- Brits don't really do that ever.
Like I don't remember the last time I went to Europe really.
- Oh, really?
- It was Paris probably.
- No way!
- Probably. - Wow.
- But like we definitely don't go as often as like...
- As often as we should. - We should.
- I mean the other week I got like a 38 pound flight.
Return to (mumbles) and Spain, so we took it
and like I always look out for cheap flights to Cypress,
which is, in like the colder month it's so cheap
to go out there and see family and stuff.
So I know we could probably take advantage of it more.
- Yeah. - But yeah.
- Considering you can get to France
from London in like an hour and a half...
- Yeah.
- Like that's insane. - It's pretty good, yeah.
So the next stereotype is that Americans
are really, really friendly, talkative and loud.
And the article puts loud in capital letters
so that you can hear how loud they are.
And I don't know, I think there are,
we met a lot, a lot of talkative Americans
but they're certainly not all super friendly,
loud and talkative. - No.
Yeah that's definitely just yeah...
- That is a stereotype. - Yeah, just a stereotype.
'Cause yeah in Texas there were times
that we'd sometimes get into an Uber
and they would just be like...
Not up for it at all.
But then other times you'd get in and they would over-share.
- Yeah (laughs loudly).
- They literally just there was one woman,
bless her, that we got in and we were just like hey.
And she's like are you going here?
And we're like yeah.
And she's like how are you?
And we're like yeah, good thanks, how are you?
And she's like fine, my (coughs loudly),
sorry I'm choking it wasn't her crying.
Yeah she was like I'm fine, I just dropped my daughter
at the hospital, she's going through a really tough time.
Like splurged all of this stuff on us
and we were like that's not something
you really share with strangers.
Not in the UK, anyway. - Yeah.
She was like oh and my husband works here
and he's gonna drive four hours to come pick her up.
Like she was just talking at us and...
As a stranger I just didn't care.
- Yeah it's bad isn't it? - Didn't care.
- Yeah but I think it's just the same.
Stereotypes exist for a reason, yeah,
but at the same time, you can't stereotype anything
'cause Americans are just as different as Britons.
- Yeah., definitely.
But I'm trying to think of anyone else
that we met that's just absolutely not friendly at all.
- Not really in Texas. - No.
- I don't think there's anyone
not super not friendly in Texas.
- Majority of the people were super friendly.
- Yeah I think New York, obviously
was a lot more unfriendly.
- Oh my gosh like that guy in the deli shop.
He was so brutal.
- Deli? - Is that, oh, the bagel.
The bagel. - Oh, yeah the bagel shop.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I just remember being like
you're the rudest person I've ever had to deal with.
I was trying to buy a bagel.
It was so rude! - So funny.
- I was like which one's this and which one's this?
And he'd just point.
And I was like and then what's the difference
in getting that and that?
And he's like (indistinct mumbling).
And I was like okay, do you just like huff and puff?
Like this is, this is your job.
- So bad. - Like speak to me!
- I know. - Okay.
Well I think those are the only ones that
we're going to discuss today.
- Yeah and let us know if you want a part two of this.
- Yeah. - And we'll think about
a few more.
If you want to check out, then ask.
And we'll make sure we link it below.
- Yeah. - And if you like this video,
do all the things.
Subscribe, like. - Yeah, comment.
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- [Together] Thrice weekly.
- Yeah and there's lots of exciting things
coming soon to this channel.
We're really excited this year
for it to sort of take off a bit.
And we'll go traveling and we'll keep,
well like basically the Texas series,
we'll want to replicate it, don't we?
- In lots of other places. - Yeah.
- Yeah, so fingers crossed for that, guys.
- Yeah. - Let's just put out
all the good vibes and (laughs).
- And have a good week, we'll see you next time.
- So yeah, bye!