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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 310. The title of today's lesson

    嗨!我是 Nick P 老師,這是第 310 堂課。

  • is the difference between to friend, befriend, and make friends. So we're

    今天課程主題是 friend、befriend 和 make friends 的差異性。

  • looking at friend as a verb. We're not looking at friend as a noun. Everybody

    在這裡我們把 friend 視為一個動詞而不是名詞,這個詞大家都知道。

  • knows that. That's simple but we're looking at all three as verbs. Okay. Let's


  • take a look at the note here. To friend as a verb, to mean to make friends

    我們來看一下這裡的筆記:friend 當作動詞的意思是交朋友,

  • is a very old use that is rarely used now. So usually we say that we make

    這是非常古老的用法,我們現在很少使用,所以我們通常會說 make friends with someone (我們和某人成為朋友)。

  • friends with someone. We don't usually say I friended someone yesterday. That's

    而不常聽到 I friended someone yesterday (我昨天和某人成為朋友了)。

  • that sounds awkward. It sounds weird. We don't usually hear that. However to


  • friend as a verb has adopted a new meaning with the advent of the Internet.


  • With the beginning of the Internet, we now use to friend to mean to be added as


  • a friend on a social media website or somebody's page, especially Facebook.

    我們會用 friend 來表示在社群網站或某人的網頁上加好友,特別像是 Facebook。

  • So that's the most common you know. You could say that you know, you friended


  • someone meaning you added them to your Facebook page as a friend. You could do

    你可以說你 friended (加某人好友) 在你的 Facebook 上。

  • that, but we don't usually say to friend somebody like in real life. If we meet

    你可以這樣做,但我們在真實生活中不常說 friend somebody (交朋友)。

  • them and you become friends but on social websites, we do use it. And in the

    如果你是在社群網站上成為認識且成為朋友的話,可以用 friend 這個動詞。

  • same sense, you can also say to unfriend. Like if you had somebody as a friend

    同樣地,你也可以說 unfriend (取消好友)。

  • on one of your social websites and I don't know maybe they made you angry or


  • whatever the situation was you don't want them as a friend anymore, you could


  • unfriend them just as easily on the social website. Okay. Let's continue.

    你可以輕易地在社群網站上 unfriend (取消好友)。了解後,我們換下一個動詞吧!

  • Befriend has a more formal use. So befriend really does mean make friends.

    befriend 是較正式的用法。befriend 確實也是交朋友的意思。

  • It is but it's used in a different way. It means more like to adopt someone as a


  • friend and treat him in a friendly way, especially, these are the points you


  • should pay attention to, especially someone who is lonely, far from home, or


  • needs help. So usually the person who's giving help or helping out the person or


  • training the person or kind of adopting the


  • person as a friend, they're the one that befriends that person. We don't usually

    他們就是與他人 befriend (成為朋友) 的人。

  • go both ways with it. Okay. So yes, in a friendly way means ...

    我們通常不會雙向使用這個詞,以友善的方式的意思是 ...

  • usually it is an older person or a person with more authority or


  • someone who can give help, help is to the person befriends the other one. Just

    幫助使對方和他人 befriends (成為朋友)。

  • like what I said. All right. Let's continue. To make friends is the most


  • common way we express meeting someone and becoming their friend. So usually

    make friends 是我們最常使用表達和某人認識並成為朋友的用法。

  • when you meet a person and the two of you hit it off. You like each other.


  • You know, you know, of course just in a regular way and it doesn't have to be


  • romantic. It just means that you made friends. Both people make friends with


  • each other. Yeah. So it's kind of on a very much on a mutual or even basis. When


  • you befriend someone, it's usually the person that's kind of helping out or

    當你 befriend someone (視某人為朋友),通常是指你幫助對方,

  • aiding the other person is the one that we say befriend. Actually befriend I


  • think in British English can also have the meaning of to aid or to help as well.

    事實上,在英式英文中 befriend 的意思也可以是幫助。

  • Okay. So let's just look at some examples here. Example number one. I friended him


  • on my Facebook page. So only on the social media do we usually use friend

    我加他為 Facebook 好友。所以我們通常只會在社群上使用 friend (加好友)。

  • that way. That you added their name as a friend on this media. After we broke up, I


  • unfriended her from Facebook. So again well I just like I said you could use

    當我們分手後,我在 Facebook 上取消和她成為好友。

  • unfriend in the same sense. Number three. When I first came to this company


  • I was befriended by a senior employee who showed me the ropes. Yeah. This


  • kind of covers almost all of them. As somebody who's older. Somebody more in


  • authority. Somebody more experienced, kind of help them out. You know, showed them the


  • way. Then in that sense kind of befriended that person. So again, usually somebody


  • that the one that's making friends that's helping out somebody is the one

    再次解釋,通常會幫助別人的那個人就是 befriends (結交朋友)。

  • that befriends. And the last one of course you know, I made friends with one


  • of my classmates on my first day at that school. So yeah. That's


  • the most common way. So just think of make friends for almost everything else.

    這是最常見的用法。總之 make friends 涵蓋所有層面。

  • Okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's


  • clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.


Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 310. The title of today's lesson

嗨!我是 Nick P 老師,這是第 310 堂課。


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