字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Why do I need to improve my reading? 為什麼要提升我的閱讀能力? Because good reading skills will improve your overall English language skills! 因為良好的閱讀技巧能整體提升你的英文能力。 So let me tell you how you can improve your reading! 所以就讓我來告訴你要如何提升閱讀能力吧! After spending many years in school, we think we're good at reading. 在學校上了這麼久的課,我們都會認為自己的閱讀能力很好。 But what if I tell you we're not? 但如果我告訴你其實不然呢? And that reading greatly affects our ability to learn a language. 而且擅長閱讀與否會大大地影響你學習語言的能力。 Let me explain: First, reading can improve your vocabulary. 讓我來解釋一下:首先,閱讀可以增加你的字彙量。 Studies show that reading significantly improves people's receptive vocabulary. 研究顯示藉由閱讀,我們可以大幅提升接受性詞彙。 These are words that you might not necessarily be able to produce, but you can recognize them and understand them when you read them in a text. 接受性詞彙就是你可能沒辦法產出的字,但在閱讀時能你夠認出這個字並理解它的意思。 Studies have also shown that vocabulary is most important when learning a new language. 研究也指出在學習新的語言時,單字是最重要的一部份。 Second, by actively observing the text, you can improve your grammar. 其二,積極地細讀能夠提升你的文法。 Basically, your grammar improves when you're paying attention to what you're reading and follow the patterns of the text. 基本上,當你專注地閱讀並跟著文章的脈絡,你的文法就會有所進步。 This will enhance other skills, such as writing, or speaking. 這也能夠同時提升其它技巧,像是寫作或口說能力。 And it's especially important if you're trying to learn English for academic or business purposes. 而且如果你是為了學術或商業方面學習英文的話,積極細讀會更為重要。 Here are four ways to improve your reading. 以下是 4 個提升閱讀能力的技巧。 Number one. 第一個。 Read, and read as much as possible! 能讀多少,就讀多少! There're so many things you can read in English: books, magazines, articles, newspapers, and of course our Interactive English lessons! 你有很多英文的東西可以讀,像是書、雜誌、文章、報紙,當然還有我們的互動性英文課程。 Our advice to you? Read something you like! 建議嗎?選你喜歡的題材來閱讀! If you like history, read about history. If you like sports, read about sports. 如果你喜歡歷史,就讀有關歷史的文章;如果喜歡體育就讀運動賽事。 Just choose something that will keep you reading. 只要選會讓你一直想讀下去的東西就可以了。 And remember: practice makes perfect. 也別忘了「熟能生巧」。 Whatever it is you're reading, read it more than once. 不管你選什麼來讀,都可以多讀幾次。 The second way to improve your reading is to check your comprehension. 第二招是「測試自己的理解程度」。 Sure, you read something, but how do you know you understand it? 你當然也讀了一些東西,但要怎麼知道你真的有讀懂呢? Well, for example, if you're reading an academic article, you can write down the main idea of each paragraph. 假設你在讀一篇學術性文章,你可以將每一段的大意寫下來。 Then, when you're done reading, you have a summary of the entire article. 這樣當你讀完整篇文章時,你也會有一份摘要。 Or, if you're reading a storybook, check your comprehension by paraphrasing what you've read. 如果你讀故事書,你則可以用換句話說的方式重述故事,來測試自己的理解程度。 You can either write it or say it in your own words. 你可以用自己的話表達或寫下來。 If you have difficulty paraphrasing what you've read, then this will show you that you probably need to reread the story. 如果你沒辦法重述你讀過的東西,那你可能就要重讀一次。 And of course, you can check your comprehension by practicing with us! 當然你也可以藉由跟我們練習來測試自己的理解能力。 In our videos, we ask you comprehension questions and we'll help you find the right answer if you make a mistake. 在我們的影片中,會有測試理解能力的問題,如果答錯我們也會協助你找出正確答案。 The third way to improve your reading? Read at the right speed! 第三招是什麼呢?就是「用適當的速度閱讀」! Let your hand be your guide. 讓你的手來引導你。 Put your finger on the text and move it along as you read. 在一邊閱讀時,一邊用手指指著相對應的文字。 This will help you find the right speed for you that will maximize your comprehension. 這樣能夠幫助你找到最適合你的速度,也能最大化你的理解能力。 If you're looking for a challenge, there are many speed reading exercises online. 如果你想挑戰自己,網路上也有很多速讀練習。 Or you can also practice with us! 你也可以跟我們一起練習! In many of our reading videos, we show you texts that move at the speed of a native English speaker. 在我們的閱讀影片中,文章會以英語母語人士閱讀的速度移動。 Look, this may be challenging, but it will train your mind to start reading faster. 這雖然會很有挑戰性,但也會訓練你,讓你開始越讀越快。 The fourth and final way to improve your reading is to interact and engage with the text. 第四個也是最後一個方法就是「跟文章互動」。 Ask questions about what you are reading, just like you would ask to another person. 針對你要讀的文章題問,就樣你在問其他人問題一樣。 For example, before you read, you might ask: Who is the main character? Or when do these events take place? 比方說在閱讀之前,你可以問自己:「誰是主角?」或「這些事在哪裡發生?」 Then look for the answers while you read. 並在閱讀時尋找答案。 If you're an advanced English learner, think of questions with more substance. 如果你是比較進階的英文學習者,可以想一些更關鍵的問題。 What is the author trying to tell you? 作者想要傳達什麼? Does he or she make compelling points? 他/她有沒有提出足以說服人的論點? Does the author show any bias? 作者的表達有偏見嗎? When you interact with the text, you will become a better, more efficient reader. 跟文章互動能夠讓你成為更優秀、學習效率更高的讀者。 And you will have a lot more fun reading, as well! 而且在閱讀時也能得到更多樂趣! We hope you find these suggestions helpful. 希望這些建議可以幫助到你。 Be sure to check out our video lessons in order to learn and practice your reading skills. 別忘了看看我們的課程來學習或練習你的閱讀技巧。 We love to hear from our students. 我們喜歡聽聽學生的想法。 In the comments below, let us know what you enjoy reading! 在下方留言,讓我們知道你喜歡讀哪些類型的文章。 We'll see you next time! Bye! 我們下次見囉!掰掰!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 閱讀 文章 能力 提升 就讀 學習 你有「讀」對嗎?打好閱讀基礎,考試不再心驚驚!(How to Improve Your Reading Skills) 82624 3135 Vivian Chen 發佈於 2019 年 06 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字