字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What you see here can be interpreted as either a duck or it can be seen as a rabbit. 眼前這隻可以看成是一隻鴨子,或是一隻兔子。 Once you know the two possible interpretations, your mind will say... 一旦知道兩種詮釋都可行,你的大腦就會...... Duck and then rabbit and then duck and then rabbit back and forth back and forth. 鴨子、兔子、鴨子、兔子,兩種意象不斷切換。 There are many of these bistable illusions out there in psychology books, but very few of them have made it into the world of cuisine. 在心理學書籍裡有許多「雙穩態」幻覺,但料理方面卻非常少見。 What happens when you eat a bistable image? 如果你吃的是一幅「雙穩態」圖片會發生什麼事? Does what you see on the plate bias what you taste? 你在盤子上看到的東西是否會左右你嚐到的風味? Eating is one of the most multisensory activities that we as human beings take part in on a daily basis. 進食是人類日常生活裡,其中一項運用最多種感官的活動。 Sound can augment our perception of flavor and taste. 聲音能夠擴增我們對風味與味覺的感知。 We eat first with our eyes. The visual aspects of food are really important. 進食首先用到的是雙眼。食物的視覺層面非常重要。 People will assign the same colors to the same tastes. 人們會將特定的顏色對應到特定的味道。 White for being salty, black for being bitter, green for being sour, and red for being sweet. 白色代表鹹,黑色代表苦,綠色代表酸,紅色則代表甜味。 Equally as important, weight of the cutlery, the aroma. 同樣重要的還有餐具的重量、食物的香氣。 I just don't think we understand how many of our senses are engaged when we're eating. 我想人們不曾想過自己在吃東西時會用上哪些感官。 That's where the real world research comes in, trying to show the impact of a wine glass or the cutlery you use. 這就是我們實際研究的主題,試圖證明你用的紅酒杯或餐具會造成什麼影響。 A lot of the research that we do around food and flavor, relies on some of the more surprising connections between our senses. 我們有很多食物與風味的研究,都是關於感官之間較不為人知的關聯。 We had people tasting potato chips and each time they bit into one, we changed the sound of that crunch in real time. 我們請人來吃薯片,他們每咬一口,我們就即時改變咬下去的聲音。 And by so doing we're able to show that we can make that potato chip or in fact any crunchy crispy food, it could be an apple or a carrot say. 我們這麼做能夠讓薯片,事實上任何爽脆的食物都行,比如蘋果或紅蘿蔔。 We can make those foods appear fresher and tastier and more enjoyable simply by boosting the sound of the crunch. 只要放大咬下去的聲音,我們就能讓那些食物感覺更新鮮、更可口、更令人心滿意足。 Bistable perception has been a phenomenon of great interest to the vision scientists for more than a century. 視覺科學家對「雙穩態」感知非常著迷,已經有超過一世紀的歷史了。 But what about bistability in the chemical senses, in particular in what we smell and what we taste? 但如果是化學方面的感知,尤其是我們聞到、嚐到的味道呢? We decided to try and bring this element of visual illusion into the dining experience. 我們決定試著把這種視覺幻象元素帶入用餐體驗。 And we did this by literally putting the illusion on the plate. 而我們的做法真的是把幻象呈現在盤子上。 And when tasting the little duck and rabbit terrine that we'd made, if you see the duck first, does it taste more of duck. 品嚐我們製作的小鴨、小兔風味冷盤時,如果你先看到的是鴨,菜餚吃起來就比較像鴨肉。 And if you see the rabbit first, does it taste more rabbit. 如果先看到的是兔子,吃起來就會比較像兔肉。 You may say, why should I care? It doesn't have anything to do with me. 你可能會說,我為什麼要知道這個?跟我一點關係也沒有。 It misses the point that it's precisely because those insights first found in this rabbit innovation space can then be used as a springboard out there into the real world. 人們沒有想到,從這兔子創新實驗中首先學到的洞見,將會是未來應用到現實世界的跳板。 There's some really serious research here that could help in designing food experiences in hospitals, in care homes, in schools, even. 這樣的研究確實能夠幫助醫院、養護中心,甚至學校設計餐食。 Particularly when it comes to things like obesity and malnutrition. 尤其是在肥胖、營養不良等方面。 There are some great studies out there now showing that you can increase by as much as a third the amount of food that these under-fed patients are eating in hospital. 現在有些完善的研究指出,我們可以讓醫院裡進食不足的病人多吃三分之一的食物。 Simply by switching from a white plate to a high contrast blue or red plate. 方法很簡單,只要把白色的盤子換成高對比的藍色或紅色。 We know that kind of rounded shapes are more typically associated with sweetness. 我們知道圓弧形狀通常會讓人們想到甜味。 So we take this nice kind of round plastic pot and fill it with something really red really vibrant and enticing. 所以我們拿這種圓形的塑膠罐,填入很紅很鮮豔誘人的內容物。 We could put a little aroma inside so they get this woosh of kind of sweet banana or sweet strawberry. 還可以再加入一些香氣,帶給人們一絲香蕉或草莓的甜味。 Maybe just by tweaking some of these kind of sensory elements, we could reduce the amount of sugar in the dessert by about 10 percent. 或許只要微調這些感官元素,我們就能減少甜點裡 10% 的糖量。 Very good. And don't forget you go across. 很好。別忘了要斜一邊切。 Having a young son and knowing that there are children around the world that are classed as obese, it kind of makes you want to do something about it. 有了年幼的兒子後,當你知道全世界都有孩子們達到肥胖標準,這會讓你想著手做出改變。 Will you break some eggs so we can make an omelet? 我們來做煎蛋捲,你可以幫我打幾顆蛋嗎? What they need is to discover and explore foods using all of their senses. 他們需要用上所有感官來發現、探索食物。 - What sounds are making now? - It's like sizzling. - 現在你聽見什麼聲音?- 像是滋滋作響。 Bite it. And then close your ears. 咬一口,然後摀住耳朵。 It's really crunchy, isn't it? 真的很清脆對吧? That is a surefire way of engaging children with a more positive relationship with food. 這肯定能成功讓小朋友與食物建立起更正面的互動關係。 - I'm looking forward to this. - Me, too. - 我等不及要開動了 - 我也是。 Children are our best hope of building a more sustainable future in food. 關於食物,孩童是我們打造永續未來最好的希望。 And doing this in a sensory way will give them a rich appreciation. 而從感官方面著手能帶給他們豐富的感激、賞識之情。 I like what it tastes like, what the texture is. 我喜歡它嚐起來的味道、質地。 And a more mindful appreciation for the enjoyment and satiety that one can derive from food. 並且會更懂得欣賞從食物中得到的享受、滿足感。 What is important? 重要的是? That you enjoy your food. 好好享受你的食物。 Very good answer. 這答案好極了。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 食物 感官 兔子 風味 鴨子 盤子 擺盤為什麼很重要?眼睛所見如何影響食物風味 (Visual Illusions That Could Trick Our Taste Buds And Persuade Us To Eat Healthier) 9738 452 Aniceeee 發佈於 2019 年 07 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字