字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Yo guys. 喲大家好。 So today was not the greatest day for Samsung and the Galaxy Fold. 今天對三星和 Galaxy Fold 來說,不是好過的一天。 In a matter of essentially 24 hours, things went from, "Hey, this thing's actually kinda cool" to, "Oh my god, what are we gonna do?" 基本上就是在 24 小時內,事情從「嘿這東西很酷哦!」到「我的老天爺,我們該怎麼辦?」 (sad instrumental music) (悲傷的音樂) There was a handful of people out there with review and it's where seemingly one after another devices were breaking, left and right. 外頭有很多人已經寫了評論,看來慘劇是一個接連一個,左邊和右邊整組手機壞透透。 And this isn't a video to jump on Samsung, or to bash them, or to make fun of them. 我做這部影片不是要為了責罵三星、抨擊他們或是嘲笑他們。 It's actually just a reminder of saying, "Hey, let's be decent human beings." 其實就是為了提醒大家「嘿,我們要當有品的人。」 It's one thing to criticize a company or a product and hey, this thing is like $2,000. 批評一間公司或一項產品是一回事,畢竟它要價 2000 美元 (近台幣六萬二)。 That's a lotta money. 那可是一大筆錢。 You could buy a ton of stuff with that kinda cash. 那些錢可以拿來買很多東西。 So if you paid for that and you ended up with this, I would be upset too. 所以如果你付了錢,得到的結果卻是這樣,我可以想像你有多沮喪。 But it's an entirely different mindset to root for tech to fail. 但如果你只是在一旁潑冷水,那就是另一回事了。 Don't be that guy who's like, "Yes, [Bleep] you Samsung." 別當會說這種話的人:「讚啦,吃 * 吧三星。」 "In the face, Galaxy Fold sucks. Eat [Bleep] Samsung boys, iPhone for life." 「丟臉吧,Galaxy Fold 爛透了。吃 * 吧三星支持者,一日果粉,終身果粉!」 That's just not cool. 這樣不酷哦! It's the same people with the iPad and they see some article of it bending and they're like, "Yes, I knew it. Apple is trash. All you guys are suckers. Oh my god, it's so good." 就好像一些人看到新聞寫 iPad 容易折壞,爽到說「是吧!我就知道!蘋果就是垃圾。你們這群果粉敗類。老天啊這感覺太爽了。」 Like if you get off to this kind of stuff, what is wrong with you? 如果你是會說這類話的人,你是怎麼了呀? I am by no means saying that Samsung gets a pass for this. 我不是在說三星沒有做錯事。 But again, what I am saying is "let's not root for tech to fail" especially when Samsung is taking a huge chance with this and trying to move tech forward. 但再次澄清,我的意思是:別在一旁潑科技冷水。尤其是三星這次真的是大賭,試圖帶領科技進步。 Now the problem from this actually stems from the screen protector like film that apparently was supposed to stay on the Galaxy Fold. 三星這次的問題其實源自螢幕保護膜,顯然 Galaxy Fold 上的那層膜不該拿掉。 But if you removed it, that's when things would turn really ugly. 如果你把它剝掉,糟糕倒大霉了。 Where things get tricky though is there are two sides. 蹊蹺的是,膜有兩層。 You have the retail package where it's more apparent. 有一層是零售包裝的,比較明顯的一層。 They have it written on the plastic saying, "Hey, don't, whatever you do, remove this plastic or you're gonna screw things up." 他們在塑膠膜上有印「嘿,不管怎樣,別將這層塑膠膜剝掉,不然一切都毀了。」 And then you have the reviewer's side, where it looks like apparently Samsung seemed to omit that. 然後另一層是在機體本身,顯然三星忽略了要提醒大家。 I don't know about you, but if Samsung knew this, and you better believe they knew this or it would not be plastered on the retail packaging, it would not be in the actual reviewer's guide. 我不知道你看法如何,不過如果三星早知道,你瞭的,三星肯定早就知道,不然零售包裝那層膜上就不會印有警告標語,使用者指南裡也就不會寫到。 That should be like the first thing you are telling people. 那應該是首要警告事項啊! So one, they don't screw their Folds up. 如此一來,第一,折疊手機就不會出問題。 And two, they can then inform people who are watching their videos not to do this yourself. 第二,他們就可以告知關注此產品的人們,別剝那層膜。 On the other side of things you have people that did not remove the film and seemingly had no issues. 那些沒有剝去薄膜的人們顯然沒有遇到同樣的問題。 There was one guy who even bent and folded his like 50 million times just to showcase that his was okay. 甚至有一個人重複折疊攤開他的手機 5000 萬次,就為了證明它沒問題。 I think there was one where they did not remove the film and still had problems, but it would be interesting to see how Samsung responds. 我好像還看到一個人是沒有移除薄膜但還是遇到了問題,我期待看到三星後續的回應。 Are they going to delay shipment? 他們會延遲配送嗎? Are they going to cancel it? 還是會直接取消交易? Are they going to recall packaging and stamp giant letters on there saying, "Please, please, please. Please don't remove this film or your phone will die." 他們會不會召回手機,然後在包裝上印大大的「拜託拜託拜託。請別移除此薄膜,否則手機會掛點」? Now prior to this catastrophe, there were already people who were writing off the Galaxy Fold. 在這次慘案發生之前,就已經有人在貶低 Galaxy Fold 了。 And yeah, I'll be the first to admit it's expensive, it's Gen One tech. 是的,我承認它很貴,使用的是 Gen One 技術。 And the average person should by no means buy this. 一般人絕對不會買。 But it doesn't mean that we should knock Samsung for at least trying to move things forward. 但這不代表我們就應當唱衰三星,因為他們至少是在試圖引領科技進步。 People knocked the iPad when that was announced and said that wasn't gonna succeed. iPad 推出時,人們也在唱衰它,說不可能會成功。 People knocked the original Galaxy Note. 人們也唱衰初代的 Galaxy Note。 And look, that changed how we look at smartphone size to this day. 但現在回頭看看,它改變了我們今日看待智慧型手機的方式。 We're at this place in tech where people want and almost demand innovation at a rapid pace. 我們現在處於一個人們不斷求新求變的時代。 And the only way you get there is by taking chances. 要想有所創新只有透過做出改變。 Unfortunately, sometimes you fall on your face, but it's ultimately how you react. 不幸的是有時候會跌一大跤,但最終重要的是你如何克服逆境。 And I'll be interested to see how Samsung reacts. 我很好奇三星會如何做出反應。 I'm rooting for them. 我是站在他們那邊的。 (I) hope they can pick up the pieces and get this thing out eventually. 我希望他們最終能夠解決這些問題然後順順利利。 I'm excited for it. 我很期待看到他們成功。 I'm excited for the tech. 期待這項科技。 So thank you guys for watching. 感謝各位的收看。 Just a reminder. 只是要提醒你們。 Hey, let's be good humans. 我們要做有品的人們。 Let's not root for tech to fail. 別等著潑科技冷水。 Let's root for tech to succeed and I will catch you guys later. 而是要支持科技進步,我們下次見啦!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 三星 科技 折疊 手機 薄膜 包裝 三星折疊手機沒幾天就壞了!? (re: Galaxy Folds are Breaking) 17372 393 April Lu 發佈於 2019 年 05 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字