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  • Woah, woah ladies I can explain

  • See um. I'm a princess too. Wait. What?

  • Yeah

  • Princess Vanellope von Schweetz of the Sugar Rush von Schweetzes

  • I'm sure you've heard of us - it would be embarrassing for you if you haven't. [nervous laugh]

  • Pocahontas: What kind of a princess are you? What kind?

  • Rapunzel: Do you have magic hair? No.

  • Elsa: Magic hands? No.

  • Cinderella: Do animals talk to you? No.

  • Snow White: Were you poisoned? No.

  • Tiana: Cursed? No. Rapunzel & Belle: Kidnapped or enslaved? No, are you guys okay

  • Should I call the police? Ariel: Then, I have to assume you made a deal with an underwater sea witch,

  • where she took your voice in exchange for a pair of human legs?

  • No! Good lord who would do that?

  • Snow White: Have you ever had true love's kiss? Ew, barf.

  • Jasmine: Do you have daddy issues? I don't even have a mom.

  • All: Neither do we!

  • Rapunzel: and now for the million-dollar question

  • Do people assume all your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?

  • Yes, what is up with that?!

  • All:She is a princess!

  • [Snow White sings]

  • Whiffy or is it wifey, why don't we just go in?

  • And we are online

  • Cool

  • We are going to the

  • Super-excited is one minor thing. What is the internet?

  • Holy cow. Look at all this stuff

  • Really in these 10 child stars went to prison number six will amaze you

  • Redirecting to eBay ladies and gentlemen the next item up a black velvet painting of a sorrowful kitten

  • It's like it's looking into my soul. Yeah, that one's really gonna haunt me for a while

  • Thank You Lucy good see I don't understand why people like this game raised in milk shake

  • It up pick it pick

  • The kitty for a little while no the kitty gets the milk shake the bunny

Woah, woah ladies I can explain


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B1 中級 美國腔

無敵破壞王2加長版迪士尼公主片段--無敵破壞王打破了互聯網。 (Wreck-It Ralph 2 EXTENDED DISNEY PRINCESS Clip - Ralph Breaks The Internet)

  • 423 16
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日