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Woah, woah ladies I can explain
See um. I'm a princess too. Wait. What?
Princess Vanellope von Schweetz of the Sugar Rush von Schweetzes
I'm sure you've heard of us - it would be embarrassing for you if you haven't. [nervous laugh]
Pocahontas: What kind of a princess are you? What kind?
Rapunzel: Do you have magic hair? No.
Elsa: Magic hands? No.
Cinderella: Do animals talk to you? No.
Snow White: Were you poisoned? No.
Tiana: Cursed? No. Rapunzel & Belle: Kidnapped or enslaved? No, are you guys okay
Should I call the police? Ariel: Then, I have to assume you made a deal with an underwater sea witch,
where she took your voice in exchange for a pair of human legs?
No! Good lord who would do that?
Snow White: Have you ever had true love's kiss? Ew, barf.
Jasmine: Do you have daddy issues? I don't even have a mom.
All: Neither do we!
Rapunzel: and now for the million-dollar question
Do people assume all your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?
Yes, what is up with that?!
All:She is a princess!
[Snow White sings]
Whiffy or is it wifey, why don't we just go in?
And we are online
We are going to the
Super-excited is one minor thing. What is the internet?
Holy cow. Look at all this stuff
Really in these 10 child stars went to prison number six will amaze you
Redirecting to eBay ladies and gentlemen the next item up a black velvet painting of a sorrowful kitten
It's like it's looking into my soul. Yeah, that one's really gonna haunt me for a while
Thank You Lucy good see I don't understand why people like this game raised in milk shake
It up pick it pick
The kitty for a little while no the kitty gets the milk shake the bunny