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  • A new trailer is out for Westworld Season 2, and it reveals lots about the character

  • arcs and themes of the new season, as well as some glimpses at the deepest secrets of Westworld.

  • Bernard wakes up on a beach with the sort of hangover you can only get from finding out that you're a robot and your whole life is a lie and also the sea's full of corpses.

  • Bernard has some thinking to do.

  • Who is he now?

  • What does his life mean?

  • And after Dolores' robot uprising, whose side is he on?

  • Is he with his robot brethren?

  • Or with the humans he's lived with all his life?

  • We see Bernard with human security forces including Charlotte, Stubbs, and new characters Maling and Karl.

  • But Charlotte discovers a bunch of old Bernard hosts.

  • How will she and the other humans react when they find out that Bernard is a machine?

  • How can they trust him?

  • Dolores is enjoying her new freedom.

  • But she's also waging a brutal war against humans.

  • She captures and hangs people, she says it's a “reckoning”, justice for the terrible things humans did to hosts . But it's also a fight for survival.

  • It's us or themshe says.

  • With Dolores is her army of masked men, and Clementine, and Teddy.

  • Teddy seems to be the angel on Dolores' shoulder, politely suggesting that violent genocide might not be the right thing to do.

  • Is this really what you want?” he asks . Dolores meets Maeve, and she also questions Dolores

  • Maeve suggests that taking violent revenge makes you just as bad as the humans are.

  • Maeve's goal is to reunite with her robot daughter.

  • So she confronts Sizemore and demands that he help her. Sizemore points out that Maeve's

  • daughter is just a robot, a machine programmed to play a roleit's not really her daughter.

  • But Maeve wants her anyway.

  • Maybe the idea here is that the only meaning in life is what we choose to value,

  • so there's beauty in Maeve's love for her daughter even if it's artificial.

  • We see Maeve in Shogun World, the Japanese-themed Delos park.

  • Which is weird, because last season, Felix said that Maeve's daughter is in Park 1.

  • And on the Delos website, it looks like Westworld is Park 1, not Shogun Worldso why is Maeve there?

  • Maybe the entrance to Westworld is locked down, so Maeve has to take a detour through Shogun World to get in.

  • Maybe she'll also see some of the other four parks.

  • Westworld security forces mop up what's left after Dolores' massacre.

  • And later it looks like they get in a fight with the Confederados, the ex-confederate soldier hosts from last season.

  • Charlotte, meanwhile, has her own mission.

  • A video hidden on the Delos website shows Charlotte's name along with the wordsFind Peter Abernathy”.

  • Peter is the host who Charlotte tried to use to smuggle data out of Westworld last season.

  • Her plan failed when Peter disappeared from host cold storage.

  • It looks like now, Charlotte's trying to get him back.

  • So all of this stuff is happening in the present of Westworld, but Season 2, like last season 1, uses a non-linear timeline.

  • Some parts of the story are set decades in the past.

  • So we see Dolores with Arnold, the original human Bernard from thirty years ago.

  • And he tells her that dreamsdon't mean anything” – but Dolores doesn't like that answer.

  • Maybe because, according to Ford, “dreams mean everything” –

  • they represent the peoplewho we could become” . So maybe Dolores is now angry that she was held back from her destiny for so long.

  • We see Dolores after sex with Loganit looks like they're both at this party or

  • corporate gig in some real world-looking cityso this could be New York

  • or maybe it's another park, Futureworld or something.

  • We also see Logan naked in the desert.

  • Maybe this is what happened to Logan after William tied him naked to a horse last season.

  • It looks like we'll learn more about William and Logan's conflict, and how William took over the Westworld corporation, Delos.

  • In the trailer, we see James Delos, the founder of the company, walking angrily from Loganwho is possibly James' son.

  • James seems a complicated character, we see him bloodied at a broken mirror in a hidden video on the Westworld site.

  • And we see young William meeting Dolores.

  • But this isn't the conscious humanlike Dolores he fell in love with last seasonthis Dolores looks wiped, and unconscious.

  • Maybe the pain of seeing the woman he loved reduced to a machine is part of what led William

  • to become the Man in Black . Last season, the Man in Black wanted the violence

  • in Westworld to become real and dangerous and challengingand now, he's got his wish.

  • So why does he put a gun to his head, and talk about burning it to the ground ? In

  • Season 1, Ford tells the story of a greyhound that chases a cat.

  • When it catches and kills the cat, it gets confused, and doesn't know what to do next.

  • Maybe old William is the same.

  • He got what he wanted, so now he needs a new purpose.

  • He might find purpose in a quest for the door.

  • Season 2 of Westworld is titled The Door, and we see William approaching the entrance of some bunker.

  • He's also seen here with the broken body of Robert, the robot version of young Ford.

  • And Robert appears in hidden video sayingnow you're in my game.

  • And this game is find the door”.

  • Maybe this will be another cryptic quest to keep William busy for another season.

  • Or maybe it's a chance for him to break out of his empty cycle of violence, and to find new meaning in life.

  • Finally, we see more of these mysterious drone hosts.

  • Showrunner Jonathan Nolan says they're connected to the Delos corporation's “secret project

  • in Westworld . Maybe this red technology stuff is also involvedit sure looks like some

  • super important vibranium unobtanium special nano stuff sokeep an eye on that.

  • [] But it's anyone's guess what exactly Delos's project is.

  • In the 1976 Westworld sequel Futureworld, Delos makes robot clones to replace world

  • leaders and take over the worldso it could be something like that.

  • Or maybe it's a military technology thing.

  • Or human consciousness research.

  • In Season 1, Charlotte suggests it's related to the data hidden in Peter's head, so maybe her quest is key to Delos' big secret.

  • So there's a lot going on here.

  • Westworld continues to tell a complex non-linear story, exploring identity, consciousness,

  • meaning on a backdrop splattered with violence and sex.

  • This promises to be another intense season of TV.

  • If you want more Alt Shift X videos on Westworld, let us know in the comments, and make sure to like and subscribe.

  • And if you wanna see the hidden extra Westworld trailer footage, there are links in the description.

  • Thanks to the Patrons, including Olya Malov, Aslam Nathoo, Wyndle Kinney, Leonardo Traverzo, and akrispin.

  • Cheers.

A new trailer is out for Westworld Season 2, and it reveals lots about the character


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西部世界第二季預告片解讀 (Westworld Season 2 Trailer Explained)

  • 20 1
    Jerry Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日