字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Why the Netherlands is the tulip capital of the world. 荷蘭為世界鬱金香大國的原因。 Every spring, both visitors and residents flock to the Dutch countryside to witness the bloom of tulips. 每年春天,遊客和荷蘭居民都會聚集在荷蘭的鄉村,一睹鬱金香綻放的風采。 From more than 10,000 visitors on National Tulip Day in Amsterdam to hundreds of fields lining the country roads, tulips are a staple in the country and the national flower. 阿姆斯特丹的荷蘭鬱金香節吸引超過一萬名遊客 、上百座花田排排列於鄉村小徑,鬱金香不僅是荷蘭的主要產品,也是他們的國花。 But the tulip has a very particular history with the Netherlands. 但其實鬱金香跟荷蘭之間有一段非常特別的歷史。 Said to have originated in Turkey and Persia, tulips were imported into Holland in the 16th century. 鬱金香起源於土耳其、波斯一帶,在 16 世紀才被引進荷蘭。 They became popular throughout festivals and in paintings. 引進後,鬱金香便大肆出現於各大節慶或繪畫作品中。 Legend says that it became so popular in the 17th century. 傳說中鬱金香在 17 世紀廣受喜愛。 It created an economic bubble known as tulip mania where a single tulip bulb cost more than a house. 它引起的泡沫經濟被稱為「鬱金香狂熱」,當時在荷蘭,一株鬱金香的球莖要價可以高於一棟房子的價錢。 The buying and selling of tulip bulbs became so expensive that the market eventually crashed. 在鬱金香泡沫下,其買賣都變得昂貴無比,市場最終走向崩潰。 Though historians differ on the extremity and accuracy of the legend, tulips still remain an important chapter in the Netherlands' history. 雖然歷史學家對此傳說的真實性和是否造成如此極端的影響看法不一,鬱金香仍然在荷蘭的歷史中留下了璀璨的一頁。 Here are just a few places in the Netherlands that you can find these colorful flowers. 你可以在這些地方看到五彩繽紛的鬱金香。 Every year, Amsterdam hosts National Tulip Day in Dam Square where more than 10,000 people come to celebrate the beginning of tulip season. 每年阿姆斯特丹都會在水壩廣場舉辦荷蘭鬱金香節,超過一萬人會在此共襄盛舉鬱金香花季之始。 Around 200,000 tulips cover the square and are available for picking. 水壩廣場大約會有 20 萬株鬱金香,而且可以供人們摘採。 National Tulip Day is held on the third Saturday of January each year. 荷蘭鬱金香節在每年一月的第三個星期六舉辦。 Keukenhof, one of the largest flower gardens in the world, is home to more than 7 million flower bulbs and is most known for the Dutch tulip. 庫肯霍夫以鬱金香聞名,它是其中一個世界上最大的花園,也是 700 萬株球莖的種植地。 There are around 800 varieties of tulips within the garden. 在花園內有大約 800 種不同品種的鬱金香。 It is only open during the spring for prime flower viewing. 庫肯霍夫的開園時間只有春天,主要是做為賞花用途。 Outside of the garden, visitors can explore the rows of tulip fields in Lisse by renting a bike. 遊客也可以在花園外租腳踏車,探索麗絲花田一排又一排的鬱金香。 Hundreds more tulip fields sit on the countryside in an area known as the Bulb Region. Bulb Region 的上百座鬱金香花田坐落於荷蘭鄉村。 It consists of the flower strip, which stretches for miles between the towns of Haarlem and Leiden. 這個區域由許多「花卉走廊」組成,在哈倫和萊登兩個小鎮間綿延數英里。 This seaside town is popular for its variety of flower fields that begin blooming in late March through the second week of May. 這座靠海的小鎮因各式各樣的花田而聞名,花期從三月底到五月的第二週。 Once an area completely underwater, Noordoostpolder is now a thriving part of the country with one of the largest flower bulb areas in the Flevoland region. 在某個區域完全沒入水中後,東北圩田就開始蓬勃發展,也成了弗萊福蘭省其中一處最大的球莖花卉區。 Travel by car as you enjoy over 60 miles of colorful, vibrant tulip fields. 乘著車,享受綿延 60 英里,繽紛又生意盎然的鬱金香花田。 When visiting the tulips, remember to check when certain fields are blooming and to be considerate of where you're stepping. 要去參觀鬱金香時,別忘了事先確認不同花田的開花時間,也要注意別踩進水中囉!
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 鬱金香 荷蘭 花園 鄉村 水壩 阿姆斯特丹 走訪荷蘭:世界上最美的鬱金香花園! (Why The Netherlands Is The Tulip Capital Of The World) 30674 965 April Lu 發佈於 2019 年 06 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字