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  • - Holy (beeping), what?!

  • (soft music)

  • - This is oddly ominous.

  • - Okay.

  • Okay, this is- okay.

  • (soft music)

  • - This feels like, like a saw puzzle.

  • (soft music)

  • - This is-

  • I don't- okay, I'm just gonna, just go with what I think

  • I should do, which is open the gift.

  • - Am I to assume there's no instruction here?

  • Am I allowed to touch stuff?

  • I don't know why I'm sweating.

  • (laughing)

  • - Holy (beeping) what?!

  • Oh my god!

  • Wait, wait, wait!

  • This isn't a riddle, is this just like a gift?

  • - Is this an elaborate prank?

  • (soft music)

  • (laughing)

  • Can I tell you something?

  • Today's my birthday.

  • - Oh my god!

  • Wait!

  • It's the moon bounce shoes.

  • Oh!

  • - This is gonna be so mean if it's just the box.

  • (laughing)

  • Is this really mine?

  • Oh my god.

  • This was the dream for me.

  • The one big tragic joke of my childhood is

  • that I never got a Power Wheels,

  • it was the one thing I always wanted.

  • We straight up couldn't afford it,

  • which in retrospect, I feel bad now

  • as an adult, 'cause I'm sure my mom felt like (beeping).

  • - This is like Christmas.

  • Wow!

  • I needed this, I've been having a really (beeping) week.

  • Can I keep these?

  • Is that a part of this?

  • Okay- oh my god.

  • This is my favorite thing ever!

  • My mom always told me that these were gonna like,

  • break my foot, 'cause I used to ask

  • for them for like every Christmas,

  • and like me and my brother were really rowdy

  • and destructive, so she never let us have them.

  • And now I'm an adult so suck it, Mom.

  • I can do what I want.

  • Oh wow, this is a lot more involved

  • than I thought it was gonna be.

  • - It's a Jeep, which is a huge deal for me.

  • I actually love Jeeps specifically.

  • I used to have a Jeep.

  • I'm a little bit Jeep obsessed.

  • If I were to get a Power Wheels,

  • it would be this Jeep.

  • Oh so this is what it looks like

  • on the inside of the box, I've never known.

  • Oh there's a lot of pieces.

  • - Look how many bands there are to put this together.

  • There's like a million of these.

  • These are like all slimy.

  • Like I feel like I could literally grease my scalp

  • with this, I don't know, do people grease their scalps?

  • Is that a thing?

  • As a kid I really liked these

  • because I was always interested in space,

  • and the thought of like feeling like I could walk

  • on the moon, like really made me just excited.

  • - This is significantly more complicated

  • than I thought it would be to put together.

  • I would actually appreciate some help

  • if you guys wouldn't mind.

  • (soft music)

  • Okay, so we finished putting it together.

  • I just gotta add the battery,

  • which is the final step to making this a real,

  • honest to God Power Wheels.

  • Oh, there's like a little cage for it.

  • - I didn't read the instructions at first.

  • I was advised to read the instructions,

  • and if you weigh, oh 160 and up,

  • which you know, I'm over 160 pounds

  • 'cause I'm an adult, and you're supposed to put

  • five more bands per slot.

  • I put about five on each, so I hope I don't just like

  • step on this and fall straight through.

  • Man, my mom always said these were dangerous,

  • and how would she know?

  • She never walked in them.

  • - All right.

  • I'm a little larger now than when I first requested this.

  • Oh boy.

  • Some ominous pops.

  • Man, shout out to the parents that did put this together

  • for their kids, 'cause A, it's really complicated,

  • but B, like if it messes up, you like miss a screw,

  • um that's dangerous.

  • Okay, I don't- here, I'm gonna have to, oh god.

  • I'm also noticing there's not a break pedal.

  • There's just one pedal?

  • - My toes hang over the top of them.

  • I'm gonna break an ankle.

  • (laughing)

  • Oh.

  • (gasping)

  • Wow!

  • Okay, whoa, these, okay, okay.

  • Holy (beeping)!

  • (laughing)

  • This is so fun!

  • This is legitimately probably the most fun

  • I've had all year.

  • Oh my god!

  • Wow!

  • I don't know why my mom never let me have these.

  • These are not dang- I mean, they're kinda dangerous.

  • Okay wait.

  • Standing still is like almost impossible.

  • (buzzing)

  • - Oh (beeping).

  • (laughing)

  • I want to say, not only is the toy that I wanted forever

  • when I was a kid, and not only is today my actual birthday,

  • but I had to sell my beloved, actual red Jeep

  • in order to move to LA in the first place

  • before I started working here.

  • So this is like all sorts of layers

  • of heart strings for me.

  • (sighing)

  • Here we go.

  • I'm doing it!

  • I'm doing it!

  • Bye!

  • I just unplugged it.

  • - [Crew] You pulled the light out.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Oh (beeping).

  • (laughing)

  • This is probably the most fun I've had

  • in quite some time.

  • I'm out of breath, and I'm glad

  • I can cancel my gym membership now.

  • 'Cause this is it.

  • (laughing)

  • This is fun but Jesus Christ.

  • Whoo, okay.

  • - It's a little awkward for my size,

  • but the magic is still there for me.

  • This is absolutely a childhood dream come true.

  • (soft music)

- Holy (beeping), what?!


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B1 中級 美國腔

成年人得到驚喜,他們一直想要的玩具。 (Adults Get Surprised With Toys They Always Wanted)

  • 58 0
    Winnie Liao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日