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  • Smart Learning for All

  • Topic: Ignition Temperature.

  • Why does a match light when you strike it?

  • Why don't you use a match instead?

  • You will be able to light the bonfire easily.

  • No.

  • I don't believe you.

  • Try it.

  • Look.

  • I told you.

  • Dude.

  • That was awesome.

  • This happened because of low ignition temperature.

  • Ignition temperature is the lowest temperature at which a combustible substance starts burning.

  • Lower the ignition temperature, more easily will it catch fire.

  • Now, a match head contains antimony trisulfide and potassium chlorate.

  • Enough.

  • I know how to use it now.

  • No.

  • The match will not light on any surface.

  • The rubbing surface of a matchbox has powdered glass and red phosphorus.

  • On striking the match against it, friction is caused.

  • Friction generates heat, converting red phosphorus to white phosphorus.

  • White phosphorus has a very low ignition temperature.

  • It immediately ignites in air, producing heat and light, thus beginning the process of combustion.

  • The heat produced breaks down the potassium chlorate present in the match head, releasing more oxygen.

  • This oxygen combines with antimony trisulfide which is also in the match head and keeps the flame burning.

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Smart Learning for All


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B2 中高級 美國腔

為什麼打火柴的時候會亮?| 我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 (Why does a match light when you strike it? | #aumsum)

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    AumSum 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日