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  • In New Eden, there is always work for a capsuleer.

  • Much of this work comes in the form of missions,

  • which are given to you by agents working for the various factions of New Eden.

  • These agents can be found inside most of the space stations across the New Eden cluster.

  • Agents always have missions for capsuleers to complete, and therefore, provide an endless supply of work.

  • They are an excellent way for new pilots to secure a steady income while still learning how to pilot their ship.

  • When you first begin as a capsuleer, you will start out with the training missions and tutorials provided by AURAyour first agent.

  • After completing the Pilot Certification, youll progress to the career advisor agents and take missions that teach you about the multitude of professions available to capsuleers.

  • From there, you will be ready to take on standard assignments and climb your way up the corporate ladder.

  • New Eden can be a dangerous place, but there is safety in numbers. Many capsuleer corporations work together when taking on agent missions.

  • If youre looking for a wingman on your next assignment, then you should seek out one of the many corporations dedicated to running missions.

  • There is more work than just missions too, of course.

  • You can band together with other capsuleers, and work with each other to fight back pirate invasions of star systems.

  • Or you can hunt for even greater mysteries out in the unknown regions, where ancient enigmas lurk.

  • Most importantly of all though, remember that missions are ultimately only a means to an endgetting rich and experienced. You must decide for yourself how to use the wealth and knowledge you acquire.

  • It’s a living, breathing world out there.

  • All you need to do is find your place.

In New Eden, there is always work for a capsuleer.


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EVE Online - CDIA文件。代理任務 (EVE Online - CDIA Files: Agent Missions)

  • 54 1
    Galen Hsieh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日