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  • How to take notes from a textbook.

  • If you need to study a textbook, but don't know where to start, then this video will

  • show you how to take notes from a textbook in 5 simple steps.

  • Step 1 is before you open your textbooks, find out how the assessment will be, so you

  • can adjust your reading strategy accordingly.

  • This can help you define what specific information you need to select when you are reading your textbook.

  • For example: Multiple choice tests require you to remember

  • lots of facts and details.

  • So for this, focus on bolded terms and definitions that stands out when you're reading.

  • Later, you can turn them into quick questions you can use to quiz yourself.

  • If you will be tested by essays and written questions, you first need to have a good understanding

  • of the main idea, then summarize it and explain it in your own words.

  • In this case, focus on the most important points and once you're done reading,

  • you can summarize them.

  • Step 2 is to read the textbook before you start taking notes.

  • Get an overview of the material by reading headlines, the summary and the chapter questions

  • at the end of the chapter.

  • This will give you an indication to what information you need to pay extra attention to when going

  • through the text.

  • Step 3 is to highlight and underline.

  • When you mark words, it forces you to concentrate, to think and find the most relevant material

  • in each and every paragraph.

  • You have to ask yourself in every sentence if what you are reading is critical and likely

  • to appear on the exam.

  • Avoid highlighting too much and try to keep it minimal to key words, facts and concepts.

  • Step 4 is to write chapter summaries.

  • You can either use sticky notes first to write concise bullet points for each page or paragraph.

  • Or you can directly start summarizing in your notebook.

  • Use the textbook layout to organize your notes.

  • Use the same headings and subheadings or create your own.

  • Make sure you learn each section.

  • Having headlines on each page and an index at the beginning of your notebook, makes it

  • easier to find facts you are looking for.

  • Especially when you're quickly skimming through your notes.

  • Step 5 is to add graphics so you don't only have full pages of writing.

  • Find different ways to present the information in a visual way

  • by using mind maps, bullet points and graphs.

  • Once you're done with your readings, you now have a collection of chapter summaries

  • ready to study from.

  • This is one of many note-taking methods, so try it out and see how it works for you.

  • Thank you for watching and I'll talk to you next time!

How to take notes from a textbook.


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何有效地做課本上的筆記--5個步驟。筆記法 (How to Take Notes from a Textbook Effectively - 5 Steps: Note Taking Method)

  • 249 13
    Ginger Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日