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hey and welcome to my channel my name is Heather and this is the fluffy Oracle
this readings gonna be all about how does he or she feel about you and what
are their actual feelings and thoughts at that time possibly so for a pile one
we have the purple amethyst with bread hematite flex through it which is a
really pretty crystal see if I could pick up a little bit the focus
you can see the little red hematite flecks very beautiful crystal and then
for pile too we have a half dollar for pile three we have a jade elephant time
stamps will be down below as usual in the first comment as well as the
description box for your convenience and I will also be putting the links for the
decks down below in case you would like to add any of these decks here um
wonderful debt collections kind of like I expand mine if you're new here welcome
please feel free to go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below and
joining our happy family if this is your first time welcome back and thanks so
much for sticking with me I love you guys so much
so without further adieu and much more ramble we will go ahead and jump into
pile one so I will see you guys in just a second at your pile if you need any
extra time please feel free to go ahead and pause the video now and I'll see you
in a sec alrighty so for my lips of choice power number one a purple
amethyst let's get into this and see what you have and how this person feels
about you so right away I'm really drawn to the ace of cup cups card excusing I
really feel like they are very in love with you
and they have a lot of deep and overflowing love with you like and I
also feel like for some of you this may be a new relationship as well and I'm
really attracted to the death card over here because I feel like they have left
a situation that was no longer serving them or you did vice however it
resonates just take it as it is or as it does excuse me
so one of you has just left a relationship or something behind that no
longer serves you and you finally found new love everlasting and overflowing and
they see you as their nurturing type with a child card because I'm really
attracted to the image instead of the words on the card and then with the
shapeshifter I feel like you've absolutely helped them to transform and
they see you as also being transformed and that they could grow with you and
change and kind of spend the rest of their lives with you but they have the
patience card as well so they want to take their time with you they want to
take things slow they want to make sure it's not something that they have to
kind of fight for with the seven of wands because they're still not very
clear on everything yet with the unseen card and with the experiments card this
is kind of something new for them this is a very new type of relationship for
them unlike anyone that they've ever had before what someone else is what I get
so it kind of scares them just a little bit because it's the unknown and it's
something that they've never really kind of like dealt with before with someone
so that's why they're kind of wanting to take things a little bit slow with the
patience card but they see this as a very successful relationship and they
love looking into your eyes is what I'm getting I know that's kind of like a
little bit off but it was kind of like a private message for someone if that
resonates with you then that message was for you that they absolutely loved
looking into your eyes because they see right through to the core of you and
vice versa you with them and I feel like their eyes
something to do with their eyes with you really attracts them like it was like
love at first sight and you just looked into their eyes and you saw and fell so
deep at that time and you felt it in your intuition that this was a person
that was meant to be with you as a soul mate relationship so these your messages
I do hope that you enjoyed this reading and I will see you guys next time if you
enjoyed this we didn't go ahead and give it a big thumbs up and hit the subscribe
down button down below if you're new here and that you enjoyed
this that way you can kind of come back and check all the rest of my readings
out whenever I post new ones alrighty so see you next video guys levius already
so for my left so chose pile number two the half-dollar let's get into your
reading and see how this person feels about you I feel like they have a lot to
learn from you and that you seem very very knowledgeable and they view you as
being a very smart and down-to-earth person and they absolutely love how you
take care of yourself because of the athlete card and they love how you look
your body is really attractive to them whether you're big or small it doesn't
matter they find you absolutely attractive and beautiful in their eyes
so that's all it really should matter they want a new beginning with you with
the Ace of Wands card because they see you as helping them to be able to
finally move forward and come out of being in the cold and feeling so cold
hearted and lonely from the past and they also see you as someone that could
absolutely ignite the passion of love with them within them because we had the
flame of love card down here and you're someone that they've been waiting for
for a very long time to help free them from whatever kind of heartache and
clothes like closed off that they were feeling before they see you as the
person and feel like you are the person for them that can help free them from
this situation and kind of lift them up and make them feel better about
themselves whether you're a man or woman this goes vice-versa I'm trying to see
if there's anything else that I get this new beginning that they see with you
they see you is kind of like the light at the end of the tunnel and like their
absolute gift is what I'm getting with this this is a really quick reading it's
like straighten to the point because the king of swords is a very cut and dry
individual he knows what he wants and how he's going to get in how what he's
gonna do to get it and he's going to say what he has to say in order to get it
so what he says goes so this person is very straight to the point and I feel
like they view you as being someone who's like an ultimate match for them as
well so these are your messages I do hope that you enjoyed this reading I
know it was kind of quick but feel free to go ahead and hit the subscribe button
down below if you're new here and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed
this reading and if it resonated with you as well as also let me know down
below in the comments how um how it resonate it with you and what you
thought already Thanks see you next video and have a blessed one guys love
yes alrighty so for my love so chose pound number three let's get into your
reading all right they feel like they've sacrificed enough and that they finally
found freedom with you and then they can feel free enough to be themselves around
you and kind of let loose and relax finally and I feel like they really love
they want to write you and text you for some of you like I hate I feel like some
of you will be getting some community some sort of communication from them
because I'm really attracted to her writing with the heart front card but
I'm just more attracted to her actions in the picture what writing in this book
here so I feel like they sometimes I feel like they secretly write you so
many letters or you very versatile with them kind of writing down how they feel
and how they truly feel about you and same as vice versa and I feel like you
will soon hear from them and kind of hear how exactly they feel about you
because they have a lot of passion for you and they see a lot of passion in you
they also feel that you are basically their knight in shining armor or their
hero type of person their person that's basically their right or die is what I
get with that and they've chosen you for a specific reason because they see a lot
of stability with you with the 4 of Wands card and someone that they can
kind of settle down with and kind of have a stable relationship with and they
also feel like you're somebody that they can kind of just sit there and listen to
and look up to as well as just kind of like sitting
with kind of like a Netflix and chill thing and just sit an absolute calmness
and feel so much comfort and love and like they also want to be your protector
I feel like you're someone that they would kind of hold in high regards
enough to kind of just take and wrap their arms around and keep them safe
they also look up to you as a mentor and kind of feel like you're so smart that
you are just absolutely like some of that they could really they really
respect you is one part of sound like I'm having a hard time spitting it out
I'm like goddamn right anyway you're someone that they look up to and I feel
like they want to be that way for you as well um see if there's anything else I
get I want to read the back of the passion card for you guys because I feel
really drawn to it says love sexual energy passions aroused vital life force
Kundalini the Sun giver of life strength a gift new infusion of energy something
beyond your control and surrender so I feel like that's kind of like a little
bit of a laundry list of what you make them feel inside to kind of give you an
idea which is why I felt drawn to reading it and it's kind of like a list
that they've made like a checkmark list in their head that they've made and you
kind of tick off all the boxes you meet all the you know the criteria for what
they want and seeing someone in a relationship and that's why they've
chosen you for this reason because you're someone that they see as that
person that can have a stable relationship and a long-lasting
fulfilling loving relationship even though things may seem very unclear at
the moment they still see you like that so these are messages I do hope that you
enjoyed this reading and if you new here go ahead and hit this subscribe button
down below for me and joining our happy family and giving this video a thumbs up
also feel free to comment below and let me know how this resonated for you
thanks and see you next video guys levius