字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What does Brexit mean? It's a very difficult version, I think it changes daily. 英國脫歐代表什麼?這件事很複雜,我覺得它一直在變來變去。 And as someone has been following it quite closely, I don't know. 就算我常常關注這件事情,我也不是很了解。 There's all like these technical big words, I have actually no idea what they mean. 整件事充斥著技術性又籠統的用語,我根本不知道那些字是什麼意思。 I mean, I don't know what's going to happen, and I don't think anybody does to be quite honest. 我不知道會接下來會發生什麼事,老實說我不認為有任何人知道。 Hopefully it'll work out in the end. 希望到最後脫歐會成功。 Everything is explained through economic terms. 人們拿經濟學用語解釋這一切。 Our GDP will fall by this much; our growth will fall by this much... 我們的 GDP 會掉這麼多;我們的經濟成長會掉這麼多...... You know, no one knows what that means for them. 沒有人知道這對個人來講代表什麼。 I think the first time I heard about Brexit I was 15, so obviously way below the voting age. 15 歲時我第一次聽到英國脫歐,離合法投票年齡還早。 I didn't really know what it meant, and honestly I didn't really know what the EU was at the time either. 那時我不懂脫歐這件事,而且老實講我當時也不知道歐盟是什麼。 I just remember just Googling it because that's how we find our best information right? Just Googling things. 我只記得自己上 Google 查了一下;人們現在都用 Google 找資訊對吧?Google 一下就知道了。 Whether it's no deal, the prime minister's deal, whatever. 無協議脫歐也好,首相梅伊的協議也罷。 I think that it's a golden opportunity for Britain to take. 我認為脫歐對英國而言是大好機會。 And you'd be foolish not to be celebrating it. 不好好把握就太傻了。 No, I'm not worried about Brexit. 不,我並不擔心英國脫歐。 We'll have to buy more British food because other food will be more expensive, which is better for our country. 未來我們得要購買更多英國食物,因為外國進口的會變貴。這樣對我們國家是好事。 We just need to get on with it! 我們就是得想辦法走下去! I just feel like the whole situation is just limiting me as a person, like what I can do. 整個狀況對我個人來講是一種限制—限制了我能做的事情。 And like where I can go. 限制了我能去的地方。 If I look at all the MPs, I don't feel like I can identify with even one of them. 所有的國會議員裡,我不認為有任何一位能夠代表我發聲。 They just want, like, British people who represent them, but they wouldn't want us to be represented. 他們想要有英國人代表,卻不希望我們有同樣的權利。 I know a lot of people who are scared and I'm certainly scared myself. 我知道有很多人都感到害怕,我自己也是。 I would like us to stay in the EU. I would. 我會希望我們留在歐盟裡。我真的這麼想。 The reason you don't hear much from younger leave voters is not necessarily because they don't exist. 你之所以不常聽到年輕脫歐選民的意見,並不必然是因為他們沒意見。 It's because, especially on campus, there's a bit of a social stigma around it. 其實是因為這個議題存在著社會汙名化,在校園中尤其如此。 I mean, the 'B' word gets mentioned, you say that you've supported leave. 英國脫歐的事情時常被提起,你說自己贊成脫歐。 And then suddenly next thing you know, your entire university hall is up in arms against you. 接著很快地整間學校都會跟你反目成仇。 But no, I think that there's a stereotype that if you voted Brexit, you must be racially motivated; you must be inward-looking. 但不是這樣的,我認為那都是刻板印象—把脫歐視為種族主義煽動下的決定,或者代表你思考不夠開明。 Whereas I'd say that I'm probably a prime example of how that's not true. 相反地,我想我大概是個不錯的例子,可以證明事實不是那樣。 I mean I'm a Czech, I'm an internationally minded individual. 我是捷克人,也具備國際觀。 And that's just something that we've got to deal with. 而我們就只是需要想辦法解決這個狀況。 I mean, there's a stigma. 我是說,汙名化確實存在。 But it's not good enough for leave supporters to just sit there and complain about it. 可是脫歐支持者也不能沒有行動、只會抱怨。 We actually have to just be relentless and get our voices heard. 我不應該要不屈不撓,直到社會聽見我們的聲音。 We've mostly got to prove them wrong, to be honest. 其實我認為我必須證明他們是錯的。 I'm Indian by heritage but my family has come from Kenya and Madagascar. 我是印度血統,但我的家人來自肯亞與馬達加斯加。 Much of my family came to work and to help the infrastructure of the UK. 我的家庭裡有很多人都來英國工作,幫忙打造基礎建設。 But you also see them saying: "The migrants are coming from Europe, they're not going to do anything, they're stealing our benefits." 但你也會聽到他們說:「這些移民從歐洲跑來,他們什麼都不會做,還會竊取我們的福利。」 And it's like, well I know times have changed but have people's views really changed that much to think that they have now forgotten what it was like for them? 就好像是......我懂時代不一樣了,但人們的看法真的變了那麼多,多到忘記從前發生的事嗎? Brexit's not only uncovered this whole load of economic distrust, but also this whole lack of empathy towards other people. 英國脫歐不僅揭露了這堆關於經濟的互相猜忌,同時也顯示出大家多麼缺乏對他人的同理心。 It's very sad, not a nice thought. 這很令人難過,不是什麼好事。 My house was pretty split on Brexit. 我的家庭對脫歐這件事意見紛歧。 It might seem like a massive monumental change to people in businesses or writing in papers about. 對生意人或是媒體人,這件事似乎會帶來驚天動地的改變。 You know, how it will affect our GDP or whatever. 對我們的 GDP 會有什麼衝擊之類的。 But actually, when you're a van driver like my dad, it's just: 不過事實上,如果你像我爸爸一樣是位卡車司機,那麼真正的問題就只是: "How will this affect my everyday?" 「這對我的日常生活會有什麼影響?」 So, he voted leave because to him, I think it meant something that they should sit down and listen to us for once. 我爸爸投票贊成脫歐,我想是因為他認為至少這一次,歐盟會好好坐下來聽我們的意見。 I don't think Brexit voters made a mistake at all. 我一點也不認為公投選民犯了錯。 I just think that the political elite threw out so much misinformation. 我只是覺得那些政治菁英丟出那麼多誤導人的資訊。 Our politicians have just thought: "Oh we'll just say that and hope they believe it." 那些政客只是想:「我們就這麼聲明,希望他們會上鉤。」 Well actually that's just not acceptable because that's not what democracy is about like, democracy literally means people power. 這根本不能接受,因為這不是民主的真諦;民主按字面解釋意味著人民的力量。 Not people blindly following what politicians tell them because there's literally no other option. 而不是因為沒有其他選項,人們只能盲目地跟隨政客說的話。 Like you listen to them or you don't. 好像要不要聽隨你似的。 How can anyone possibly make up their mind on this when the narrative was so driven by frankly just awful politics? 當所有論述實際上都源於齷齪的政治操作,人們如何能做出妥善的決定? Now, two and a half years on, we know what Brexit looks like. 現在距離公投結果兩年半了,我們已經知道英國脫歐的情況。 At the time, we were sold something completely different. 當時政客們鼓吹的是完全不一樣的情境。 And I think now that we know what it looks like, we need to put it back to the people and see if that's what they actually want. 而我覺得既然現在知道實際情形了,應該重新交還給人民,看看這是否是他們想要的。 I do think that that is the only way out of this mess that we've managed to get ourselves in. 要脫離這團我們自己造成的混亂,我想這真的是唯一方法。 In an ideal world I would like, remain to be on the ballot and Theresa May's deal. 如果我們是在理想世界裡,我會投票贊成留歐以及梅伊的協議。 Because we know what both of those options look like. 因為我們了解這兩種選項的實情怎麼樣。 We're very far away from the Westminster bubble. 我們距離議會同溫層太遠了。 And people are already feeling like they're not being listened to. 而人民已經覺得他們的想法沒人在聽。 So, we have to be careful. 所以我們要小心。 If we did have a people's vote and the people voted for May's deal, then that's what would happen. 如果真的辦了場公投而人民投票支持梅伊的協議,事情就真的會那樣發展。 Because that's what the people want. 因為那是人民想要的。 No, obviously that's not what I would like. 當然那不是我希望的。 Young people just aren't represented not only because we're not given the vote, but because we're more diverse than we were, like, 30 years ago. 年輕人的代表性就是不足,不只因為我們沒有投票權,而且也是因為我們比 30 年前有更多元的面貌。 But yet politicians now, if you look at them, they're just not very representative of what's currently happening in the UK, like right now. 可是如果你看看現在的政治人物,他們就不大能應對此時此刻英國發生的事情。 Like there's quite a lot of them that have gone to the same colleges, private colleges, Eton. 有很多人都是念同幾間大學,私立大學還有伊頓中學。 It's very repetitive and it's like, when is change going to happen? 重複性很高,改變究竟什麼時候才會發生? Even if you look at this friendship group, we're all from different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures. 就算只是這個朋友圈,我們都來自不同背景,種族、文化都不一樣。 We're quite privileged in that, really. 這對我們來講真的很幸運。 I just don't think it's as diverse as it should be. 我不認為政壇的多元性是足夠的。 Like, politics is a big scary place and people are deliberately shut out. 彷彿政治是一處巨大而可怕的地方,而人民被拒於門外。 It's meant to seem like something that only old people care about because then that's how people win elections. 彷彿政治只有年長者在關注,因為在以前人們就是那樣贏得選舉的。 Because then only older people go out and vote. 因為在以前只有年長者會出去投票。 In parliament it's just so like "Ooh, yeah", and everyone's yelling at each other and going "Ahh". 在國會裡人們就只是對彼此動動嘴巴。 And that's all so childish and pathetic. 一切都那麼幼稚又差勁。 But actually the things that are happening there really affect us. 但國會裡發生的事情真的會影響到我們。 As a young person, I do try to keep myself excited for what's going to happen in the future. 身為年輕人,我確實想讓自己對未來展望保持樂觀興奮。 At the moment, it's really hard to see anywhere past the next month. 但現階段,就算只是下個月,我們也很難看清楚事情發展。 I definitely am worried about the future, yeah. 我確實很擔心未來。 I don't really want to think about it. 我不怎麼想去考慮未來。 No, I don't understand what Brexit means. 不,我不瞭解脫歐是怎麼回事。 Like, they're all sat around parliament talking about what's going to change or what's not going to change... 人們都呆坐在國會裡討論著什麼會改變,或是什麼不會改變...... No, I don't know. 我不懂。 It's all a bit confusing, isn't it? 這一切都有點令人困惑,不是嗎? Instead of, you know, looking into the future like, yeah, I want to be successful and I want to aim for the highest for myself. 我們不能放眼未來,不能想著我想成功、我想為自己做到最好。 You have to think, well, you're most likely going to be limited by your own government, basically. 你得去思考,基本上自己很可能會被政府框限住。 There is still change to be had, change we made and now we are seeing that. 事情還是有轉圜的餘地,我們做出的改變正浮現檯面。 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for example. 例如美國眾議院的 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez。 Figureheads like that who are sort of like, spearheading the idea that young people can make change. 像她那樣的楷模引導年輕人去思考自己有力量做出改變。 And that we don't necessarily have to accept what we have at the moment which clearly isn't working, as we've seen from Brexit. 我們不盡然只能被動接受現狀;現狀顯然運作不良,看看英國脫歐就知道。 I'd say, the political climate at the moment, makes me disappointed, nervous, but still hopeful that there is still some way of getting through this. 我認為此時此刻的政治情勢讓我失望、緊張,但我仍希望未來能找到某個出口。 It's really down to the individual to go out and be heard. 最終的責任還是在個人:站出來為自己發聲。 We are in a generation where we are all saying that we can go and change the world. 我們這個世代堅信自己能夠去改變世界。 So go and do it, nothing is stopping you. 那就去吧,別擔心有什麼阻礙。 I think Brexit for me, it just screams a mess. 我想英國脫歐對我而言就是一團混亂。 And it's something that I don't think I'll quite understand how it's going to affect me for at least, you know, another few years. 而且我不認為自己能夠明白,至少在近幾年,這件事會對我有什麼影響。 I think we are still in the process of finding out what it really means for the country. 我想我們還在努力弄懂英國脫歐對這個國家到底代表著什麼。
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 脫歐 英國 人民 政治 梅伊 國會 英國脫歐沒完沒了!年輕人怎麼看? (Brexit teens: coming of age during political chaos) 16341 562 Aniceeee 發佈於 2019 年 05 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字