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  • Hi, Chris.

  • Hello.

  • How are you?

  • I'm good.

  • How are you?

  • Very well.

  • Thank you.

  • You look very, very good.

  • You look very good too.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you so much.

  • No.

  • You do look good.

  • And I say that, because I feel like you need someone

  • to compliment you.

  • Because it has to hurt.

  • You were the sexiest man alive.

  • And now, in the magazine, you're just as sexy Chris.

  • Like with Chris Pratt, with a bunch of Chrises.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • You were demoted.

  • I was demoted.

  • So out of how many billion people

  • on the planet to all four of us.

  • Yeah.

  • So but you haven't let yourself go.

  • Because I was flipping through some

  • pictures today in my office.

  • Oh yeah?

  • And I found a couple that I wanted to show people.

  • There's that.


  • These are things that I have up in--

  • Oh, yeah?

  • Just posters in my bedroom.

  • Series of stupid hats.

  • There you are.

  • There you are again.

  • These are all things I sent you.

  • Yeah.

  • Thank you for doing that.

  • Thanks for keeping them.

  • I always like when you do that.

  • That's so sweet.

  • You are a good surfer though, you really are.

  • I'm all right.

  • Yeah.

  • I've been surfing a lot of my life.

  • Yeah.

  • Like at what age?

  • How old were you when you started?

  • Like maybe 10.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • And have you hurt yourself badly?

  • Yeah.

  • I've kind of done my back a few times,

  • which you know hitting the sand and shallow water and things

  • and been bounced across a couple of reefs and rock ledges

  • and so forth.

  • Yeah.

  • I love that you just pass that on.

  • Yeah.

  • I guess I've been hurt and you list them all.

  • I'm still here.

  • Executive producer, he surfs.

  • And he's in the control room.

  • And this last spring break, the board

  • went up and landed and hit him in the head.

  • Has that happened to you?

  • No.

  • My dad actually, the feeny hit him in the cheek.

  • And we were surfing.

  • And he went and he was on the beach.

  • And he was waving at us to come in.

  • And I was like, we've only been out here for 20 minutes.

  • I'm not coming in.

  • And then, he keeps waving.

  • And my brother's like, why is he still waving?

  • I was like, I'm not going in.

  • We haven't been out here very long.

  • He goes in.

  • Then, my brother's waving.

  • I'm like, oh, what's the problem?

  • And the fin had gone through his cheek.

  • And he's trying to explain this and like bubbles of like blood

  • are kind of popping out the side of his face.

  • That's horrible.

  • Worst son ever.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • And yet you still see-- everybody

  • thinks that surfing the scariest thing is sharks.

  • But it's all kinds of things.

  • It's the board hitting you.

  • Who would think of a thing going through your cheek?

  • Yeah, no.

  • I mean, there's a lot of shark attacks in Australia.

  • But I don't know.

  • There's all sorts of statistics and things

  • that say that you're far more likely to be killed by bees

  • or bee stings or crossing the road or vending

  • machines falling on you or what have you.

  • OK.

  • You're listening to ridiculous things.

  • Shaking vending machines and have

  • them crush people happens more often than shark attacks,

  • so I've heard.

  • Yeah.

  • But that's just because people don't shake sharks.

  • If you shook a shark, it would attack you.

  • Have you ever shook a vending machine?

  • No.

  • I haven't.

  • I've never been that angry to get a Snickers bar

  • that I'm like--

  • Not angry, hungry.

  • Hungry.

  • It's like, your two dollars goes in and nothing comes out.

  • It's like--

  • Oh.

  • Yeah.

  • That's hangry.

  • For sure.

  • Hungry?

  • Hangry?

  • Hangry.

  • Yeah.

  • Hangry.

Hi, Chris.


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B1 中級 美國腔

克里斯-海姆斯沃斯被《人物》雜誌 "降級 "為 "活著的最性感男人"。 (Chris Hemsworth on Being 'Demoted' as People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive)

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    秋孝 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日