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  • In this video we will be discussing the region of the Americas known as Mesoamerica, which

  • roughly refers to Mexico and Central America.

  • Together, North and South America stretch for about eleven-thousand miles in length

  • from north to south.

  • That grand scope of land encompasses multiple climates and ecosystems, including mountains;

  • plains; deserts; rainforests; junglesand the diversity of the geography, the diversity

  • of the terrain has resulted in diverse societies emerging.

  • From the Inuit Eskimos of northern Canada to the sophisticated city-builders of Central

  • America, there is no one American experience or Native American experience that we can

  • talk about in the period prior to the arrival of the Europeans.

  • Rather, we must talk about a variety of experiences, and in this video we'll be focusing on the

  • experiences of the civilizations of Mesoamerica.

  • The first Native Americans arrived in the New World much later than Homo sapiens emerged

  • elsewhere.

  • Reliable evidence suggests to the population of the Americas through three migratory waves.

  • Those waves occurred between 30,000 and 10,000 BCE and arrived from Asia, crossing over a

  • land bridge that connected Siberia with modern-day Alaska, a land bridge called Beringia, and

  • during the last Ice Agethe Pleistocene Erathese migrants would make their way

  • southward, moving between glaciers along the Pacific coastal plain to eventually populate

  • the entirety of the Americas.

  • By the late 15th century, three types of American societies had emerged.

  • There were nomadic groups, sedentary or semi-sedentary groups, and groups living in large population

  • settlements supported by agricultural surpluses.

  • This third group really only existed in Mesoamerica, supported by the vitality and fertility of

  • the soil in what is modern-day Mexico and Central America.

  • The agricultural revolution emerged in the central part of Mexico around 5500 BCE and

  • spread relatively quickly throughout Mexico, Central America, and down into the coastal

  • highlands of South America in the region of Peru.

  • The agricultural revolution in Mesoamerica supported a variety of crops, including maize;

  • potatoes; pumpkins; beans; squashand it was incredibly productive.

  • Many archeologists suggest that the average farmer in Mesoamerica was able to grow enough

  • in eight to ten weeks to support his family for an entire year.

  • Now obviously they didn't just grow for eight to ten weeks, and so the result were

  • tremendous surpluses, stockpiling and trading goods to create vibrant and thriving civilizations,

  • like the Olmec, the Maya, the Aztecs, the Toltec, or the Inca.

  • So let's look at a few of the characteristics of some of these civilizations so that you

  • can understand what united, or what these Mesoamerican civilizations had in common,

  • and how they differed.

  • So I'll start with the Olmec.

  • The Olmec established the first major civilization in Mexico.

  • They lived in the tropical lowlands of south central Mexico and dominated the region from

  • 1500 to about 300 BCE.

  • We have a number of holes in the historical record, so there's a lot we don't know

  • about the Olmecs, but what we do know is that they set a foundation for many of the later

  • civilizations of the region.

  • For example, the archeological record suggests that the Olmec had an organized religion with

  • a priesthood; human sacrifices; and pyramidsall of which would be borrowed by the

  • Maya and later civilizations.

  • The Olmec built significant cities, such as San Lorenzo and La Venta, and traded goods

  • like obsidian; jade; and rubber.

  • They didn't necessarily consider themselves a united group.

  • There is evidence of infighting within the Olmec civilization.

  • But the things that they sharedlike social organization; religion; trade; urban life

  • would become a foundation for later Mesoamerican civilizations, like the Maya.

  • Around 300 BCE, a weakened Olmec civilization fell to the rise of the Maya.

  • As the Olmec civilization collapsed, the Mayan civilization began to emerge, and the Mayan

  • civilization would build one of the world's most advanced civilizations.

  • For a long time historians only knewhistorians and archaeologists only knew about the Mayan

  • world by virtue of elaborate stonework in pictures that were left by the Maya as they

  • recorded their daily activities.

  • They did have a written languagethat is the Mayan scriptwhich was deciphered

  • piecemeal by archeologists; linguistic experts; and historians.

  • Deciphering that written language took most of the 20th century and in spite of very recent

  • advancements still only about ninety percent of the Mayan script has been deciphered.

  • So there is still much to learn about the Mayan world, but what we do know is that they

  • had a written language; an accurate calendar; a complex understanding of mathematics, far

  • more advanced than much later Europeans.

  • We know that by about 300 CE the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico was governed by a hierarchy of Mayan

  • city states ruled by hereditary kings, and that as many as fourteen-million people lived

  • in this group of cities, villages, and the surrounding countrysidemaking it one

  • of the largest civilizations in the world of its day.

  • We know that they were organized around elaborate cities and that urban life was at the core

  • of the Mayan existence.

  • The Maya built public buildings of amazing dimensions.

  • They had temples; palaces; ball courts; assembly grounds; places where people gathered for

  • religious purposes, for economic purposes, for social purposes.

  • We know that religious belief ordered society.

  • The Mayan religion was polytheistic, meaning that they believed in many gods, and it wasn't

  • what we would consider to be ethicalinstead they believed that the gods could intervene

  • in peoples' lives.

  • Gods played multiple roles in human affairs and those roles weren't always beneficial,

  • so these gods needed to be appeasedand one of the ways of keeping the gods happy

  • was with a steady diet of human bloodand so this resulted in the practice, the ritualistic

  • practice of human sacrifice.

  • Human sacrifices were common, but he Maya emphasized quality over quantity, meaning

  • that it was more important to sacrifice a powerful individual than to sacrifice a hundred

  • nobodies.

  • Their advanced knowledge of science and mathematics allowed them to date events for more than

  • two-thousand years, creating one of the most accurate calendars of the pre-modern world.

  • And then we know that somewhere around the year 900 they began to decline.

  • There have been a variety of suggestions as to why this happened.

  • Was it drought, overextension of the empire, decades of nearly constant warfare?

  • We don't know.

  • But what we do know is that beginning around 900 CE this once great civilization began

  • to break up, and by the time the Europeans arrived, by the time the Spanish arrivedin

  • the 15th and 16th centuriesthere would be little more than a few villages remaining

  • of this once-great civilization.

  • Another civilization of Mesoamerica were the Aztecs, and the Aztecs developed out of a

  • group known as the Mexica, or more specifically they grew out of a triple alliance between

  • the Mexica, the Texcoco, and the Tlacopan.

  • The Mexica were the dominant tribe and would become an important force in the expansion

  • of the Aztec Empire, from a group of nomadic people to a huge state that organized millions

  • of Mesoamericans.

  • In this Aztec Empire they governed from the city of Tenochtitlan, one of the largest in

  • the world, and they built on earlier civilizations like the Olmec and the Maya but they also

  • developed their own unique characteristics, particularly pertaining to militarism.

  • In many ways the Aztec world was organized around conquests, so that their ruling group

  • was a militaristic group of aristocrats.

  • They, too, practiced a polytheistic religion that engaged in ritualistic human sacrifice,

  • believing that their gods needed to be appeased with a steady diet of human blood and in this

  • case it was often quantity over quality in order to keep nature functioning the way that

  • it was supposed to, to avoid catastrophe.

  • The Aztec would be conquered by the Spanish when they arrived in the central part of Mexico

  • in the 16th century.

  • The last great civilization that we want to talk about today were the Inca, and the Inca

  • were in coastal South America in the region of Peru.

  • Incan civilization developed out of the fertile valleys of the Incanof the Peru highlands.

  • Archeologists don't really know how the Inca people, how the people of the Andes Mountains

  • developed agriculture but they know that it arrived somewhere around 200 BCE, so significantly

  • later than in the northern part of Mesoamerica, in the central part of Mexico.

  • But this agriculture, this mountain agriculture would become essential to the vitality and

  • power of the Incan civilization.

  • The Inca believed that their ruler descended from the sun god, and that meant nearly absolute

  • authority for the Incan emperors.

  • The emperors would use this power to expand their empire until it included more than sixteen-million

  • people and extended from modern-day Ecuador and Columbia down to the southern part of

  • modern-day Peru.

  • Incan society was organized around the ayllu, or clan¸ which were more or less self-sustaining

  • regions normally inhabited by extended family members.

  • They were organized and kind of worked on the basis of obligations.

  • All members of the ayllu had obligations to each other.

  • Marriage was mandatory and the Inca practiced polygamy.

  • Women were often charged with procreating, with having children.

  • Men performed public duties called the Mita system, and paid tributein the form of

  • taxesto the Incan emperor.

  • As the Incan empire grew, this system was imposed on conquered people, and land was

  • often used as a bribe or as a mechanism of control.

  • This rapid expansion and conflict over land produced political and social stress so that

  • by the time the Spanish arrived in 1532 the Incan empire had been weakened by nearly a

  • decade of civil war, and would eventually fall to Spanish conquest.

  • So we see, with our concluding thoughts here, we see that Mesoamerica gave rise to vibrant

  • civilizations who shared some common characteristics, but also had some differencesand those

  • differences would set them apart from other parts of North and South America, from those

  • nomadic; sedentary; and semi-sedentary groups that we referenced earlier in the video.

  • So it's important to understand that there was no such thing as a singular Native American

  • experience prior to the arrival of the Europeans, but rather these Native American experiences

  • must be understood as the complicated and diverse systems that they actually entailed.

  • Thank you.

In this video we will be discussing the region of the Americas known as Mesoamerica, which


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HIST 1111 - 中美洲文明(Mesoamerican Civilizations) (HIST 1111 - Mesoamerican Civilizations)

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    April Lu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日