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Yo, what's up guys welcome to reaction time I'm joined by infinite kailasam selfie and uh today what are we doing
What are we doing? I don't know what every club I think it's their first. Collab your honor. Yeah
And we're gonna do these Asian make up transformations. These girls go from this to this
So similar to the don't judge me challenge if you guys never seen that
Basically girls without any makeup
Transforming into what seems to be a completely different person already already guys before we begin make sure to check out infinite
He's gonna be in the description first link, but without further ado ready. I'm so ready
Oh, whoa quick she's put on eyebrows
How'd she do that she went wait? What can we watch that again? I'm very confused. Semi eyebrows my eyebrows and then
Read what she pasted on eyebrows she has eyebrows stickers. That's a thing. I don't want one. Okay
She's starting to start to glow up are in the transformation eyeliner, I think don't quote me on that
Wait, wait, what is that is that she had layers to her face? Is that extra skin? I don't know. This is turn me out
Yeah, and I was skating
I've never seen anybody do does that give you like a a nicer? Jawline? Should we try it out? I mean, oh
Yeah, really sure what stop
Right, I can't even see what see all right lipstick
Okay, look at cute
Wait, what is that? She already looks completely
Different kind of a person. Okay, that was her in the beginning
She got thinner
I think it was like what I mention she added and then there's a little bit of contouring you crush that fish be like this
This too much. Do you didn't just say something that happens Union past. I've got that fish
All right. I actually have did you meet her in person or something? Yes
Okay, so I'm not saying all girls do this, but I have been catfished a girl
You know that they make it seem like they're like thinner or like prettier than they actually are the like I see him in real
life and it's like
you know, I
Just remembered of my story. I know why now, I can't say it. Oh, I'll just say they lied about their gender
Neck cream, what is that for? Oh, they always like to go live. I mean is she's Japanese or Korean?
I just know in Asian countries. They usually like to have like the lighter complexion. Okay. Yeah, it's more popular
Here is the exact tops. Yeah, whatever wants to be darker here. Yeah, like I'm outcast. Okay. I need to get a nice
I burned but then it turns into a tan. Luckily, but I still burn I turn it to a lobster's pretty bad
So she just makes it white
What this is this is a different person it is did they switch when we were looking or all right
She put our hair down and all of a sudden
Right. Just imagine if you took this girl swimming
All over gave up your lake. Who are you? Where's my girlfriend? Oh, she's like go swimming on the first day guys
Why would she just shave her nose that scared me
I really thought she was like cutting our nose on me
Or no, I don't wanna see it again you guys by the way infini has the catfish guide 101 for you?
He's gonna tell you what to do on the first date to make sure but she's not catfishing you
Basically all you have to do is take the girl, you know, ask her out on a date but say hey
Let's go swimming first or let's go to the beach play summer
Play some volleyball on the beach and they'd get in the water
Make sure she dunked, you know, like maybe like push her to the wirele whole face in the water
Are you who you say you are people already seriously?
Oh, all this stuff will just fall off and then now, you know unless she's not wearing anything and then well then yeah
Then you just then wifey like yeah, and then you just kind of tortured her for no reason. Yeah, that's true
Maybe not do that. Yeah, maybe you should do that. It just depends like you could be nice with it
Just like actually like knock her into the water to be like, ah, sorry those catfish guy 101
What did she add maybe like some sort of clay thing around a and she just cheated are you shaving it off though
I think this is is this the time where she like goes back to no makeup because like she added the nose and there's riding
It off, I'm guessing. Yes. She's going back now. She's taking off the makeup
Yeah, she's taking everything off now Oh
Shot is crazy
Wait, that wasn't a sticker. I'm surprised
She's a different. This is Photoshop
No, but honestly, this is some CGI ourselves image. I don't know
I'm so excited for this one actually. Okay, I'm going to be amazed. She's okay as white as me
No, no, that's basically I giving you a blank canvas to freely express yourself, you know
You can draw whatever you want makeups kind of like art. It's like yeah, it is painting
It is art in your face on it's a skill Tim. Yes, if you're really good at doing stuff like this year. You're very talented
Why would you put that in your eyes, ah, it's a color contact this is like some sort of canto I don't like that really
It's creepy a little bit
It kind of reminds me of like yeah, I don't know about this actually kind of rise me of like shark eyes a little bit
Well, I'm ready already she's a different person is that neck cream again or whatever
Okay, I actually wonder how many girls in Japan Korea China wherever it may be in Asia do this and have this transformation
Like is it a big percentage or very few? They're just this talented if it's a big amount of girls
I don't know what to tell you. She changed her skin color. Yes of all like that's not what she looked like it. Okay
Well, then you can probably tell if you star in real life you'd be able to tell but I mean, that's still insane
Freak you Oh, what was that? Who's this? Oh god. She just peeled her face
Imagine I'm like I know incident
and your like wtf is going on
it would be so creepy
Okay God that makes me cringe so much so went through her nose just go through the nose
What if she misses just like snapped your nose she missed. Oh
No, oh
Okay Wow, oh my god she went from like a girlfriend to like a girlfriend's mother Wow, that's the ultimate catfish
Oh, oh
No, oh wow cute hit me up in the yeah
Jamie oh, never mind. Maybe you like this
I like a square head good everyone do this at home
I don't know like we're gonna I didn't even know I could do this. All right, what are we doing?
I look like a fly with this like Flyway. I
Hate that what is it? This is some sort of clay that dries up or something the hardens like
I mean her nose is still fine. Her nose is literally perfectly fine
She already looks so different. Wow
That's crazy, right? There's no way so guys she went from this to this that's like me going from this to this
That's not okay. So what's the game plan? Do we have a catfish finder a second there?
Cuz I don't think the nose is gonna come off. How do we find the catfish?
I guess we have to like maybe like rubber nose a bit
Yeah, yeah and then just like hey your nose fell off really do it
Are they pasted on you? I don't
Wait, oh it goes on the cheekbone
Yeah, so it like literally it gives an illusion of a smaller face just because it looks leaner. So insane
Now she looks so good like
Okay, guys, what do you think about this did you find this normal because to be honest
I don't find this don't know you find this. No. No, I don't find this normal so like this I don't like this
Yeah, I'd rather them like if everybody goes natural then just lowers all this thing's right. Yeah, it's like be yourself
I think you should be yourself cuz this girl it just doesn't look like over now
Unless you really like it and you want to be a makeup artist or you just enjoy I don't think it's worth spending that much
Wait, did she just take something to make her face like ultra slim imagine? It's like a little pills like a magic pill
Alright guys, we're gonna take the magic pill. You ready here take one
This is amazing do I look different do I I don't know I'm scared to my face
wait, look at the camera you guys without editing is really
Alright, here we go
There's just so much going on
And it's so big. It's like a two hour time lapse. Yeah, what do they keep putting watermelon as she had an old pill?
Maybe the watermelon makes you like plum
Was because our eyelashes, oh she got a mustache I was like this that's a different type of transformation
Comparison time we got original versus new which one did you guys like better?
I don't know like this makes me feel a weird you question everything. You can't trust anyone
I don't trust my eyes. I might have makeup on right now. I might look completely different
See told you okay?
All right guys, and this one is gonna be the last transformation. Here we go
weights limit your lips
Whoa, she gave her lips. I'm very like salty. I don't know. It's like a glowy, huh?
this is so weird now it's time for
us to transform three to what I
Think we do for years
Wow, I'm looking great. Yeah, I just look like a surfer I look like a rock. Yeah you do
Oh, you got the mustache, too?
That's it I'm leaving my own forever guys that is gonna wrap it up for this video crazy makeup transformations
What'd you guys think?
Do you guys think they look a lot better after or more before but yeah
That's gonna wrap it up for the video guys
Make sure to check us out on our socials gonna be here and here and also don't forget check out Infinite's channel in the description
First link thank you for this video. It was awesome. It was awesome off and we'll see you guys next