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Airports suck.
Camping out in customs lines, sprinting a mile to your gate... it's the worst and the furthest thing from luxury.
But imagine you had some extra cash saved up. Would you spend it to skip all of that airport madness?
Well, that's what the minds behind America's very first private terminal are betting on.
In 2017, The Private Suite opened up at LAX.
2017 年,私人航廈 The Private Suite 於洛杉磯機場啟用。
And for $4,000 per international flight, guests get access to a luxurious, super secure, private terminal just two miles from the normal one.
搭一趟國際航班支付 4 千美元,賓客就能夠使用在普通航廈的兩英里外、奢華且超級安全的私人航廈。
At LAX, it takes about 2,200 steps to get from the check-in counter to your plane door.
在洛杉磯機場,從報到櫃台走到飛機門口大約要 2,200 步。
For us, it takes 70 steps.
而在這裡,只有 70 步的距離。
Each year, thousands of the world's millionaires and celebrities relax between flights in the terminal's 12 individual suites.
每年都有上千名世界各地的百萬富翁和名人在轉機期間,前往此航廈的 12 間獨立套房放鬆休息。
The Private Suite coordinates with 70 airlines, has an on-site TSA check, and owns a fleet of BMWs that drives travelers right to their planes.
The Private Suite 與 70 間航空公司合作、提供定點安檢,並擁有把客人直接載到飛機所在地的 BMW 車隊。
So, what's it like inside the place claiming to make travel not only easy, but enjoyable?
We had our LA team go and check out The Private Suite themselves.
我們安排了公司的洛杉磯團隊親自到 The Private Suite 瞧瞧。
Hello, so I just arrived to The Private Suite at LAX.
大家好,我剛抵達洛杉磯機場的 The Private Suite。
And there is a lot of security, like when you pull in, they asked for my ID, and this guy in, like, a bulletproof vest.
So, it is very highly secured.
I am going to pretend I am very affluent for an hour.
When you first pull up, you enter through these ominous gates with armed guards and a sign warning no filming is allowed.
Right away, you're assigned a logistics team of eight people.
接著馬上有一隊 8 人後勤小組被分派給你。
They take care of everything during your stay.
From valeting and detailing your car to checking in your baggage.
And don't worry about missing your flight; the team's watching the clock.
When you enter the terminal, there's no check-in.
You're escorted straight to your private suite.
Oh, my gosh! It's like your private hotel room.
Each suite has a fully stocked kitchenette loaded with snacks.
You can also order food off a curated menu ahead of time so it's ready when you arrive.
Oh, my gosh. They have food!
It's not like the fast food options you get at the airport.
You get, like, healthier options.
This is exactly what I ordered.
There's a minibar with spirits, Champagne, and white wine.
You can get red wine upon request.
There's even a candy wall.
This is perfect for kids, but it's also, like, perfect for me as an adult.
We got M&M's, chocolate-covered... I'm assuming they're raisins, jelly beans, Hershey's, and Skittles.
我們有 M&M、裹著巧克力的...我猜是葡萄乾、雷根糖、好時巧克力,還有彩虹糖。
All of the suites come with an en-suite bathroom stocked with toiletries.
There's no shower in these, but the members can utilize the spa shower just down the hall.
套房裡沒有淋浴間,但會員可以使用走廊盡頭的 spa 沖澡設備。
They can also book complimentary massages, manicures, or haircuts right in their suites.
And in case you forgot something, each suite has pillows, power adapters, and travel accessories on hand.
One of the suites even has a backyard, complete with a putting green and cornhole.
When your flight time approaches, your team will let you know it's time to pack up.
You'll breeze through TSA in under a few minutes.
And you don't have to worry about bags; The Private Suite's taking care of checking those in.
你也不用擔心行李,因為 The Private Suite 幫你進行託運了。
Once cleared, you'll hop on a 7 Series BMW that drives you the 7 minutes across the tarmac to your flight.
安檢後,你會搭上一部 7 系列的 BMW,在柏油路上帶你展開前往搭機的 7 分鐘路程。
When you're driving, being driven through the airfield, you know, between the airplanes to your plane, that's a really special kind of experience that frankly only we can deliver.
And that's something that, a memory that people take away with them all the time.
So how does The Private Suite manage to cut down on travel times and still maintain privacy?
那麼 The Private Suite 究竟是如何在縮短旅途時間的同時維護好隱私?
With lots and lots of planning.
Most people don't realize the operational complexity that happens in the background to even getting one member through here.
For example, we have a control room.
It looks like, you know, the NASA space center or something.
它看起來像 NASA 太空中心之類的地方。
We know exactly what container in the airplane your luggage is in before your airplane actually lands so that we can intercept your luggage and take it out for you before it hits the conveyor belt.
That's the kind of meticulous coordination that happens in the background every step of the way.
Members of The Private Suite pay a yearly fee of $4,500 and an extra 3 grand per international flight.
The Private Suite 的會員年費是 4,500 美元,每趟國際航班需要再加 3,000 美元。
But you can utilize the suite even if you're not a member.
You won't have a yearly fee, but you'll pay between $500 and $1,000 more per flight.
你不用繳年費,但每趟航班都得多付 500 至 1,000 美元不等的費用。
I can really see the benefits of being a member if you're traveling a lot because I think that would decrease the price a little bit.
But also, if you wanna splurge on a really fun trip that you're taking with your friends, and you're just like,
"You know what, we saved up, we need to do this, like, the best way possible."
"Why don't we just come in, come into the lounge, and just get on the flight with ease."