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  • It's AumSum Time

  • Hi guys.

  • Can you guess the title of my next video.

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  • Why do ants walk in a straight line?

  • Because they never drink alcohol.

  • No.

  • Ants live in big colonies and are very organized.

  • When an ant finds some food, it picks a small piece of it and while returning.

  • It leaves chemical scents called pheromones along the trail.

  • Each colony has a unique set of pheromones.

  • This trail of pheromones helps other ants of the colony to reach the source of food.

  • Now, as these pheromones evaporate easily, every ant which is carrying food.

  • Returning to the colony leaves additional pheromones.

  • So that other ants behind it can follow the smell and return to their colony.

  • As the ants follow the smell, they tend to walk in a straight line.

  • In addition to this, we even see ants bumping their heads or colliding with each other while walking.

  • They do this to identify their fellow ants.

  • When two ants collide, they smell each other's pheromones.

  • If the pheromones don't belong to the colony, the outsider ant might even be attacked.

  • How do chameleons change color?

  • Firstly, chameleons don't change color to camouflage.

  • Instead.

  • They change color to regulate their body temperature and to express their mood to other chameleons.

  • The skin of chameleons has various colored pigments such as yellow, red, etc.

  • Below the pigment, there are nanocrystals of various sizes and shapes.

  • The spacing between these nanocrystals is primarily responsible for its color change.

  • When chameleons are relaxed, the nanocrystals are close to each other.

  • In this case, when light composed of various colors falls on the crystals.

  • They reflect colors like blue, indigo, etc.

  • This blue color along with the yellow color reflected by the pigment make chameleons appear green.

  • However, when chameleons are excited, the spacing between the nanocrystals increases.

  • In such a case, they reflect colors such as red, orange, etc.

  • The red color combined with the yellow color reflected by the pigment make the chameleons appear orange.

  • Why do we burp?

  • To scare others.

  • No.

  • When there is excess air or gas in our stomach, we get rid of it through burping.

  • Now, there are many ways through which air can enter our stomach and cause burping.

  • One of those ways is through eating.

  • When we eat food very quickly, we swallow air along with food.

  • Thus, to expel this air, we burp.

  • Also, when we drink beverages using straws, we swallow air present in the straw to suck the beverage.

  • This can also lead to burping.

  • Besides this, carbonated drinks have a lot of carbon dioxide gas dissolved in them.

  • So, ingesting these drinks may also cause burping.

  • In addition to this, when good bacteria present in our intestines break down the undigested food.

  • They produce various gases.

  • These gases sometimes move upwards to the stomach, thus leading to a burp.

  • Topic: Friction.

  • Why is it difficult to pull a boat on the beach than on the sea?

  • Hey.

  • You will find it difficult to pull the boat on the beach.

  • Pull it on the sea.

  • There it will be quite easy.

  • Indeed.

  • Why not?

  • Fine.

  • Don't listen.

  • I'm so tired.

  • At least now try to pull the boat on the sea.

  • It is quite easy, right?

  • Do you know why?

  • This is because of friction.

  • Friction is the force which opposes the motion of an object.

  • It always acts in the direction opposite to the direction of motion.

  • The amount of friction depends upon the texture of an object and the surface on which it is being moved.

  • Rough textures or surfaces offer greater friction as compared to smooth textures or surfaces.

  • Do you want to say that my brand new boat has a rough texture?

  • No.

  • Even though the texture of the boat is almost smooth.

  • The small particles of sand present on beach form a rough surface.

  • Hence, when we pull the boat on beach, the sand particles offer greater friction.

  • Oppose the motion of the boat, thus making it difficult to move the boat on beach.

  • However, the sea being a liquid, forms a smooth surface.

  • Hence, when we pull the boat on sea, it offers less friction.

  • Thus making it comparatively less difficult to pull the boat on sea.

  • Topic: Neutralization reaction.

  • How to treat a bee sting?

  • Hey.

  • Hold On.

  • Don't go near that honeycomb.

  • Please listen to me.

  • It is quite dangerous.

  • Fine.

  • Go ahead.

  • See, I told you.

  • Okay.

  • Now, don't worry.

  • Put this baking soda solution on the bee stung area.

  • You got some relief, right?

  • Do you know why you got relief?

  • This happened because a neutralization reaction took place when we applied baking soda on the stung area.

  • The venom of a honey bee contains formic acid.

  • When it stings us, it injects that acid into our skin.

  • Formic acid causes immense pain and irritation.

  • However, when we apply baking soda solution, which is a mild base, on the stung area.

  • It neutralizes the formic acid and cancels its effect.

  • As a result, the sensation of pain and irritation decreases and we get some relief.

  • Such a reaction between an acid and a base is called neutralization.

  • In neutralization, both acidic and basic solutions neutralize the effect of each other.

  • The nature of both acids and bases gets destroyed.

  • Hey, Wait.

  • What are you doing?

  • Don't tease that insect.

  • It is not a honey bee.

  • It looks similar to a honey bee but it is a bit longer.

  • It is called a wasp.

  • At least this time listen to me.

  • Okay.

  • Don't listen and bear the consequences.

  • Applying the baking soda is not going to help.

  • See, nothing is happening.

  • I will tell you what to do.

  • Pour this vinegar on the stung area, you will get some relief.

  • Why do you think the baking soda solution did not help in this case?

  • Earlier, in case of the honey bee, we learnt that its venom is acidic.

  • Hence, baking soda, being a basic solution helped to neutralize the effect.

  • Now, in case of a wasp, the nature of its venom is basic.

  • When it stings us, it injects that venom into our skin.

  • This venom causes us pain and itching.

  • Now, baking soda is also a basic solution.

  • Hence, it will not provide any sort of relief.

  • However, when we pour vinegar.

  • Which is a mild acid, on the stung area, the acid, that is, vinegar and the base.

  • That is, the wasp's venom get neutralized.

  • As a result, the sensation of pain and itching decreases and we feel better.

It's AumSum Time


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B2 中高級 美國腔

螞蟻為什麼要走直線?| 螞蟻為什麼要走直線? (Why do Ants walk in a Straight Line? | #aumsum)

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    AumSum 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日