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- It's so good. I just want her to be my mom
and sing to me every night.
- Breaking Bad season whatever looks a little crazy.
♪ (punk rock intro) ♪
- ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ - Billie Eilish! Yes!
- Oh my god. "Ocean Eyes."
- This morning, I was listening to her,
and I was like, why have we never reacted to her?
And here we are!!
- ♪ I've been watching you ♪ - (sings along) ♪ For some time ♪
She's so pretty.
- ♪ Can't stop staring... ♪ - (sings along) ♪ At your ocean eyes ♪
Ah! - Oh my gosh.
I really love Billie so much.
- ♪ No fair ♪
- She has a very pretty voice.
- She's gonna play a huge part in the music industry in the future.
She's young. She has potential with that.
- I know that when she made this song she was 14, right? Or 15.
She was super young. I love her!
- ♪ I've never fallen from quite this high ♪
- Her voice is just so calming, and it's really cool.
- ♪ Those ocean eyes ♪
- (sighs) I love Billie.
- I went to Agenda, which is like a festival,
and I saw her there live. I punched my way through that crowd
and saw her, and it was so good.
She's got a pretty good stage performance.
- She sounds like every pop female on the radio now.
A lot of pop singers now just somewhat have
this kind of wispy, more indie sounding voice.
- ♪ ...here pretty soon ♪ ♪ Lookin' through my room... ♪
- I love this song. - ♪ ...for the money ♪
♪ I'm bitin' my nails ♪ - (sings along) ♪ I'm too young
to go to jail ♪ - ♪ Kinda funny ♪
- Her voice is just so good. Ah, I love her.
We stan a queen.
- I like the vibes.
- (sings along) ♪ Where's my mind ♪
♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun ♪ ♪ Maybe it's in the... ♪
- (sings along) ♪ Gutter ♪ Oh, look at her jump!
(sings along) ♪ My lover ♪
- I like the yellow fit.
- Breaking Bad season whatever looks a little crazy. (chuckles)
- ♪ V is for vendetta ♪ ♪ Thought that I'd feel better ♪
♪ But now I got a bellyache ♪ - My stummy hurt.
- ♪ Fuh, fuh, fuh ♪ (laughs) She is so iconic.
- I can't even imagine having that much talent
and innovation at such a young age.
- It's not my really style of music, but I'm not gonna say she's bad.
She has a good voice.
- ♪ You'd say you'd stay, but then you'd run ♪
- I haven't seen this one, but I know the song.
(sings along) ♪ Giving you what you're begging for ♪
- This music video is artistically gorgeous. Ah.
It's so simple, but so interesting.
- ♪ ...what you say I need, say I need ♪
- I don't know what's happening.
- I like her outfits she's had in the videos. They're pretty cool.
- ♪ ...me torn ♪ ♪ You're teaching me
to live without it ♪
- She's a really big fan of the color jumpsuits.
- (sings along) ♪ I'm so bored ♪
- ♪ I'm so bored ♪
- She's bored. - ♪ So bored ♪
- Well, you're in white nothingness. I'm very confused by all of these.
- I'm so bored. (laughs)
The visuals were simple but interesting.
I like the outfit. Her voice is pretty.
But then you listen to the lyrics and it's like, "Oh, okay." (laughs)
- She writes about topics that are so relatable,
and that's why people like her so much.
This song's literally just about being bored
and that's half of being a teenager.
- ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ - Oh, the vertical video! Oh.
(sings along) ♪ Don't be that way ♪
- Is this supposed to be just a handheld phone
type of thing? It's, like, vertical.
- This is the newest music video, I believe, and it just came out
on IG TV. That's why it's vertical.
- In a way, she kind of reminds me of Poppy, too.
In a way when it comes to the aesthetics.
- ♪ Kind of mood that you wish... ♪ - (softly) It's so good.
I just want her to be my mom and sing to me every night,
like, oh my god.
- ♪ If "I love you" was a promise ♪
♪ Would you break it, if you're honest? ♪
- I feel like all the songs kind of are sounding the same, though,
which I'm not a huge fan of.
- I wish she had some upbeat songs,
and not kind of all really low and mellow.
- (sings along) ♪ I don't wanna be you ♪
- ♪ Anymore ♪
- That's so raw, how she looks in the mirror.
Must've been super hard for her to grow up with all these eyes on her
and people putting pressure on her to perform
and be this perfect role model when she's just a kid.
- This is teenage angst right here. This is all the middle school feelings
that I had, you know, all just bottled up in me.
She's just singing it for me.
- ♪ Thought I found a way ♪
- Ah, yes! This song is so good!
- This is "Lovely" with Khalid. Ah.
- Love the Beats promo. (laughs)
- ♪ So I guess I gotta stay now ♪ - (sighs)
(sings along) ♪ I hope some day - ♪ I'll make... ♪
- Their voices sound good together.
- Her and Khalid are great, because they sing the same,
and they act the sa-- all of their stuff is the same.
- ♪ Wanna feel alive outside ♪ - And my soul like this.
- (sings along) ♪ Fight my fears ♪ ♪ Mm, isn't it lovely? ♪
Ooh. I like the clouds in the fog.
- This is a sick-looking video, not gonna lie.
- ♪ ...my mind of stone ♪ - It just gives me chills.
It's so good. - (sings along) ♪ Hello,
welcome home ♪
- Wow. They sound really good together.
- Khalid was the breakout star for last summer,
and then Billie's this summer's breakout star,
and they're coming together.
- ♪ Lips meet teeth and tongue ♪ - This is interesting.
This looks like a rap video at first when you just got all the cars.
This is sick choreography, too.
- ♪ If we were meant to be... ♪ - Look at her! Oh my god. So good.
She matches the cars.
- (sings along) ♪ See what you wanna see,
but all I see is him right now ♪
- She is stunning.
- ♪ With the fire that you... ♪
- I feel like I can't tell how old she is, like, looking at her.
She's one of those faces, like, could be 17, could be 25.
- I listened to this album on repeat for three months straight.
This was like the soundtrack of my life.
- The dance in this is (sighs) so cool.
- Wow, that is-- that was different.
I'm not the biggest fan of the music,
but I think the videos are really cool to look at.
- It's really interesting for someone so young
to be playing with such darker themes, but in such a positive way.
This music is reaching so many people.
- She has a beautiful voice. I really like her visuals.
For some reason, I haven't really looked into her,
but I can kind of see why a lot of people are into her.
- (FBE) So, those were all songs by... Billie Eilish!
- (sarcastic) Wow, who guessed it? Hmm.
- I've heard of that name. I know I have.
- (FBE) So, Billy is just 16 years old.
- 16 years old? A little too wise for her age.
- It makes me feel so unaccomplished. (laughs)
I'm one year older than her, and I don't got no (squeaks) music.
- (FBE) She's one of the most requested artists
that we've had to cover in the show for a while now.
- Yeah, I could see why.
- I'm so glad I get to be on this episode.
- (FBE) Given that she is a teenager, do you think it's mostly teens
who make up her fan base, because they can relate to her?
Or based on what you heard, do you think
that there are other reasons that she's been so requested?
- No, it's mostly teens to young adults.
- That 13 to 18 audience is probably--
because they're younger and they're going through stuff,
and, you know, they're doing all these new experiences
and that seems to be kind of her vibe.
- It's more scattered than just teenagers
just 'cause it's a familiar vibe that I doubt only teens feel.
- Her demographic is teens, but it's spread out more than that.
Everybody from every age group can feel
that certain type of emotion in everything.
- Teens nowadays aren't as... superficial as people like to say.
They like things that have more meaning
and things that are more interesting to think about.
- She gets a lot of heat because of the universal fan base.
When I was listening to her, my mom was like,
"If you listen to her lyrics," she's like, "she's 16,
and she's talking about topics that are that deep."
I'm like, "Mom! I'm a teenager.
I know exactly what she's talking about."
It's surprising to parents, because it's like,
I find this relatable, but I'm an adult.
- (FBE) She released her first single when she was 13 years old
on her SoundCloud page. - (sighs) That's so stressful.
- (FBE) She has since released two EPs, eight singles,
eight music videos, one of which that she directed.
- That is so wild.
- That's a crazy amount of pressure
for someone that young to be put in front of.
- (FBE) Despite her age, many have praised her mature lyrics
that are littered with metaphors, deeper meanings,
and from varying points of view, including one song
from the point of view of a serial killer.
- Interesting. Listening to the lyrics,
that's why I was like, "I don't know how old she is!"
(laughs) 'Cause she's mature,
but kind of has that young side to her still.
- (FBE) What do you think about her being able to establish
her career this much just by being at such a young age?
- It's inspiring, honestly, for people going
into their own endeavors. Makes you think, "Hey, I'm 16.
I could do something like this, too."
- That's lots of potential that's not gonna go to waste.
There's no boundaries when it comes to her, I guess.
There's really-- she's limitless. That's dope.
- She seems like someone who was born with kind of an older soul,
just born more mature than a 16-year-old.
In her music, she doesn't sound like this childish kid.
- It's really good that she's able to do that,
but at the same time, I feel like it could turn around
and bite her in the butt, because I feel like people
already expect so much of such a young person
that when she's older, they're gonna expect things to progress more.
- It's easier now for somebody to do that
just because of the internet. That's interesting,
somebody who's so young, like, how much will they change
if they keep with it as far into the future?
- (FBE) So finally, Billie is continuing to release
new projects and songs all the time. So, as all of you grow up
from teens to adults, do you think that Billie
will be one of the bigger artists for your generation in the future?
- I think that's definitely a possibility.
- I hope for her sake she is. (ding)
- She's already so far now. It can only get higher.
(ding) - Yeah, of course. (chuckles)
- I do. I think this is probably just a start for her.
- Billie Eilish is gonna do well even when she gets older.
I don't see her hype train coming down anytime soon.
- I so hope so.
I think she has so much going for her right now.
I just don't want her to burn out too young.
- She's got the talent and the voice.
I really hope that she can continue on
into my adulthood, 'cause that would be pretty cool.
- Hopefully, she stays and doesn't fall off.
I think she's headed in a very good direction.
And her voice can, I think, only get better at this point.
I mean, she's 16, and she's singing like that?
Man, I'm sure it's gonna be, like, (imitates air whooshing).
It can only go up.
- Thanks for watching this episode of Teens React.
- Subscribe and hit the bell, so you never miss an episode
when we cover your favorite artist.
- Shoutout to Mini Bird and Rianna Ricci.
- Thanks for watching. Bye. - Hey, guys. Vartuhi here,
producer at FBE. If you wanna check out more episodes
on all sorts of artists, make sure to click down below. Bye!