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  • Cheddar makes the best content on YouTube.

    YouTube 最優質的節目就在 Cheddar。

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  • Did that work?


  • No? Well, brands are hoping it does.


  • Over the past few years, companies have begun using ASMR to market their products.

    在過去的幾年,許多商家開始利用 ASMR 行銷他們的產品。

  • Let's all experience, something.

    讓我們一起 ...... 體驗非凡。

  • So is this just the latest trend, or is there more?


  • And, is that even ethical?


  • ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response.

    ASMR 指的是「自發性知覺經絡反應」。

  • It causes a brain reaction that creates a tingling sensation from listening to soft sounds, or touching objects with different textures, or the way you feel when you're watching Bob Ross.

    藉由聆聽細語、碰觸不同質地的物品或是看 Bob Ross 的影片,就可能引發這類大腦興奮反應。

  • Evergreens are normally darker than other trees.


  • So don't kill all the dark area in your evergreen.


  • ASMR type videos can be traced back to YouTube's early days.

    ASMR 類型影片最早可追溯回 YouTube 發跡初期。

  • But in 2010, a cyber security expert named Jennifer Allen coined the term and it started to become a cultural phenomenon.

    但卻是到了 2010 年,一位叫做 Jennifer Allen 的網絡安全專家才創造了這個字,然後它開始成為一種文化現象。

  • Today, if you type in ASMR on YouTube search bar, you'll get over 43 million results.

    在今日,你要是在 YouTube 搜尋 ASMR,你會得到 4300 萬筆搜尋結果。

  • Its growth and popularity has sparked interest from brands that like the appeal.


  • This oddly satisfying social cultural phenomenon has become a new way for influencers to make a living, and big brands are tapping in.


  • Gently pulling off the paper cups.


  • But brands want to do more than just sponsor these influencers.


  • Many brands pay ASMR artists to review their product, or simply use their product as a prop.

    許多業者還會付錢給 ASMR 藝術家試用他們的產品,或是將他們的產品拿來當道具。

  • It really is the ideal machine for any fitness enthusiast.


  • But it wasn't until 2016 that brands got directly involved.

    不過是到了 2016 年,品牌才直接和 ASMR 搭上關係。

  • This is IKEA series called Oddly IKEA.

    這是一個叫做「怪異 IKEA」的IKEA系列廣告。

  • They created six ASMR style videos, including one long form that ran 25 minutes.

    他們製作了六部 ASMR 風格影片,其中一部最長的有 25 分鐘。

  • It featured back to school items for college dorms.


  • The video not only went viral, but led to a 4.5 percent increase in sales in stores and a 5.1 percent increase in sales online.

    影片不只走紅,而且還提升了 4.5% 的店鋪銷售,以及 5.1% 的網路銷售。

  • Other brands followed.


  • Brands are always looking to connect with the consumers.


  • ASMR allows them to connect more intimately.

    ASMR 讓他們能夠更親密地連結。

  • In theory, this makes viewers feel more trusting, which ideally for brands leads to sales.


  • But is this okay?


  • The soft tones, low voices, whispers, all of this can aim to induce physical reactions in viewers. Think tingles.


  • Although there has not been much research on the effects of ASMR, a study by the University of Sheffield concluded that, it does have a positive physiological effect like lower heart rate and decreased levels of stress.

    雖然沒有太多有關 ASMR 作用的研究,一項來自謝菲爾德大學的研究結論:它的確有正向的生理作用,像是降低心率、減少壓力。

  • So are brands taking advantage of these reactions?


  • Well, this is all legal in the US.


  • But if you really think about it, it's not much different from the way brands have been using century tactics for decades.


  • But in 2018, the Chinese government banned ASMR from all major streaming platforms.

    但在 2018 年,中國政府禁止了各大串流平台的 ASMR 影片。

  • The government was suspicious of its physiological effects and labeled it as pornographic material.


  • For now, it's still a niche that needs more exploration.


  • But so far, it's showing a lot of potential in the marketing world.


  • Thanks for watching.


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Cheddar makes the best content on YouTube.

YouTube 最優質的節目就在 Cheddar。


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