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  • Well, welcome to Italy!

    好了,歡迎意大利!這個星期,我們正在探索 歐洲的時尚之都。我們在這裡

  • This week we're exploring the fashion capital of Europe. We're here in Milan. But of course

    在米蘭。不過,當然還有更多的事情要做 在米蘭不僅僅是去購物。所以我們要

  • there is more to do in Milan than just go shopping. So we're going to be showing you


  • 20 attractions around town.

    我們有3天米蘭,所以我們砸在地上 運行,試圖看到,做盡可能多

  • We had 3 days in Milan so we hit the ground running and tried to see and do as much as

    可能。我們做的時間主要景點 像Il大教堂,斯福爾扎城堡和廣場

  • possible. We made time for major attractions like Il Duomo, Sforza Castle, and Galleria

    埃馬努埃萊二世,但我們也改變了方向走 在搜索街頭藝術的人群,

  • Vittorio Emanuele II, but we also veered away from the crowds in search of street art and

    有趣的街區。這是意大利, 我們也試圖優先餐,採樣

  • interesting neighborhoods. This being Italy, we also tried to prioritize meals, sampling

    一切從比薩餅到燴飯,和卡布奇諾 到aperitivos。下面的旅遊指南

  • everything from pizza to risotto, and cappuccinos to aperitivos. The following travel guide

    將突出20的事情,當您訪問做 意大利米蘭

  • will highlight 20 things to do when you visit Milan, Italy

    我們的第一站是Il大教堂,這是 最被認可的吸引力在城市。該

  • Our first stop was Il Duomo, which is the most recognized attraction in the city. The

    教堂花了近六百年才能完成 和外部覆蓋著Candoglia酒店大理石,

  • cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete and the exterior is covered in Candoglia marble,


  • which gives it its off-white pinkish colour.

    所以,我很興奮,因為我們正站在 後面Il大教堂,我們有票

  • So I'm pretty excited because we're standing right behind Il Duomo and we have tickets

    去到天台,到陽台,在那裡 你得到的是舊的一些很酷的看法

  • to go up to the rooftop, to the terrace, where you get some pretty cool views of the old


  • town. So let's go in.

    爬上教堂的屋頂是 我們在米蘭做最酷的事情之一。

  • Climbing up to the cathedral's rooftop was one of the coolest things we did in Milan.

    我們得到了一些城市的美景,並 也是非常好的越來越細看

  • We got some great views of the city and it was also really nice getting a closer look


  • at the architecture.

    因此,一個有趣的小實際上我們剛剛得知。如果你 捐出足夠的錢,你可以得到其中的一個

  • So a fun little fact we just learned. If you donate enough money you can get one of those


  • church spires all to yourself.

    現在,我們並不完全知道什麼意大利 早餐的樣子,所以我們做了一些研究

  • Now we weren't entirely sure what an Italian breakfast looks like so we did a bit of research

    和周圍問,顯然這只是 咖啡和甜的東西。所以這個是可以

  • and asked around and apparently it is just a coffee and anything sweet. So that could

    是糕點,果醬麵包,蛋糕或餅乾。 因此,我們坐在一個小咖啡館,我們很

  • be pastries, bread with jam, cake or cookies. So we've sat down at a little cafe and we're


  • going to have our first Italian breakfast.

    所以我今天選擇的飲料是卡布奇諾 因為這是一個非常寒冷的一天。那麼為何不

  • So my beverage of choice today is the cappuccino because it is a very cold day. And why not

    有一些泡沫咖啡。這是一個寒冷的日子。 當被認為是感冒十五度?看

  • have some frothy coffee. It's a cold day. When is fifteen degrees considered cold?


  • Look at the way I'm dressed. I'm cold okay?

    哦,這是很好的。優秀的卡布奇諾。尼斯 和豐富泡沫?嗯。

  • Ooh, that is nice. Excellent cappuccino. Nice and rich and frothy?


  • Mmmm.

    在這裡,這種糕餅我選擇,我真的 真的不知道它是什麼。是什麼讓我

  • Indeed. Wanna try some?

    選擇它是我看到核桃位。和 嘿,我是核桃的一個巨大的風扇,所以我不

  • And this pastry here I've selected, I honestly don't really know what it is. What made me

    知道裡面是什麼。它看起來像它可能 是蘋果。讓我們來了解一下。

  • select it was that I saw walnut bits. And hey, I'm a huge fan of walnuts so I don't


  • know what is inside. It looks like it might be apple. Let's find out.

    不不不。就是喜歡核桃派。那是 山核桃裡面填充。讓我們來看看裡面。

  • I thought it was going to be prunes. Mmmm.


  • No, no no. That is like pecan pie. That's pecan filling inside. Let's see the inside.


  • Oh wow!


  • That is so delicious.


  • Oh, it's like having pecan pie.

    一些令我們感到驚訝約米蘭 有在中間城堡右

  • Pie for breakfast. He's a happy boy.

    城市的。斯福爾扎城堡始建於 15世紀由米蘭公爵,它

  • Something that surprised us about Milan is that there is a castle right in the middle

    然後經歷了幾次修復和擴建 在接下來的幾個世紀。今天,它的房子

  • of the city. Sforza Castle was built in the 15th century by the Duke of Milan, and it

    幾個城市的最珍貴的藝術財富的, 其中包括達·芬奇的壁畫

  • then underwent several restorations and expansions in the following centuries. Today it houses


  • several of the city's most prized art possessions, including frescoes by Leonardo da Vinci and

    對於一些高檔名牌購物,廣場 埃馬努埃萊二世是要去的地方。它

  • Michelangelo's very last sculpture.

    被認為是世界上歷史最悠久, 最美麗的商場,其最

  • For some upscale designer shopping, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is the place to be. It

    令人印象深刻的功能是一個拱形的玻璃和 鑄鐵屋頂。

  • is considered one of the world's oldest and most beautiful shopping malls, and its most

    那麼晚上好從米蘭。這是我們第一次 整天在這裡,現在是吃晚飯的時間。所以

  • impressive feature is an arching glass and cast iron roof.

    我們只是找到了一個當地的小餐館和 我們將試圖傳統菜

  • Well good evening from Milan. It is our first full day here and it is now dinner time. So

    這是很受歡迎,在這個城市,在 倫巴第大區。我們將不得不飯

  • we just found a local little restaurant and we're going to be trying a traditional dish


  • that is very popular in this city and in the Lombardy region. We are going to have Risotto

    所以,我的飯阿拉的米蘭已經到來。和 如果你不太熟悉的燴飯

  • alla Milanese .

    它基本上是一個型水稻的,這是非常 厚很澱粉,它吸收了大量的

  • So my Risotto alla Milanese has arrived. And in case you're not too familiar with risotto

    液體。所以這應該是不錯的。它幾乎 看起來有點糊狀和奶油。並且

  • it is basically a type of rice that is very thick, very starchy and it absorbs a lot of

    我的飯阿拉米蘭人得到它的顏色從 藏紅花。所以,藏紅花是有點微紅

  • liquids. So this should be good. It almost looks a little soupy and creamy. And also

    當它是橙色幹的,但是當你堅持 並用它來打開它黃色的米飯混合。

  • my Risotto alla Milanese gets its color from saffron. So saffron is a bit of a reddish


  • orange color when it is dry but when you stick it and mix it with the rice it turns it yellow.


  • So enough about that let's try it. Surprise!


  • Mmmmm.

    之所以如此,是不錯的。而現在已經是俗氣。 我的意思是我知道我加了很多奶酪,但

  • Do you like that?

    我想他們已經融化一些奶酪 和混合它。

  • Oh, wow!


  • That is so good. And it is already cheesy. I mean I know I added a lot of cheese but


  • I think they had already melted some cheese and mixed it in.


  • So yeah, very cheesy and very buttery.

    米蘭有很多非常酷的街頭藝術 你會經常偶然發現它的時候你

  • You can never get too much cheese.

    即使不看。我們發現了一些非常酷 周圍的門提契諾件。

  • That is so good. You're going to like this.

    該Colonne的聖洛倫索的遺骸 那可以追溯到公元2世紀羅馬廢墟。

  • Milan has a lot of really cool street art and you'll often stumble upon it when you're

    它們被認為是一個浴的一部分 房子,他們被轉移到他們目前的前

  • not even looking. We spotted some really cool pieces around Porta Ticinese.


  • The Colonne di San Lorenzo are the remains of Roman ruins that date back to the 2nd century.

    另一項有趣的活動,在米蘭的嘗試是 運河乘船遊覽。城市的運河

  • They are believed to have been part of a bath house before they were moved to their current

    歸因於達芬奇,誰在 1482是由米蘭公爵叫了過來

  • location at some point during the 4th century.

    幫助改造城市的運河系統。 所以就下來巡航知道達芬奇一次

  • Another fun activity to try in Milan is a boat tour of the canals. The city's canals


  • are attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci, who in 1482 was called over by the Duke of Milan

    米蘭Navigli區,是上最具活力 城鎮地區尤其是當太陽下山

  • to help renovate the city's canal system. So cruise on down knowing that Da Vinci once

    下。我們建議您找到一個小餐館 沿水的邊緣,享有一個適當的

  • strolled the same neighbourhood you are visiting.


  • Milan's Navigli District is one of the liveliest parts of town especially when the sun goes

    因此,我們已經走出了我們的第一個意大利的雞尾酒之。 這是一種像餐前飲用

  • down. We recommend finding a little restaurant along the water's edge and enjoying a proper

    傳統。基本上,你讓自己的雞尾酒 約10歐元,可讓您訪問

  • Italian meal al fresco.

    像比薩餅,意大利面的這種大規模的自助餐, 橄欖。任何你可能想像。

  • So we've gone out for our first Italian Aperitivo. Which is kind of like a pre-dinner drinking


  • tradition. Basically, you get yourself a cocktail for about 10 Euros and that gives you access

    所以,我不得不承認,我期待很簡單 食物的雞尾酒之。我想,也許他們

  • to this massive buffet of like pizzas, pastas, olives. Anything you could possibly imagine.

    只想給我們一些火腿奶酪 和橄欖。你知道,相當便宜簡單

  • And this is what comes before dinner.

    餐飲。而是我們發現的是這樣的。 所以,我有烤寬麵條,我有餛飩。我有

  • So I have to admit I was expecting very simple food for the Aperitivo. I thought maybe they

    有炒的蔬菜。即使薯條 這是不是意大利人,但我不得不搶

  • would just give us some prosciutto cheese and olives. You know, pretty cheap simple


  • food. But instead what we've found was this. So I've got lasagna, I've got ravioli. I have

    而且由於米蘭是時尚之都之一 世界的。你可以不來這個城市

  • have stir-fried veggies. And even french fries which are not Italian but I had to grab a

    而不是去購物。現在我們正在走 沿著Via都靈它擁有許多不同的

  • few anyways since they were available.

    時裝店但有幾個不同的區域 周圍,你可以檢查出的城市。

  • And because Milan is one of the fashion capitals of the world. You couldn't come to this city

    所以我們認為我們會告訴你一些獨特的 街區在城市。這是唐人街

  • and not go shopping. Right now we are walking along Via Torino which boasts lots of different

    我們已經注意到中國餐館噸。 我認為,你可以拿起一些很好

  • boutiques but there is several different areas around the city that you can check out.


  • So we thought we'd show you some of the distinct neighborhoods in the city. This is Chinatown

    我們注意到了有關米蘭的另一件事是, 當地人自行車無處不在。所以,如果你想

  • and we've noticed tonnes of Chinese restaurants. And I think you can pick up some really good

    做當地人做,考慮聘請自行車 天助你熟習

  • food here.


  • Another thing we noticed about Milan is that locals bike everywhere. So if you want to

    因此,它是午餐時間在這裡米蘭和我們想通 為什麼在意大利的時候沒有比薩餅。我只是完成

  • do as locals do, consider hiring a bike for the day to help you get familiarized with

    有一次披薩整個時間我一直在這裡 而現在是時候嘗試一些別人。所以我們

  • the city.

    被周圍的城市行走,我們走了 通過這一個店,我們看到他們有像

  • So it is lunchtime here in Milan and we figured why not have pizza when in Italy. I've only

    比薩餅這些額外的厚片。它幾乎 看起來就像一個澆頭麵包意式薄餅。

  • had pizza once the whole time I've been here and it was time to try a few others. So we've


  • been walking around the city and we walked by this one shop and we saw they had like


  • these extra thick slices of pizza. It almost looked like a focaccia bread with toppings.

    所以我得到了一個有香腸和奶酪。 這讓我想起了很多比薩餅我有

  • So we went in there and grabbed two slices.

    在布宜諾斯艾利斯,阿根廷。這些龐大的 厚的片,你會剛剛進入一個

  • Okay, so tell us what did you get for yourself?

    購物和秩序。我認為,這是怎麼回事 要好吃。哦,時間第一口。

  • So I got the one that had salami and mozzarella. And this reminds me a lot of the pizza I had

    我喜歡一個已經預先切片 切成小小塊我們。

  • in Buenos Aires in Argentina. These massive thick slices that you would just go into a


  • shop and order. And I think this is going to be delicious. Ooh, time for the first bite.


  • And I like that has already been pre-sliced into small little pieces for us.


  • Perfect for lunch at the park.


  • That's really good.


  • Tasty?


  • Oh, yeah.


  • Oh, yeah. Gooey cheese?

    好吧,該礦是我相信的奶酪 和一些小番茄和羅勒葉。

  • Oh, yeah.


  • I don't even have anything to say.

    我問起是誰擔任我們的比薩餅的傢伙, 你知道,什麼樣的比薩餅是什麼呢?做什麼風格

  • Hahaha.

    是嗎?他把它稱為比薩人trancio。 我一看這和它的基本含義

  • What did you get on yours?

    按件或披薩的切片比薩餅。 正如你可以看到它已經預先切片

  • Okay, so mine has what I believe in mozzarella and some small tomatoes and basil leaves.

    成小部分,所以它是完美的 你知道剛開它去,吃午飯

  • So it looks really good.


  • And I was asking the guy who served our pizza, you know, what kind of pizza is it?

    是啊,我們有它在一個公園,現在,因為它 剛開始下雨了。

  • What style is it?


  • And he called it pizza al trancio. And I looked that up and it basically means pizza by the


  • piece or pizza by the slice. And as you can see it has already been pre-sliced into little


  • portions, so it is perfect for you know just getting it to go, having lunch at a park or


  • eating it outdoors.

    所以麵團上,我是說真的很厚,但 它也有一個有點蓬鬆的質量呢

  • Yeah, we're having it in a park now as it just starts to rain.

    那就是像奶酪一層厚厚的 好。就像是奶酪大方量。

  • So time to try this. It looks wonderful.


  • Oh my goodness. Wow!


  • Is that good?

    它種讓我想起芝加哥深盤 風格也是如此。

  • Oh, yeah.


  • So the dough, I mean it is really thick but it also has a bit of a fluffy quality to it

    我們還參觀Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio教堂, 這被認為是曾經舉辦的文物

  • and that is like a thick layer of cheese as well. Like that is a generous amount of cheese.


  • Check this out?

    如果你沒有得到足夠的大教堂和 在屋頂露台,您也可以訪問

  • Look at all that cheese.

    大教堂博物館,它涵蓋了教堂 歷史和藝術更深入一點。

  • It kind of reminds me of Chicago Deep Dish style as well.

    像大多數歐洲城市,米蘭浸淫 在歷史上,但這並不意味著沒有

  • Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio

    與現代建築新的零部件。我們創造 一段時間採取的隨意行跳關之旅

  • We also visited the Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio, which is believed to have once held the relics

    城市,這幫助我們看到一個不同的 米蘭的一面。

  • of the Three Magi.

    我們還自然歷史博物館下降, 這可能是更適合於兒童,

  • If you didn't get enough of the Duomo and the rooftop terrace, you can also visit the

    但我們還是好奇,想看看他們的恐龍 顯示器。

  • Duomo Museum, which covers the cathedrals history and art a little more in depth.

    最後,我們在米蘭的最後一個晚上,我們去了 出各地市的最後一個漫步

  • Like most European cities, Milan is steeped in history but that doesn't mean there aren't

    享受一些夜間美景。通過擺動Il大教堂 如果你得到一個機會 - 它完全感覺

  • newer parts with modern architecture. We made some time to take a Hop-On-Hop-Off tour of

    不同當燈光亮起, 人群散去。

  • the city, and that helped us see a different side of Milan.

    而這一切,對於我們米蘭的訪問。我們 希望這個視頻會給你一些好點子

  • We also dropped by the Museum of Natural History, which is probably geared more towards children,

    的景點和旅遊景點檢查出各地 鎮,如果你有任何其他建議

  • but we were still curious to see their dinosaur displays.

    為旅客,隨意的增加 下面的評論。

  • Lastly, on our final night in Milan we went out for one last stroll around the city to

  • enjoy some nighttime views. Swing by Il Duomo if you get a chance - it feels completely

  • different when the lights come on and the crowds disperse.

  • And that's all for our visit to Milan. We hope this video will give you some cool ideas

  • of sights and attractions to check out around town, and if you have any other suggestions

  • for travellers, feel free to add those to the comments below.

Well, welcome to Italy!

好了,歡迎意大利!這個星期,我們正在探索 歐洲的時尚之都。我們在這裡


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