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Wait, the YouTube strike system is changing? Why?
聽說 YouTube 警告系統將有所異動? 為什麼?
Is this for copyright strikes or Community Guidelines strikes?
有變動的是版權警告 還是《社群規範》警告?
Is it true you now get an initial warning before you get penalised?
使用者現在受到懲處之前 會先收到警示訊息,是真的嗎?
Hey, it's Matt from YouTube, back to help answer your burning questions.
哈囉,我是 YouTube 團隊的 Matt 我來回答大家最關注的問題
This time, around the latest changes
這次要討論的是 關於最近的一些異動
to how we give strikes to channels that violate our Community Guidelines.
就是我們如何針對 違反《社群規範》的頻道發出警告
Let me try to boil it down for you with some quick questions and answers.
我先試著回答一些問題 看看能不能讓大家更有頭緒
So, what's changing with Community Guidelines strikes on YouTube?
Starting on 25 February 2019
從 2019 年 2 月 25 日起
there'll be a new one-time warning for your first violation
當您初次違規時 會收到新的一次性警示訊息
with no penalties, except for the removal of that piece of content.
您不會受到處罰 但必須刪除相關內容
We're making this change because we know a lot of first strikes are accidental
我們做出這項改變 是因為我們知道
people aren't purposely trying to break the rules
很多初次違規的使用者 都不是蓄意犯錯
they just haven't had time to review our policies.
他們只是沒有時間瞭解 我們的政策
A warning gives you a chance to pause and make sure you understand it
這樣的警示訊息讓使用者有機會 瞭解我們的政策
before there are any consequences to your channel.
以免自己的頻道 面臨任何不良後果
Another thing that's new is that all strikes will now have the same penalty
另一項新措施是 所有警告的懲處方式都將統一
regardless of the type of content, like playlists, live streams and thumbnails.
不會因內容類型而有所不同 例如播放清單、直播影片和縮圖等
And we'll have more detailed resources, emails and new notifications
我們會提供更詳盡的資源 電子郵件和新通知等
to keep you up to date on what's going on.
So, why did YouTube make changes to the Community Guidelines strike system?
YouTube 為何要變更 《社群規範》警告系統?
We've heard a lot of feedback from you
about how we can make the strike system work better.
要求我們改善警告系統的 運作方式
You wanted clear explanations of our policies, consistent enforcement
希望我們更清楚地解釋政策規定 處理違規行為時採取一致的標準
and transparency about the impact of a strike on your channel.
These changes, and this video, are trying to do just that.
這些變更和這部影片的目的 就是要回應的大家的要求
What happens when I get a Community Guidelines strike?
收到《社群規範》警告時 會發生什麼事?
After the warning, a first strike would result in a one-week temporary freeze
收到警告後 您的權限會遭凍結 1 個星期
meaning you wouldn't be able to post any new content to YouTube.
在此期間,您無法在 YouTube 上 發佈任何新內容
Each strike will remain on your channel for 90 days before it expires.
頻道收到的每次警告 效期皆為 90 天
If it's your second strike, the freeze would be for two weeks.
當您第 2 次收到警告時 權限會遭凍結 2 個星期
If it's a third strike in a 90-day window, your channel would be terminated.
如果您在 90 天內收到第 3 次警告 則您的頻道將遭到終止
If I have an existing strike on my channel, will I still get a one-time warning?
如果頻道目前已收到警告 我還會收到一次性的警示訊息嗎?
Yeah, in the new system, everyone will receive a warning
會的 新系統推出之後
the next time they violate the Community Guidelines.
任何人下一次違反《社群規範》時 都會收到一次性的警示訊息
What exactly does it mean not to be able to post anything
收到警告後「無法發佈任何內容」 是什麼意思?
when I get a strike?
您還是可以在聊天室留言 但無法上傳任何內容
You can still comment in live chat, but you wouldn't be able to upload anything
包括影片、直播、短片故事 自訂縮圖及社群貼文等
including videos, live streams, Stories, custom thumbnails and Community posts.
When do these changes go into effect?
新的規定將於 2019 年 2 月 25 日起開始實施
This update starts on 25 February 2019.
我們會透過電子郵件和通知 向您說明詳情
It'll include clear emails and notifications to give you the details about the strike.
如果您想查詢 目前是否已經收到警告
You can see if you have active strikes
可以前往 YouTube 創作者工作室中查看
in your YouTube Creator Studio.
收到侵犯版權的警告時,也會收到警示訊息嗎? 還是這套新系統只適用於《社群規範》?
Do I get warnings for copyright strikes, too? Or is this only for Community Guidelines?
新系統只適用於《社群規範》的違規行為 不適用於版權警告
This is only for Community Guidelines, not copyright.
Community Guidelines and copyright strikes are separate
and they work off separate systems.
《社群規範》是 YouTube 針對 平台使用者制定的「交通規則」
Community Guidelines are YouTube's own 'rules of the road'
侵犯版權的部分 則是在我們收到版權下架要求時
for using our platform.
為了配合法律規定 我們會將侵權的內容下架
In the case of copyright violations, when we get a copyright takedown request
即便使用者是初次侵犯版權 我們依然會發出版權警告
we take the upload down because we're required to by law.
我是直播內容創作者,請問 YouTube 現在還會將直播功能凍結 90 天嗎?
Then we issue a copyright strike, even if it's the first time.
I'm a live streamer. Does the 90-day freeze on live streaming still exist?
因此我們縮短了 90 天的直播功能限制
We heard from lots of you that this was too harsh.
現在起,在您第一次收到正式警告後 權限會遭凍結 1 個星期
So we shortened the 90-day live stream restriction.
這段期間內您將無法在 YouTube 上 上傳任何內容,這也包括直播內容
Now, following a warning, the first strike results in a one-week temporary freeze
我認為收到的警告是誤判 可以怎麼做?
on the ability to upload to YouTube, including live streams.
您可以提出申訴 我們的政策小組會重新審查
My warning or strike was incorrect. What can I do?
You can appeal, and our policy team will take another look.
如果我提出申訴後,審查結果證明了我的清白 YouTube 會解除我收到的警告嗎?
See the link in the description of this video for more information on what to do.
會。如果重新審查後發現 您的影片並未違反《社群規範》
What if I appeal and I'm right? Do you erase my strike?
我們會恢復您的權限 並解除您的頻道所收到的警告
Yeah, if we find that your video didn't violate Community Guidelines
當我們審查完您的申訴時 會以電子郵件通知您審查結果
we'll reinstate it, and remove the warning or strike from your channel.
You'll hear back via email as soon as we review your appeal.
歡迎前往說明中心 進一步瞭解警告系統的運作方式
I hope you found this helpful.
Learn more at our Help Centre, linked in the description of this video.
Make sure you subscribe to the official Creators channel
即時接收最新消息,以及每週為您製作的 頻道成長相關教學影片
for updates and weekly videos on growing your channel.
Thanks for your time.