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  • A couple of weeks ago, I sent our receptionist Jeannie

  • to Queens, New York, where we had

  • two surprises for a viewer named Malachi and his family.

  • Take a look.


  • Hello.

  • Excuse me?

  • Hi.

  • Anybody?


  • Hi, hi.

  • Hi.

  • Is somebody at your door now?

  • No.

  • No, no, nobody's at the door.


  • You call your mom a superhero, right?

  • She's just pushing me to get my bachelor's and just

  • never making me feel like not having my father in my life

  • was a big deal.

  • I'm just so blessed.

  • I'm so blessed to have him.

  • We're going to give you five plane tickets to LA and VIP

  • tickets to a taping of my show.

  • How's that sound?


  • Yeah!

  • All right.

  • One more thing, during the 12 days,

  • we gave away over 100 gifts.

  • I want your family to get every single thing we gave away.



  • So we brought them here.

  • Are you enjoying the show?

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • I told you I was bringing you here.

  • I wasn't--


  • Yeah.

  • Oh, that's great.

  • What's your favorite part of the show so far?

  • You, tWitch, this guy dancing.


  • Everything, everything.

  • We love everything.

  • It's been amazing.

  • Would it be your favorite part if I invited the whole family

  • down right now?

  • Oh, my god.




  • Hi.

  • [INAUDIBLE] Hello.

  • Are you Cha-cha?

  • Anna.

  • Cha-cha.

  • Hi.

  • Hi, Michelle.

  • Oh, my god.

  • Ellen, I love you.

  • Hi.

  • Hey, Ellen.

  • All right.

  • I have to give everybody mics.

  • Pass them on down.

  • Pass them down, pass them down.

  • OK, so I heard you were very surprised

  • that I was in your living room.

  • I'm surprised right now.


  • I'm surprised right now.

  • But yes, it was like, amazing.

  • I initially thought they were going

  • to show clips of old episodes.

  • I'm like, wow, this is a nice touch.

  • And then you're like, hello, guys.

  • I'm like, did she?

  • And then you said it again.

  • I'm like, whoa, Ellen's talking to us right now.

  • And you're getting recognized since you've been on the show,

  • I understand.

  • You're like famous there?

  • Oh, man.

  • And you know, New York, it's hard to be famous.

  • Yes.

  • What are you getting?

  • What are people doing?

  • Oh, man.

  • I actually went to the Verizon store

  • to get a case for the phone you gave me.

  • That's right.

  • I gave you a phone.

  • I didn't want to crack it.

  • So I got a screen protector and a case.

  • And the guy goes, you look really familiar.

  • Do you act?

  • I'm like, no I don't.

  • I don't act.

  • He said, I seen you before on TV.

  • I'm like, well, I was on The Ellen Show.

  • He's like, that's it, that's it.

  • He gave me a 30% discount.

  • Oh wow.

  • [CHEERS]

  • On the case and the screen protector.

  • So thank you, Ellen.

  • Oh, you're welcome.

  • Thanks for that.

  • That's nice of you.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • So we gave you all 12 days--

  • everything we did all 12 days.

  • What were your favorite gifts?

  • Honestly, mine wasn't so much a tangible gift

  • or a physical gift, it was more just

  • the experience of being on your show.

  • I love you.

  • I love you as Dory.

  • I love you as Ellen.

  • I love Portia.

  • And it was just amazing for me to just have that experience

  • and just have my family with me to receive those things.

  • Just that.

  • That's so sweet.

  • What about you?

  • For me, just hearing you say Cha-cha's name.

  • I'm like, the Ellen Degeneres is saying my daughter's name

  • on national television.

  • You just kept saying, Cha-cha.

  • I'm like, oh my god, she's saying her name.

  • Well, it's fun to say Cha-cha.

  • It was amazing.

  • And Anna too, it's fun to say Anna.

  • And Star, what about you?

  • What was your favorite?

  • I love the virtual reality glasses.

  • They're amazing.

  • It's like you're time traveling.

  • I was playing Jurassic Park, and it's just like, whoa,

  • like, I was in there.

  • It was so much fun.

  • Well, when you have a brand-new baby,

  • sometimes you have to time travel.

  • And you need an escape.

  • Definitely need an escape.

  • You need to go someplace else just for a little while.

  • All right.

  • So you have been a teacher, Michelle, for 20 years.

  • 20 years.

  • And the reason we found you is Malachi

  • wrote this beautiful letter saying that you're his hero,

  • and what an amazing mom you are, and that he never

  • missed not having a dad because you were such a great mom.

  • So you had a birthday recently?

  • It's coming up.

  • Yeah, it's coming up.

  • OK, whenever it is, I don't care.

  • Our friends at Shutterfly want to help

  • you make another memory for your family

  • with a check for $20,000.


  • You're amazing.

  • We'll be right back.

  • You really wrote in because your mom,

  • and you said you wouldn't be the man you are today without her.

  • And why is that?

  • I think a lot of people don't realize

  • how hard it is to raise a child with both parents,

  • and then to raise a man, being a woman by yourself,

  • is extremely difficult. And I can

  • remember days my mom getting on the bus and train,

  • and it's snowing, and we didn't have a car.

  • And she would take me to school, then go to Brooklyn

  • and go to her job.

  • And you know, those things just taught me perseverance

  • and how to be a hero.

  • Because she's my hero.

  • And I just hope that I'm able to be the same type of hero

  • to my daughter that she was to me.

  • What an amazing guy.


  • You're amazing.

  • You're amazing, you're amazing.

  • All right.

  • So you're a recent college graduate.

  • Yes, ma'am.

  • And you just had a baby, and how old is she, Ava?

  • She turned one today.

  • Today is her birthday.

  • Today is her birthday?


  • Today is her birthday.

  • That's got to be tough financially

  • though because, yeah.

  • Yeah, you can say that again.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • That's got to be tough financially.

  • I'll say it again.

  • Very.


  • So, you know, we knew we wanted to help your mom because you

  • said that she was an amazing--

  • and then I called my friends at Shutterfly.

  • Janet answered the phone.

  • And I said, Janet, we can't just help Michelle.

  • We have to help Malachi.

  • Because he's an amazing guy.

  • So they said, what if we give Malachi a check for $20,000?

  • I said, OK.



  • All right.

  • We'll be back.



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A2 初級 美國腔

艾倫為馬拉奇和他的 "超級英雄 "媽媽準備了更多的驚喜。 (Ellen Has More Surprises for Malachi and His 'Superhero' Mom)

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    吳即平 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日