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  • if I feed a bowel to run Sean you need to get moving unless you found something

  • I have the perforation I pipe it off I'll get in there with the inner otter

  • me scissors and remove the damaged segment I can't

  • you can't why not it's just like Mon you found a wall that process it's large

  • don't touch it I already am if you move in that thing

  • ruptures the possible spread to his entire abdominal cavity this point dies

  • I know that's why I'm not moving Claire I need you to open it up gently

  • I'm gonna evacuate the septic contents flush the cavity with antibiotics and

  • then have you remove the capsule I didn't do anything as the pressure

  • tanking you need to finish what you're doing right now let's go there

  • it was a difficult procedure we removed a total of two feet of is he okay he

  • will be okay thank you thank you

  • ah I'm sorry your we just

  • because I son you shouldn't feel bad you did what you thought was best for Liam

  • you love Liam I didn't have that from my parents

  • it also means I didn't have to take kava root so I didn't get hi Priya Senna

  • filler gastroenteritis

if I feed a bowel to run Sean you need to get moving unless you found something


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B1 中級 美國腔

好醫生--肖恩的不同部分2 (the good doctor - Shaun's different part 2)

  • 105 1
    Nicky 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日