字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 what's up influencers here with a very special guest Gary Vaynerchuk thank you so much thrill to be here this has we've been interacting for a very very very long time very long time Gary Vaynerchuk for those of you that might not know started on Wine library TV has a youtuber help build his family's business from 3 to 60 million as if that wasn't enough started VeynerMedia which that's where we're at right now and is a New York Times bestselling author just wrote his fourth book ask Gary Vee go check it out and great speaker thank you so much thank for having me here you thank you you know do you ever use that title youtuber I don't only because I mean a crucial mistake everybody well you know it's tough because the people I did it with are amazing but I started wine library tv in 2006 February 2006 almost 2005 as i started a YouTube show wine show made me quite internet famous but I moved from YouTube to viddler they're there was a lot of start up at the time and viddler made a very lucrative opportunity for me where i owned a nice piece of the company and I made a businessman decision I had a lot of other things going on for me on Twitter and other places so I felt like I could give up the branding of what YouTube was gonna bring but no question one of the bigger mistakes I mean when I think back to starting the Ask Gary Vee show only you know 18 months ago and now we having 40,000 subscribers in a world where on viddler i had 400,000 viewers I left a wine library tv i left a lot the table you know if I don't make that move no question in my Wikipedia in my career I could have probably been considered one of the first ever youtubers i was but I left too soon I left YouTube by 2007 oh yeah so I mean I do think of myself that way YouTube and Twitter changed my life I'm so pumped that so many people followed my book and became a huge YouTubers it's mainly about YouTube and Twitter but I don't take credit for because my actions moved away from it well you know you should take credit for the hustle because you came back in your your name is huge and maybe even more so in a specific I wanna say niche but really in the industry right digital marketing online media social media can you talk about that because you one thing that people get hung up on are subscribers and views don't get me wrong your subscribers are really amazing you got great fans but when you're going and I'll get right to the punch line I don't first of all I'm not even sure how many subscribers on YouTube by half of my intuition is it's under 200,000 I know that to be fact so I built my brand as a thought leader as an executor as an investor in this digital arena and even a 1.2 million followers on Twitter and I've some nice size following and other places none of my following count is even remotely close to the financial impact I have so I get paid millions of dollars in advances to write books this company is a hundred million dollar a year business it's helping my family wine businesses there's a bunch of wine here by by leaps and bounds and so you're right and I know that a lot of you make ad revenue and lots seven figures on ad revenue from YouTube other things of that nature but I've gone down the path of having influence on the cover business magazines television it's truly 360 I've made my money not by the arbitrage of the ad revenue for some of the product placement I've got about it by going out building businesses on the platform so most of my behaivor for example if i was worry about subscribers im gonna get a little bit of time to do it if I was worried about subscribers I would spend a year going and doing collaborations like I have permission because my relationships and I have a lot of them I can easily get to spend time with YouTube I spend time with Google Facebook and I'm not worried about that though I don't say that you don't have it's the path I choose but I do think that when you think bigger and not just the next subscriber or the or the next product placement or how much ad revenue you do open up your opportunity to much bigger things if you've got the capabilities like I had as a business person with some people what your capability is is being a creative and I do think ecosystem YouTube another platform is great for those people 'cause they're doing the business sense things that I do as a businessman absolutely I think the one thing that my wife Judy and myself learned the most from you is about engagement the community so can you talk about that because regardless of all that it's how close your fans feel to you and tell us about that and why Depth versus Width you know I sold 200,000 copies of my book the first week there's a lot of people came out with bigger audiences bigger stars and they didn't because people actually care about me as you know what I talked a lot about in Crush it and I followed up a book two years later called the thank you economy I don't think there's anything else besides the people on the other side these cameras you know if they care about you then you win and I and I look at things like the grateful dead or the rolling stones or fish like that on the biggest bands but they have fans that travelers and care the most die hearts WWF wrestling like if you look at economics and business my friends you know you could have one subscriber that Oprah Winfrey and that impact of that suscriber can make you so much more bring you so much more whatever you were going for and so I think community engagement and actually acknowledging people leaving comments and replying I mean i was up with snapchat 'till 1 o'clock in the morning last night just replying using the new features replying I think it's imperative I I would never take that for granted I think if your digital influencer or someone that's building a little bit of mojo the number one thing you can do is thank the people that leave a comment I spent a lot of time in my Instagram comments right now Judy after she read your book she literally was up till two or three in the morning responding to comments that's why people like her twitting especially during a time when Twitter was like the thing I i know i mean you're you're singing to the choir here and I mean we just we feel this and we believe it so thank you so much for that and it works and what I noticed from you guys from far as I paid attention I haven't gone away in a long time in this point and you guys havent gone away from it and too many people get a little base and make stop because it becomes overwhelming look there was a time when I responded to every single tweet in 2008 to 2011 not to me till two in the morning to see how many people I meet that say they're like Oh yeah i've been DM or they reply to me and I was able to now because of Instagram and snapchat and Twitter and Facebook comments and YouTube and the podcast I can't get to them all I'm one human I don't want somebody else to do it but I do think that I think it's achievable thank you Mike nice health and fitness totally lean and mean do you want to take a break no no and you know a lot of people want to build their influence right where they are and it happened maybe they're a business person and what advice do you have for people wanting to start utilizing online video to be able to build a passion into a business or lifestyle first you have to understand and i've seen your guys stuff you guys actually have she had the ability to do it it's ok if you're not good in front of the camera believe or not im throwing you on a cripple you don't have to do video you have to find your medium so for example voice is really interesting to me a lot of you watching right now we're meant to be radio stars not television stars between anchor and SoundCloud and smart technology to podcasts there's so much for so many of you that are shy I see the camera and i want to a i wanna eat it I wanna be in it I love it but for so many this is the right place for them to be and so I would say that before I give you advice on what to do on video you decide if video is the right medium for you for example some of your incredible writers and the blog and medium dot com ironically and other things that could be the right thing for you but if video is right if you feel comfortable or you wanna climb that mountain ship away get better at it I don't think there's any bigger better medium absolutely for people wanting to get into this they decide this is what they want to do or current youtubers are online video influencers what what do you see happening as some of the biggest opportunities both now and in the future snapchat and musical.ly for everybody who's watching it was very important you gotta start creating content gotta build a presence number two a lot of you are missing this and i talk to alot of people on snapchat on vine on Instagram and on YouTube and a lot of people I know a lot of you don't know who i am but for those that do just like you like you a lot people come to me for advice because they know that I can 360 their business not just what they're doing there's a misunderstanding I'm really glad we get this moment on the show thinking about who's probably watching this is the world graduate Hollywood you graduate the television guys this is the television the television is radio and its 1965 that's what makes you human human yes but it's weird the world going where people are going to consume and so too many people become big on YouTube and want to go to Hollywood without realizing they're Hollywood and hollywood needs to come to them and so you need to take back to leveraging realize you're on the right side of history if you plan on doing this for the next 48 to 72 months for 4 to 6 years right then to stay in this device but win in all the channels if you think the way I do this is the television it's nineteen sixties and YouTube Instagram snapchat and Facebook ABC NBC CBS and if you become a star on all those networks well then you will win one of the things that you talk about specialy recently is self awareness which is a perfect time to talk about finding your passion but being self-aware and how important that is to find their passion and making the decision on moving forward and how to do that look i mean I wish that I could win on my looks but I don't right like we have to know we're gonna win on it and too many people want to be a pop singer comedian or a pretty face model and it's just not who they are and to many of you are leaving enormous upside on the table by trying to force a narrative that's romantic in your mind versus what you actually I have can do so many more things to build up my following but it's not who I am I know that we used to get more followers to get more people to know who I am but I'm a businessman that happens to like understand content a little bit so I'm never going to be followed by the most but I'm also that means not going to sell things I don't follow all the other entrepreneurs on Instagram they're selling watches and cash on bed and models and bottles and private planes and I don't sell that because I don't want to get the cheap followers for cheap engagement and so when you really are self-aware when you really know who you are what it allows you to do to stay in your ways not do other things I can't produce the kind of videos that my buddy Casey can like it's just not Who I am and so you stay in my daily vlog just one exhausting episode of me hustling 24 hours a day but eventually that's gonna ge repetitive but i dont care thats my reality my reality is i'm a workaholic who has some talents but want to show people that if you work really hard if you want it then we should get the most out of yourself not that you are gonna make a billion if you work hard but the most of yourself so i think self awareness is imperative it's why I put it in the new book