字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey Creators, I'm Tom from the YouTube product team. 各位創作者,大家好 我是 YouTube 產品小組的 Tom Big changes are coming to how you manage your channel. 現在起 管理頻道的方式將大幅改變 I'm here to give you a rundown 今天我將為各位說明 on some of the new improvements to the YouTube Studio. YouTube 工作室有什麼新的改善 You might be wondering, why are we making all these changes? 你可能會問 為什麼我們要做出這些調整 Well, the original YouTube Studio Classic has been around for over 10 years 傳統版 YouTube 工作室 and it became really hard for us to make improvements to your experience 推出至今已超過 10 年 so now, the new YouTube Studio will let us give you more features, faster. 我們發覺不論再怎麼調整改善 都很難增進各位的使用體驗 Many of you may have already been defaulted into the new YouTube Studio. 但有了新版 YouTube 工作室 If you haven't yet, you can get to it 我們就能快速發佈新功能 by clicking on the button on the top-left corner of Classic. 現在很多人預設使用的就是 新版的 YouTube 工作室 And I strongly encourage you to check it out 如果你還沒用過 because this will become the new, prominent, main platform 只要按一下傳統版工作室左上方的按鈕 就能開始使用 for Creators going forward. 我強烈建議大家試用看看 There's gonna be a transition period 因為這將成為 日後最主要的全新創作者平台 so in the next few months, you'll be able to go to both 在此之前會有一段過渡期 but in the long run 因此接下來的幾個月 各位可以同時使用這兩個版本的工作室 the new YouTube Studio will be the primary place 但長期來看 where we put all of our efforts 新版 YouTube 工作室 就會成為創作者的主要工具 and all of the new innovation. 我們會將所有心力和創意 全都投注到這個新版工作室中 The first thing you see in the new YouTube Studio is a dashboard. 打開新版 YouTube 工作室後 映入眼簾的就是資訊主頁 Here you can see a snapshot of what's going on with your latest video 在這裡你可以查看 最新上傳影片的數據匯報 the latest news from YouTube YouTube 的最新消息 and your top-line analytics for the last 28 days. 以及你頻道過去 28 天的數據分析總覽 There's gonna be other new widgets coming. 我們日後還會推出新的小工具 One of them is 'known issues' 其中一項是「已知問題」 which will explain any kind of outages or any issues that are facing the platform 這項小工具將說明 YouTube 遭遇的各種停機狀況和問題 so if it's something that's affecting your channel or other channels 因此當你的頻道或其他頻道受到影響時 you'll know what the status is right there. 你就能透過這項工具立即瞭解狀況 The second thing is the 'ideas for you' widget. 另一項工具是「給您的靈感」 Now, this one's already in the dashboard. 這項工具已經在資訊主頁上了 As you can see here 就在這邊 it gives you very specific recommendations based on your channel's characteristics. 這項工具會根據你頻道的特質 向你推薦特定的功能 So maybe we noticed that you haven't used a feature 比方說系統注意到 你已很久沒用某項功能 that channels like you are using with great success. 但其他同性質的頻道 在使用這項功能後獲得很好的效果 We may recommend that you check out that feature. 系統可能就會建議你試試這項功能 Or it could recommend a Creator Academy lesson 系統也會根據頻道的成長歷程 based on where you are in your growth journey as a channel. 向你推薦合適的創作者學院課程 So those are some of the cool things in the dashboard. 以上就是資訊主頁所提供的一些實用工具 Do check it out, I think you'll really enjoy it. 歡迎多多試用 相信各位會喜歡這些功能 Let's jump into the Studio and look at how I manage a channel. 那麼現在就直接進入工作室 看我實際示範如何管理頻道吧 The first thing you need to keep in mind 首先要記住的是瀏覽方式 is the way to navigate. 新版工作室運用的是 「以物件為主」的瀏覽方式 It has what we call 'entity-based navigation' 這就表示 and all that means is 當你想要針對特定影片 修改數據分析、編輯影片或字幕 when you want to modify the analytics 或是進行其他操作時,必須先選取目標影片 or the video editing, or the captions or whatever 因為在左側選單的這些分頁標籤 for any specific video, what you need to do is select the video first 全都屬於頻道層級的項目 because all of these items on the left-hand side here 所以現在我要按一下影片標題 選取一部影片 they're really, right now, at the channel level. 你可以看到左側選單的項目全都變了 So I'm gonna select a video by just clicking on the video title 有「數據分析」、「編輯器」 and now you'll see the items on the left have changed. 「留言」、「字幕記錄」和「其他功能」 There's Analytics, Editor, Comments, transcriptions, additional features 所有可用於該影片的功能盡在此處 these are all related to that specific video. 如果你想回到上一個頁面 那就按一下這個小小的返回箭頭 Then when you want to go back, just click on this little back arrow 現在又回到頻道層級頁面了 and now you're back up at the channel level. YouTube 工作室另一項實用特色是 Another cool thing about the YouTube Studio 你可以在這裡的影片清單直接修改影片資訊 is on the video list here, you can make in-line edits. 仔細看,我正在瀏覽我的影片清單 So notice here I'm looking at my list of videos 我只要按一下這個鉛筆小圖示 and I can quickly click on the little pencil 就能馬上變更影片的標題和說明 and now I can change the title and the description 完全不用離開這個頁面 without leaving the page. 此外我還能變更瀏覽權限和營利設定 I can also change the visibility settings 全部都能在影片清單這裡完成 and monetisation settings. 不須再打開一堆視窗 All from the video list, in-line, without having to load a bunch of screens. 那麼現在來瞧瞧 改良版的 YouTube 數據分析 OK, now let's take a look at the new and improved YouTube Analytics. 先按一下這裡 So I'm gonna click here and now I'm at the channel level 這些是頻道層級的資訊 and I'm seeing the channel Analytics for this account. 現在看到的是 這個帳戶的頻道數據分析 Some things that are really cool are the way we've organised the reports now 真正厲害的地方是 are kind of aligned with the goals of a Creator. 報表排列的方式 會與創作者的目標互相呼應 So you have 你可以看到 'reach viewers', 'interest viewers', 'build an audience', 'earn revenue'. 「觸及觀眾」、「引起觀眾的興趣」 And then within each of those 「建立觀眾群」和「賺取收益」等分頁標籤 we highlight the top metrics that are most important for each section. 而且每個分頁當中 The other thing that's really cool is 我們會將最重要的幾項指標標示出來 on this 'reach viewers' area is our impressions report 另一個特點是 which will explain how many impressions you got for your videos 「觸及觀眾」專區的曝光次數報表 what the click-through rate was 上面會顯示你的影片有多少曝光次數 for those impressions 這些曝光次數帶來多少點閱率 and then also how many unique viewers you got. 以及你的不重複觀眾人數 Another thing that you'll notice about the new YouTube Studio in Analytics 你可能還會注意到 新版 YouTube 工作室的數據分析中 is these insights. 有這些深入分析 These are smart headlines 這些智慧標題下方 human-language descriptions of what's going on. 系統會以易於理解的方式顯示頻道概況 So this has been based on feedback we got from Creators telling us 這些都是我們根據創作者的意見推出的功能 "Hey, these charts and tables are great 雖然他們覺得這些報表相當不錯 但還想要更直接了當的說明 "but just tell me what's going on." 而我們就做了這項功能 So now we do that. 這項功能目前僅提供英文版 Currently, this feature is in English only 但我們希望在不久後就能推出各種語言版本 but we hope to get it out in all languages soon. 在查看數據分析時 When looking at your Analytics 你可以透過日期挑選器來變更日期範圍 you can also change the date range 你也可以自行選取日期範圍 by clicking on the date picker. 如要瞭解詳情 You can also select a custom date range. 只要按一下任一資訊卡 就能開啟深入剖析的視窗 You can go deeper by clicking on one of the cards 你可以依據不同的指標 調整表格的分類方式 then a deep-dive window opens. 變更圖表 It allows you to sort the table by the different metrics 甚至還能建立影片群組 並進行批次變更 change the charts and even create and apply groups. 另一項重點是 The other thing to know is 按一下這個小型的播放按鈕圖示 就能查看影片數據分析 you can click on the small Play icons 這裡會顯示經過校正後的圖表 to see the video Analytics 讓你比較當前影片和其他影片的成效 where the charts are now normalised 並根據影片的推出時間做出準確的比較 and compare the video's performance to other videos 接著來看看全新的影片編輯器 adjusting their age for a fair comparison. 我先按一下這部影片 So next, let's look at the new video editor. 然後再按一下 [編輯器] I'll click on a video here 你可以發現幾項變動 then I click 'Editor' 第一個就是全新的視覺設計 and you'll see a couple things. 非常有型的深色模式外觀 One is it's a completely new visual design 但最大的變動是 really nice Dark Mode kind of look. 在傳統版工作室中 處處都有編輯器 But the most important thing 例如結束畫面編輯器、字幕編輯器 is that the Classic Studio used to have editors all over the place. 模糊處理的編輯器 還有音訊切換工具等等 It used to have one editor for end screens 五花八門 another editor for captions 不同的編輯器容易混淆使用者 another editor for blurring, another editor for audio swapping 現在你可以在同一個地方專心編輯影片 and so on. 避免不同的修改之間彼此出現衝突 That was very confusing to use, they were all a little different. 你可能會不時注意到 Now you can do it all in one place and avoid any edits that collide with each other. 點選某些功能時 Now, one thing you'll notice is 畫面就會跳回傳統版 YouTube 工作室 from time to time 這是因為我們仍在努力 為新版 YouTube 工作室開發這些功能 there might be a couple of features that you click on 於此同時 我們也必須確保各位仍能使用那些功能 and it actually takes you to YouTube Studio Classic. 順利製作影片 Those are features that we're in the process of building 我們會逐漸汰除那些連結 in the new YouTube Studio, so in the meantime 並加入前往新版 YouTube 工作室 原生內建功能的連結 we had to make sure that you could still get your job done 在過渡期間,各位還是能 透過舊的連結使用相關功能 and access those features. 以上就是新版 YouTube 工作室的概略介紹 Over time, we'll replace those links 如果你有任何意見回饋 請在影片下方留言 with links to the native-built YouTube Studio version of it 你也可以使用 YouTube 上 的 [提供意見] 功能 but in the meantime, you'll have those links to get your job done. 或是在 Creator Insider 頻道 和我們分享你的想法 OK, so that's a quick summary of the new YouTube Studio. 只要你方便就好 If you have feedback, please give us comments below 希望你會喜歡這個新版工作室 下次見 or you can use the 'Send feedback' feature in the product itself or you can hit us up on Creator Insider. Whatever works for you. In the meantime, enjoy the new product and keep it real.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 工作室 功能 影片 頻道 分析 數據 如何使用新的YouTube Studio (How to Use the New YouTube Studio) 158 4 Zenn 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字