字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi everyone! 大家好! We are Luke and Slide and you're watching “Science of Victory”. Luke 和 Slide 又來了,歡迎收看「勝利方程式」 As promised, today we will talk about tank destroyers. 我們實現承諾,今天來談談驅逐戰車 It's no secret that TDs are pretty popular in Team Battles. 在團隊戰中,毫無疑問驅逐戰車十分常見 And they are for a few reasons! 這主要有幾個理由! The main one is the love most people have for big damage “per shot” weapons. 受到大多數人喜愛的主要原因是武器的「每一發」都能帶來重大傷害 Though, there is more. 不過,還有其他要素 Let's quickly review every tier 8 TD and talk about the pros and cons of every single one of them. 讓我們快速掃過 8 階的驅逐戰車,談談每一輛的性能優劣 We'll start with the TD that has most damage per minute. 我們從每分鐘傷害最高的驅逐戰車開始 I suspect you'll be surprised: it's the British AT-15! 我想你可能會大吃一驚:冠軍是英國的 AT-15! Its fantastic rate of fire allows it to deal almost two thousand eight hundred points of damage in 60 seconds. 它擁有神奇的射速,在 60 秒內可以造成 2400點的傷害 Accuracy, aim speed and penetration are good. 準確性、瞄準速度與穿甲性都不錯 Also the frontal armor has made many opponents curse this British war machine. 此外,前方裝甲也讓不少玩家對手詛咒這輛英式載具 Though all of the pros can't compensate for its massive con – mobility. 只不過,這些優點都無法彌補它的最大缺點:機動性 The top speed of this TD is only 20 kilometers per hour. 這輛驅逐戰車的極速只有時速 20 公里 As we told you this isn't just bad for team battles, it's a game breaker. 正如我們所言,它不但在團隊戰難以發揮,也是戰術打不起來的主因 Just remember the KV-4 from the last episode… 回憶一下上一集的 KV-4 就知道了… The American T28 and T28 Prototype have the same problem. 美國的 T28 和 T28 Prototype 也有類似的問題 Great frontal armor, but terrible speed. 絕佳的前方裝甲,但是速度慢到像烏龜 18 kilometers per hour is the slowest of all the tier 8 TDs. 時速 18 公里是所有 8 階驅逐戰車中最慢的 Pick such a vehicle for your line-up and an experienced opponent will surely take advantage of this. 在你的陣線挑選這樣的載具,敵人一定會好好利用並取得優勢 I know some people will disagree, and therefore you'll likely see these TDs in team battles. 我知道有人不同意,所以你一定會在團隊戰中看到這些驅逐戰車 So we'll show you their weak spots; just in case. 所以我們來看看它們的弱點,以防萬一 When you shoot at a T28; aim for the hatches on the roof. 當你對一輛 T28 開火時,瞄準頂端的艙蓋 AT-15s soft spots are the mantlet center and also the hatches. AT-15 的弱點位於砲盾中心和艙蓋 The Prototype can be penetrated through the cheeks and the machinegun. 對付 Prototype 時可以直接打穿它的側面與機槍孔 We move on. 我們繼續看下去 Next up is the French AC 48. 下一輛是法國的 AC 48 The first thing you see is a great top speed of 50 kilometers per hour! 你會先看到 50 公里的時速! Some mediums even can't reach that! 有些中型戰車都跑不到這個速度! A clear pro for this TD. 速度顯然是這輛驅逐戰車的優勢 However the damage per shot is the same as the Americans, which is only a bit better than the IS-3. 不過,它單發傷害卻和美國戰車差不多,只比 IS-3 好一點 So not enough to exchange it for a tank with a turret. 所以,不如還是選台有砲塔的戰車會實際點 You can easily penetrate the 48's hatch, range finder edges, and lower glacis. 你可以輕易打穿 48 的艙蓋、測距儀邊緣與首下 If we look at the Soviet TDs they are pretty different, but equally useless for Team Battles. 如果我們把目光移到蘇聯的驅逐戰車就完全不是這麼一回事了,但就團隊戰而言也沒多大效用 The SU-101 is the most mobile TD of tier 8. Acceleration, top speed and turn speed are impressive. SU-101 是第 8 階機動性最高的驅逐戰車,極速和迴轉速度都很驚人 The damage per minute, accuracy and the aim time of the gun are also pretty good. 每分鐘的傷害量、準確性和瞄準時間也相當不錯 But the elevation angles are just terrible. 但是仰角實在是糟透了 This along with the small damage per shot makes this vehicle useless for team battles. 再加上單發傷害不足,讓這輛載具在團隊戰幾乎無用武之地 Most of the time you'll be battling your own vehicle instead of the enemies. 你的大部份時間都在對抗載具所帶來的不便,沒多少時間去看敵人 Now the ISU 152. 再來是 ISU 152 Many select it because they love big guns; especially one's as big as the BL-10. 很多人挑選它是基於對大管主砲的熱愛,尤其是它搭載的主砲接近 BL-10 At first glance the cannon seems to be great! 第一眼印象就是主砲看起來棒透了! The average shell damage is 750. 砲彈的平均傷害是 750 This is very impressive. 這點實在很搶眼 The armor penetration is also good, but the remaining characteristics are not… 穿甲能力也不錯,但其他特性就沒那麼好看了… This TD has the WORST accuracy and aim time of all TDs. 在所有的驅逐戰車中,這一輛的準確性和瞄準時間最慘 And its decent speed can't compensate for the low turn speed and weak armor. 而且它那亮眼的速度無法彌補低迴轉速度和薄弱的裝甲 Beating strong teams with this vehicle in your line-up will be hard. 在你的陣線中安插了這樣的載具後,想要打倒強悍的對手並不容易 Now we have four German TDs. 接下來我們來看看四輛德國驅逐戰車 We'll start with a premium one: 我們先從最好的一輛開始: The JadgTiger 8.8 JadgTiger 8.8 The cannon is pretty similar to the British AT-15: accurate, high rate of fire, low damage per shot but high DPM. 它的主砲很類似英式的 AT-15:準確、高射速、每發傷害低,但是每分鐘傷害量不俗 A pretty nice TD in general, but the mobility is worse than most tier 8 heavies, so it can't really be an equal substitute for them. 大體來說,這是很棒的驅逐戰車,但是和大部份的 8 階重型載具比較起來機動性最差,所以很難取代其他戰車的位置 By the way, to pen the JagdTiger? 順道一提,想要擊退 JagdTiger ? Lower glacis and machinegun. 首下和機槍孔 Now the Ferdinand and JagdPanther II. 再來是 Ferdinand 和 JagdPanther II Both TDs have the same weapon – the one of the tier 9 JagdTiger. 這兩輛驅逐戰車搭載一樣的武器-和 9 階 JagdTiger 相同 And that is the only thing they have in common. 但這是兩者唯一的共通點 However, we won't review them, since there is no use taking them into a Team Battle. 不過,我們也沒打算討論它們,因為它們在團體戰派不上用場 The first one is too slow and the second one has paper-thin armour. 第一輛太慢、第二輛的裝甲薄的像紙 We leave the most interesting TD 'til last: the Rheinmetal-Borsig Waffenträger 所以我們把最有趣的驅逐戰車留到最後:Rheinmetal-Borsig Waffentr?ger The word “Metal” is present in the name, but its armour is closer to foil. 雖然在它的名稱有「金屬」的德文,但是裝甲簡直像金屬薄片 We'll talk about this later, but first we'll review the other stats. 這一點我們稍後再談,我們先來看看它的其他狀態 The main thing is the cannon. 重點在於它的主砲 Many people use the stock cannon and that's understandable: It is more accurate and has a higher fire rate. 很多人選用 Stock 主砲,理由也顯而易見:它非常精準、射速也很快 Plus the damage per minute is way higher than the top gun. 再加上和頂尖的主砲比起來,每分鐘的傷害量也不遜色 The question is: why should you pick a weakly armored TD that does only a little more damage per shot than the IS-3? 問題在於:你為什麼要挑一輛裝甲薄弱的驅逐戰車,然後它的每分鐘傷害量只比一輛 IS-3 好一點而己? The correct answer is “you shouldn't”. 正確的答案是:「不應該」 The main feature of the Borsig is the great damage per shot. Borsig 最重要的特點在於每發強大的破壞力 So if you pick this TD for your team, make sure to use the top gun. 所以,如果你要挑選這輛驅逐戰車,一定要好好發揮主砲威力 The other advantages of this German Machine are its good camouflage, turn speed and, of course, the fact it has a turret! 這輛德國載具的其他優勢在於良好的偽裝、迴轉速度,當然另一個特長就是它有砲塔! It's almost impossible to carousel this TD. 要讓這輛驅逐戰車昏頭轉向幾乎是不可能的 As for the cons – the main one is the foil armor. 至於它的缺點:主要還是薄片般的裝甲 Experienced tankers know of it and often shoot the Borsig with HEs. 經驗老到的戰車好手不但很清楚這點,而且經常對 Borsig 射出高爆彈 One good hit with HE can take away half of the TDs durability and damage several modules. 在精準射擊下,只要一發就可以打掉驅逐戰車一半的耐久度,並順便破壞其中幾個組件 You must agree; that's not very pleasant… 你一定會同意,這並不是什麼值得高興的事… In addition; even tier 1 tanks can penetrate the Borsig's armor with ease. 除此之外,就算是1階的戰車都可以輕易擊穿 Borsig 的裝甲 This may look fun, but not for the German TD driver! 大家都會覺得棒透了,除非你剛好是這輛德國驅逐戰車的駕駛員! You often have to choose between killing the tier 1 or shooting a tier 8 你經常碰上的抉擇:是要宰掉 1 階對手… and bearing with the humiliation of being damaged by the Tier 1 for 20 more seconds… 還是要先解決 8 階目標,然後吞下被 1 階對手凌虐 20 秒的恥辱… To tell the truth; the Borsig is the best tier 8 TD for Team Battles. 說實話,Borsig是 8 階驅逐戰車中,最適合團隊戰的選擇 Though this doesn't mean that you have to pick a TD right away. 不過,這並不表示你可以馬上挑出最適用的驅逐戰車 Consider the following: First - you reduce the total HP of the team. 考量下列事項:首先,你會降低全隊的生命值 All of TDs, except the British one, have less durability than the heavies. 所有的驅逐戰車中,除了英國車以外,耐用性也比不上重型載具 So you basically start with a 300-500 HP handicap. 基本上,你的隊伍一開始就會有 300-500 生命值的差距 Second – your team has less mobility, meaning less tactical options. 其次,你的隊伍機動性變差,表示戰術會受到限制 The battles will last longer and will be less varied. 變化多端的戰鬥可以更持久,反之就會快速結束 The chance for a tie will be higher and you'll mostly have to play defensively. 陷入僵局的機會變高,然後你就可能要擔任守方 That's not the way I like it, but you're making the decisions. 我並不喜歡這種方式,但你必需做出選擇 And finally; some words about artillery. 最後,我們討論一下自走砲 I will tell you this. 我會這樣講 Currently, the arty are all useless in team battles. 目前,自走砲在團隊戰中毫無用處 Yes, even on the open maps. 對,甚至在開放式地圖 Yes, even if you are very experienced. 沒錯,就算你經驗豐富 Yes, absolutely useless. 是的,完全沒用 If this changes, we will come back to the topic of Artillery's. 如果局勢有任何變化,我們再回頭來討論自走砲 That is all for today. 今天就到此為止 In our next episode we'll tell you about all-purpose lineups, and come closer to giving you specific map tactics. 在我們的下一集中會聊到全面性的戰線,並細看地圖,為你提供各種戰術 If you want to see more; remember to share and like this video, then subscribe to our brand new channel. 如果你還想進一步瞭解,請記得分享這段影片並點「讚」,順便訂閱我們的全新頻道 See you next episode! 下一集見了!
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 戰車 驅逐 主砲 速度 瞄準 時速 坦克驅逐艦在團隊作戰中。勝利的科學 (Tank Destroyers in Team Battle. Science of Victory) 66 1 raychen0918 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字