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  • Oops! Excuse me!

  • Oh, hello friends!

  • Have you ever wondered where does the food go, once it enters your body?

  • Sorry!

  • Well, worry no more, cause I'll tell you all about the human digestive system!

  • Oops! Haha! Come on, what are you waiting for?

  • Zoom in!

  • Digestion is a simple process.

  • Where large insoluble food particles are broken down..

  • ..into smaller water soluble molecules.

  • So that, they can be absorbed by blood and give energy to different parts of our body.

  • The process of digestion has a few stages.

  • And I'll take you through all of them. Come!

  • Chewing is the first stage of the digestive system.

  • When you chew your food, the food particles break down..

  • ..into little pieces that are easier to swallow.

  • The saliva which contains a lot of enzymes, mixes with those food particles..

  • ..and helps break down those food particles even more.

  • Once you have completely chewed your food..

  • ..the tongue helps to push the food particles down your throat.

  • This process is called swallowing.

  • The food travels through a long pipe called esophagus..

  • ..also known as the food pipe.

  • When the food particles, have travelled through the food pipe..

  • ..their next destination is the stomach.

  • Where those particles hang out for approximately four hours.

  • The stomach releases a lot of acids and enzymes..

  • ..which further break down the food particles.

  • So that these particles can be absorbed by our body.

  • An enzyme called Pepsin present in the stomach..

  • ..helps break down the protiens.

  • Oh, and a lot of bacteria are killed by our super hero, the stomach.

  • So that we don't fall sick!

  • Destination next! The small intestine!

  • Once, the food particles reach the small intestine..

  • ..a lot of juices from liver and pancreas help break down those particles.

  • The liver secretes bile, which helps break down fats.

  • And the pancreas releases other enzymes to help digest all kinds of food particles.

  • Now that the food particles are broken down..

  • ..the small intestine absorbs them and transfers them to our body through blood.

  • The particles that are not absorbed by the small intestine, reach the large intestine.

  • Now the large intestine absorbs water and other particles..

  • ..and sends the waste material out of your body!

  • Trivia Time!

  • Did you know that our large intestine produces..

  • ..antibodies that helps us boost our immunity?

  • When your face becomes red due to blushing..

  • ..the lining of your stomach becomes red too!

  • So eat healthy, digest healthy and live healthy!

  • Tune in next time for more fun facts!

  • This is me Zooming Out!

Oops! Excuse me!


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B1 中級 美國腔

消化系統|Dr. Binocs Show|兒童學習視頻 (Digestive System | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids)

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日