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  • Hey ho hello guys!

  • Are you pumped for this?

  • Well, you should be.

  • Hi, my name is Taylor. Welcome to my channel, and lets dive in!

  • There are a lot of people who are saying that they want the "old Disney" back

  • And that's when I thought, hey what if I compared x and y to see what I could could come up with.

  • So the first thing that we are going to look at are, Liv and Maddie and the Site Life series.

  • So here's what we know, both shows have blonde twins.

  • Both shows have spin offs.

  • Both shows feature one corky twin, and one more responsible but still corky twin.

  • Now we all know that Disney has had shows revolving around twins before.

  • But that's a story for a different video.

  • So

  • For perspective we're only going to be looking at The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and Liv and Maddie.

  • As opposed to looking at The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and Suite life on deck,

  • Liv and Maddie and Liv and Maddie LA I belive it's called

  • So lets start by comparing the theme songs.

  • Ok so the theme in the suite life theme song is

  • I am yours, you are with me, we are sticking together and life will be better that way.

  • Liv and Maddie's theme is I need you no matter how different you are from me.

  • And my life would not be the same with out you.

  • I think they are very similar, not in the construction of the actual

  • title pages I guess.

  • But they are in the meaning behind the words of the songs.

  • That's what I think is really the "Ohhh ahh" shock and aw factor.

  • Ok so I know what you're thinking.

  • "um the show is about twins, so why would there not be a sentimental moment between them."

  • There are tons of shows

  • that do not have this underlying

  • message. But they are also about twins.

  • As much so or more than these two.

  • Here is the opening sequence to the Gravity Falls theme song

  • And here is Two of A Kind which is actually staring the Olsen Twins,

  • probably the most famous twins ever.

  • So

  • Yeah, it didn't have to be that way.

  • Ok so lets break down the characters and the relationships now.

  • I'm all in your face.

  • Lets start with Zack Martin.

  • Zack,

  • was the

  • less

  • smart, but more fun and outgoing twin

  • He was the less responsible by far.

  • And at many times especially in the earlier seasons

  • the comedic relief.

  • If need be.

  • Staying on track with that show we have Cody Martin

  • Played by Cole Sprouce.

  • And Cody was the more

  • responsible, smart

  • goal oriented, strict

  • person.

  • Out of the pair.

  • In this case of Zack and Cody it seems more like

  • Zack is dependent upon Cody, and they do argue a lot.

  • I believe in one episode Zack moved out and moved in with his dad.

  • Into like a trailer? Or maybe he was on tour or something.

  • I don't know but Zack moved out and moved in with his dad.

  • So, take that for whatever that means.

  • Next we have Liv Rooney who is played by Dove Cameron.

  • She is not so relatable in some cases.

  • In comparison to her twin sister Maddie, she does have

  • things about her that are relatable.

  • But most of the time she just isn't very relatable.

  • She just came back from her tv show sing it loud.

  • And she's having a hard tiem sinking back into the reality of the normal world.

  • Or at least she doesn't want to.

  • So she continues to be like this

  • affluent star child, in a town where no one really cares.

  • So she's

  • more like the Zack of the twins.

  • She's more goal oriented than Zack ever was, but she does seem to be more

  • easy going fun twin.

  • Then Maddie Rooney, who is also played by Dove Cameron

  • She has a more realistic life, a more realistic voice

  • She's funnier, to me she seems more relatable.

  • She's a lot more awkward, and she's definitely a lot more like Cody in this scenario.

  • Both Maddie and Cody have really awkward boy/girlfriend experiences.

  • They are not comfortable around the opposite sex or at least the opposite sex that they are attracted to.

  • And they are not good at communicating around them.

  • Which is funny.

  • Now Liv hasn't really had too many experiences with people that she's liked.

  • So I can't really comment on her, but I am just to assume that

  • her experiences would be a lot easier going than Maddie.

  • Ok so lets talk about their friends.

  • They both had a very diverse group of friends.

  • Not speaking ethnically, although there are people of different ethnicities in the friend groups of both shows.

  • Zack and Cody had a group of friends that differed in

  • social economic status

  • age

  • gender

  • And eventually

  • places of birth.

  • Which must be eaiser when you live in a hotel.

  • Now for Liv and Maddie

  • I want to go off of Maddie's friends becase I really can't recall too many of Liv's friends.

  • Even though I do recall a few of them.

  • "Raise the roof"

  • Liv and Maddie don't share friends in the same way that Zack and Cody did.

  • Zack and Cody had the same friend group through out the whole series.

  • Where as Liv and Maddie were seperated for a while, so when Liv comes back, she ends up joining Maddie's friend group.

  • Who is very

  • adapted to Maddie.

  • Their attitudes, their corkiness, and awkwardness it's very much Maddie.

  • And then Liv comes in later and can fit in because

  • She fits Maddie too.

  • They just probably aren't the group of friends that she would've had if she didn't move to Hollywood to preform in

  • sing it loud.

  • That being said their group of friends is also very diverse.

  • Diverse in ethnicities, diverse in ages

  • it's a lot smaller of a gap

  • than in suite life, but it's there.

  • I believe that if you were to take Liv's friends into account thenthey probably do differ in social economic statuses.

  • Or at least they act like they do. I mean Liv's probably richer than Maddie.

  • who knows.

  • Actually I know. Maddie didn't have a job, Liv worked on tv, Liv is definitely richer than Maddie.

  • We know that both shows had similar theme songs with moral messages,

  • they had similar friend groups, they had similar moral

  • messages. They were similar as a show, so what is different about the two?

  • Why do people prefer one over the other, it just can't be because one show revolves around girls and the other boys.

  • maybe it's because

  • Maybe it's because they have organic twins in one, and not in another.

  • I don't know lets look into the content next

  • The biggest thing that I was able to find in the content

  • Was that there was a difference in

  • what the shows would produce.

  • One, the jokes in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody seem to be more thought out and clever.

  • Whereas a lot of the jokes in Liv and Maddie

  • are outrageous humor, so it's like "Oh my god that would never happen hahahaha"

  • And suite life of Zack and Cody touch on things that Liv and Maddie just hasn't gotten to yet.

  • For example they talked about eating disorders in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody

  • There is a very clear theme through out the show about nontraditional households.

  • And how

  • they affect the people in them.

  • Out of the main children who are on the show, none of them have a father and mother who are present.

  • London's dad is never there, she's being raised by a stranger. I guess you could say that Mosby adopted her.

  • Or Fosters her rather, for the time being. He comes to the hotel gives her money and then goes.

  • I think that can represent an affluent side of the foster services.

  • Maddie's parents are gone, she's being raised by her grandparents.

  • That happens a lot more than you would think.

  • Zack and Cody's parent are divorced, they live with their mom

  • as she sings, she works, she's the help of the hotel.

  • and

  • And their dad is on tour or something. He's a rockstar? I don't know.

  • That confused me.

  • The point is that their dad is not always there.

  • So that related with a group of forgotten kids who

  • don't always have a mom and a dad to go home to.

  • But they can go home and watch the Suite Life

  • and see people, or maybe relate

  • relate their situations to the situations on the show. Or see similarities between their lives and that of the Suite Life storyline.

  • So it's a reminder that you don't always see the relationships that form in the traditional big happy family, like the one present in Liv and Maddie.

  • And on every other Disney Channel show right now, but don't quote me on that. I think right now every show on Disney Channel has

  • a mom and a dad with children.

  • But that's just not reflective as who we are as a society. That's just not where we are.

  • Oh there's also an argument that you can say, it's that London's dad is neglectful towards her.

  • Shes always seeking attention from her father

  • And she shows this by not doing well in school, she's always reeking havoc, she goes to extravagant

  • places and comes back. She's looking for attention.

  • She's looking to seek affection from her father but he just isn't giving it back.

  • So I looked for messages like that in Liv and Maddie and I couldn't really find any.

  • Like there weren't always

  • signs. There were messages in the show, but they were like be yourself, be true to who you are

  • and follow what you want and your hopes and dreams and everything will prevale.

  • Which is fine but that's like the underlying message in most Disney Channel shows.

  • So it's not like that isn't a message that we haven't heard before.

  • So there really isn't anything that is original that's being taught to us via this show.

  • But that's just my opinion.

  • So I don't know.

  • Let me know which show you guys prefer, if you agree with me, if you disagree with me.

  • I think the biggest differences lie in the messages and the content.

  • I also think that it's weird that every episode of Liv and Maddie has a moral message, we don't learn something new everyday. We can stride too but there are days

  • when we just chill out.

  • and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

  • We didn't always learn something in the Suite Life. Sometimes it was just fun

  • Or sometimes the message was so silly that it didn't pertain to the real life.

  • Let me know what you think in the comment section below.

  • Give this video a thumbs up. Like and subscribe for more videos if

  • you like this series, I will be doing All That and So Random next.

  • SO,

  • so stay tuned for that. Until next time.

  • Remember when Disney Channel had real twins? Or no?

Hey ho hello guys!


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    jessica19960717 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日