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Let's be honest — as amazing as fried chicken is, it's a total pain to make.
And to make it perfectly?
Well, that's impossible… as long as you keep making these simple mistakes.
"I feel like a Kentucky fried idiot!"
Here are some ways you're screwing up your fried chicken — and how to fix it.
Some people swear by salt water brine for juicy fried chicken.
But if you want to avoid the time sink of drying each piece before breading and frying, try buttermilk instead.
Buttermilk actually sticks to the chicken better, which helps with the breading, while giving the same juicy benefits as brine.
Robbie Melvin, who works as a recipe developer for Time Inc. Food Studios, told MyRecipes, "Buttermilk is a classic Southern style… soaking chicken in buttermilk acts as a brine."
Time 公司食物工作坊的食譜編寫人 Robbie Melvin 在食譜網站 MyRecipes 表示:利用白脫鮮乳是經典的南方做法,將雞肉浸在白脫鮮乳裡,意思就和鹽水一樣。
"Buttermilk, yeah? It's brilliant for marinating chicken.”
If you're not adding cornstarch in your breading, you're missing out on an opportunity to take your crust to the next level.
Cornstarch helps keeps the chicken tender, which is one reason Bon Appétit recommends using a 50/50 ratio of cornstarch to all-purpose flour, which promises to give your fried chicken an "audibly crunchy, beautiful browned exterior."
玉米澱粉讓雞肉柔嫩,這也是為什麼美食雜誌 Bon Appétit 建議將玉米澱粉和中筋麵粉以 1:1 比例混合,這麼一來你的炸雞就會「聽起來酥脆悅耳,看起來美麗棕亮。」
Other chefs suggest skipping the flour entirely and using only cornstarch, but either way, cornstarch is a fried chicken game-changer.
"Another good trick, I always add cornstarch too."
KFC's secret formula has been debated for years.
In 2016, the formula's 11 herbs and spices were supposedly uncovered, but according to a hard-hitting Chicago Tribune expose, even that didn't result in chicken like the Colonels.
在 2016 年,據說配方中的 11 中香料被公開了,但根據犀利的《芝加哥論壇報》,光這樣還端不上檯面。
Until, that is, they added an MSG-based flavor enhancer called Accent.
Chicago Tribune reporter Joe Gray wrote that once the MSG was added, "Our chicken was virtually indistinguishable from the batch bought at KFC."
《芝加哥論壇報》記者 Joe Gray 寫道,一旦加入味精,「我們的炸雞就和肯德基的別無二樣!」
Turns out the answer was right in front of us all along — the chicken just needed a little southern Accent.
"Mm, I think this is the best Kentucky Fried Chicken I ever had!"
Logically thinking, it would seem like the sooner you get the breaded chicken into the hot oil, the better your chances of a superior crust, right?
Not according to executive chef Ben McLean, who says this will only ensure all that glorious crust falls off with that first bite.
但根據總主廚 Ben McLean,這樣只會讓酥脆外皮在第一口就掉光光。
The way around that?
He spills his secret to The Takeout, explaining, "What we do is once we bread it, we let it sit on a rack in the fridge and let air circulate overnight."
"It'll allow the moisture of the chicken to soak through the breading, and it makes it super tacky, allowing the breading to stick to the meat itself."
Frying chicken can be a pain — we get it.
But if you've already committed to the oil and the splatter and the mess, frying the same chicken a second time really isn't that big of a deal, is it?
And it's totally worth the effort.
"Who loves chicken? You do!!”
"We do!"
"Delicious chicken swing on through!"
Serious Eats explains that one of the biggest problems with cooking fried chicken is that in order to get the crust as crunchy as possible, you've got to cook it for a long time.
And in the process of getting that extra-crispy crust, you end up overcooking the meat.
No matter how amazing your crust is, nobody will want the dried out chicken underneath.
To combat this conundrum, give your chicken its usual dunk in the hot oil, then remove it as you normally would.
Let the chicken pieces sit for at least 30 minutes, and then fry it again.
然後拿出來讓炸雞靜置 30 分鐘,最後再炸一遍。
This way, the meat has had a chance to cool down, and the second trip to the oil bath won't do any harm — it will just make your crust unbelievably crunchy.
There's no greater sin than subjecting your leftover fried chicken — which you worked so hard to perfect — to the microwave.
To properly reheat your fried chicken you need to use an oven.
And there are a few tricks to ensuring that it's just as good as when you pulled it out of the fryer the first time.
First, the chicken should sit out for a 30 minutes to 1 hour at room temperature before reheating.
首先,炸雞應該先在室溫靜置 30 分鐘到一小時,才拿去加熱。
This guarantees that all the differently-sized pieces will heat evenly.
Once the chill is off, put the chicken on top of a wire rack on a baking sheet, and cook in a 400 degree oven.
一旦靜置完成,將它們放進烤盤,底下墊張烘焙紙,然後以攝氏 205 度的溫度烘烤。
Time will vary depending on the size of the pieces; around 16 minutes for breasts, and 12 minutes for legs and thighs.
烤的時間依據炸雞大小。雞胸大概要 16 分鐘,雞腿排和棒棒腿則要大約 12 分鐘。
And then…
然後呢 ......。
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