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College is an exciting time of your life but the first few days might be a little
daunting your parents have already dropped you off and your high school
best friends are nowhere to be found by the end of the year you'll probably have
a solid crew to go out and party with but where are they right now before I
start this video I want to let you know it's actually sponsored by my own
mastermind practical growth Academy if you're interested I create weekly
animated book summaries actionable worksheets to go along with the
summaries and also a monthly mini course of topics that I think you'll find
helpful so far there's over 25 book summaries and seven many courses on
stuff like productivity money management social skills and other stuff that's
really important in self-improvement to get immediate access to all of this
stuff plus a link to a private discord server where all the members share
stories ideas and they help each other grow check the link in the description
and if you sign up today I'll personally send you a $20 Amazon gift card but you
should also know that the mastermind is only $17 a month and with the discount
below you can cancel anytime including the first month if you want you can keep
the $3 anyways thanks for listening to this little advertisement for my
mastermind but you can use these following tips to help you make new
friends in college and get started on the adventure of a lifetime
tip number one is to join a facebook group before you even go to college you
can make friends before you even get there search for Facebook groups of your
classmates before you actually arrive these Facebook groups are a great way to
ask questions about dorm selections class selections and orientations you
can type up a post introducing yourself and asking any questions that you might
have about the next coming weeks you can ask who's in your dorms who shares your
majors people like to feel included and if they share your interests or
schedules they'll most likely reach out to you also you can learn their names
and start a conversation before you even move into your dorm Facebook might
actually be a little outdated but it worked really well when I was in college
you can also search for local Instagram posts relevant hashtags and maybe even
snapchat stories tip number two is to just keep your dorm door open it might
sound like a strange tip but if you're living in a dorm the best thing you can
do is just keep your door open if you start getting nervous about making
friends just remember that everyone there is probably in the same boat as
you most of the freshmen on your floor
aren't also probably looking to make new friends so when you leave your door open
you invite these people to step in and have a small chat who knows these are
the people that could end up being your best friends for life
actually made this kind of mistake my freshman year I was in my room the
entire semester with my door shut focused on getting good grades and
learning about something called SEO I'm in a great place now I wish I would
have met more people and made more friends my first semester in college tip
number three is to just say hello so if someone else has their door open in
their dorm the students inside are probably just trying to make new friends
as well you can knock on the door and walk in and just have a conversation
with them if you feel uncomfortable by saying hello you can even bring some
snacks in to share sometimes all it takes is a simple icebreaker just to get
a conversation flowing and to actually meet someone tip number four is to
invite people to events the first week of college is filled with fun and silly
events to bring students together and get them acquaintance to the area the
Student Center might offer free tours around the area games and contests that
puts dorm buildings together or other activities like that some of these
events may seem a little dorky at first and the ones that I attended were really
cheesy but it's important to embrace everything that comes your way the more
you open yourself up to new experiences however silly you might think they are
the more you open yourself up to meeting new people and encourage other people to
get involved as well if no one is talking about events around you and you
don't know where any are you can ask your RA or the Student Center once you
have all the details about what's coming up you can actually start to rally the
troops in your dorm and actually invite a bunch of other people to come with you
if you're nervous about entering someone's room just to say hello
the upcoming events around you are a great icebreaker tip number five is just
to smile the idea of meeting new people can be scary what if they don't like you
what if they think you're lame and maybe they don't want to hang out with you
you need to not let these thoughts take over your mind when you're trying to
meet new people nervous energy is contagious luckily so is positive energy
if you approach each new interaction with a smile
you'll get smiles in return and basically create an overall positive
experience it sounds a little silly but you can prepare yourself by meeting new
people by just smiling at yourself in the mirror before you walk out of the
room sure you might feel a little weird at first and you might have to force a
smile but after a minute or so the smile will become genuine it's just like right
before racers start a race they'll put their arms up like they've already won
embrace how silly this exercises and just try to smile more often
tip number six is to join an organization the beginning of each
semester is a great time for clubs and organizations to recruit new members are
you going to be one of those members joining a club can be a great way to
meet a whole bunch of people with very similar interests and depending on the
size of your college you'll be able to find a club for just about anything you
like to knit you want to talk about Star Wars do you love math are you just
hungry and on some free meals I'm not even kidding there are clubs in college
that take students out to different restaurants
once a month for a cultural experience and just a free meal I once attended an
engineering freebie club just for the pizza well the pizza was the incentive
but it actually turned out to be pretty cool also fraternities and sororities
are certainly an option but you shouldn't feel forced to join a Greek
organization if you're uncomfortable with hazing or the attitudes of certain
members in the group there also might be gender inclusive fraternities on campus
that don't haze the more you talk to people about opportunities on campus the
more likely you will find an organization that matches your interests
and makes you more comfortable - number seven is to start or find a study group
so what was the point of college again oh yeah it's to get a degree it's to
learn a lot and it's to make connections College is a balance between a lot of
fun and also a lot of hard work if you can jump on forming and organizing an
actual study group for one of your classes you can blend these two things
together a study group doesn't have to be more than just a group chat on
facebook or a social media app but it can help your classmates learn your name
and reach out through the semester I can definitely vouch that my chemistry grade
would have been way better if I made time for the study sessions each week
and my class offered and the last tip I have for you guys to make friends in
college is to just be yourself you need to be patient the first few days of
college are really awkward and nerve-wracking for everyone involved
not everyone you meet is going to be your best friend and the people you
least expect could end up being the most positive impact on your college
experience so definitely don't compromise your morals or your
personality just to feel included in the first few days of college you need to
try to be yourself be genuine and let your true personality shine through
colleges where a lot of people find themselves before you'll know it you'll
attract the right people who will have your back for the next four years or up
to eight or twelve if that's how long you're gonna go to school college can be
the best time in your life and having friends really helps so I just want to
thank you guys so much for watching this video and I hope it helps you make some
friends in college and also before I in this video if you're interested in
getting a free $20 Amazon gift card you can check out my mastermind practical
growth academy in the description below and join the community of members hungry
for personal growth I'll see you in the next video