字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The living room is the heart of every home. 客廳是每一間房子最重要的活動空間。 Which means that over time, you end up filling it with lots and lots of stuff. 我們經常一個不小心就在客廳堆出雜物山。 Here are 4 ways to organize a living room with closed, open, tech and movable storage. 我們推薦你用以下 4 種收納櫃有效地來整理你的客廳。它們分別是封閉式、開放式、系統式和可移動式收納櫃。 Start off with closed storage for the items you'd rather hide away. 用封閉式收納櫃收藏你不想被人看到的物品。 We chose a few smaller units; you'll be surprised at how much they can hold especially when you use the whole space, including the insides of the doors. 雖然我們挑選使用的是幾個體積比較小的收納櫃,但如果你善用櫃子的方方面面,包括門板的背面,你會發現這些櫃子其實可以收藏很多東西。 Next, group together a few smaller cabinets to create a sculptural effect. 接著再利用幾個小的收納櫃做組合,營造雕塑感。 You can even organize by activity and store similar items in the same cabinet. 你可以根據使用頻率或功能,把你的物品分門別類地放在不同的櫃子裡。 Take advantage of all the surface space on top of the cabinets! 收納櫃的表面空間也很值得被好好利用。 Use it as a place to display things, but remember to leave a bit of air to balance out the overall effect. 你可以在上面放一些裝飾品,但要記得適時留白,創造平衡的空間效果。 Now for the things you want to store and show off. 接下來輪到你想要展示的物品。 Adjust your shelves to different heights to create space for your favorite things. 依據物品的大小調整收納櫃的隔間,擺放你最喜歡的物品。 Start by setting your foundation with bigger, bulkier items and things in boxes that you're not interested in displaying. They can go at the bottom of the bookshelf. 把體積比較大、比較笨重、不想展示的物品收進箱子裡,置放在書櫃的最下方。 Next, move on to your books. Place them horizontally or vertically, but they definitely don't need to be in a straight row. 然後,我們開始來整理你的藏書。把書橫放或直放都可以,不一定要排成一排。 Then add your more decorative items like vases, photos and other collectibles. 在剩餘的空間擺上裝飾品如花瓶、相片或其他收藏品。 Think about coordinating items by color and placing them at different heights to create some dimension. 你也可以用顏色作為主題來歸納你的物品,再分別置放在不同的位置,創造出特色。 Decorative boxes are great for storing smaller items. 把體積比較小的物品放進精緻美觀的箱子裡。 You can also add glass doors to keep your things dust-free and secure. 你也可以在收納櫃上安裝玻璃門,隔絕灰塵兼保護你的物品。 Ok, let's turn the attention to your entertainment center because it's often the focal point of the room. 現在讓我們來設計你的電視櫃吧!電視櫃通常是客廳的重點。 Add essentials to your media storage. 把重要的播放器或機盒放在隔板上。 Keep things extra tidy by using furniture with smart cable management. 整理好電線,讓空間變得更乾淨、整齊。 Plus some interior organizers for good measure. Then start storing away. 在抽屜內置入分隔收納盒後,就可以開始收藏物品。 Up above, hang some artwork to soften the area around the TV. It will blend in nicely and become part of a beautiful display. 在電視牆上懸掛一些藝術品來營造更柔和的感覺,它們會完美地融合在一起,形成一個漂亮的畫面。 Last but definitely not least, we have movable storage. 最後但同樣重要的,可移動式收納櫃。 You could use this trolley for pretty much anything. 這部推車幾乎可以滿足你任何需求。 We've lined the shelves with non-slip mats to keep everything from sliding around and the sides are high enough to keep things from falling. 我們在置物籃內鋪上了防滑墊,防止放在籃內的物品滑動,並利用高側邊的設計防止籃內的物品掉落。 No matter what your interests are, storage on wheels makes it really easy to bring them with you. 無論你在置物籃內放什麼都好,推車的可移動性讓物品的搬運工作變得輕而易舉。 But we're big fans of entertaining and we've stocked it with everything you need for a night of having your friends over. 生活即是娛樂,你招呼朋友來家裡玩需要的東西,我們統統給他備好備滿。 Now your trolley is all set up and ready to serve your guests. 需要使用的東西都放進推車了,你現在可以推著推車去招呼上門拜訪的客人了。 And that's it! 4 ways to keep your living room organized, tidy and stylish all at once. 以上就是保持客廳整齊、乾淨、時尚的 4 招。 Enjoy! 希望我們的資訊對你有幫助!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 收納 客廳 櫃子 空間 整理 收藏 整理的藝術:客廳收納 (The art of organising: living room storage) 8716 317 Ginger Liu 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字