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  • You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people.


  • They are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their resentment-ridden ideology.


  • They have made it their life's mission to undermine Western civilization itself,

    他們已經設定他們人生的使命 要全力破壞西方文明,

  • which they regard as corrupt, oppressive andpatriarchal.”


  • If you're a taxpayeror paying for your kid's liberal arts degreeyou're underwriting


  • this gang of nihilists.


  • You're supporting ideologues who claim that all truth is subjective; that all sex differences

    你支持那些聲稱所有真理都是主觀的理論家; 所有的性別差異

  • are socially constructed; and that Western imperialism is the sole source

    都是社會建構的; 西方帝國主義

  • of all Third World problems.


  • They are the post-modernists, pushingprogressiveactivism at a college near you.

    他們是後現代主義者, 在你家附近的大學裡,推動所謂 “進步”的激進主義。

  • They produce the mobs that violently shut down campus speakers; the language police

    他們以暴力封鎖校園裡的自由演講者; 他們像特務警察機關,

  • who enshrine into law use of fabricated gender pronouns; and the deans whose livelihoods


  • depend on madly rooting out discrimination where little or none exists.

    許多學院院長也跟他們同夥, 為了生存,瘋狂剷除極少或根本不存在的 "歧視"。

  • Their thinking took hold in Western universities in the '60s and '70s, when the true believers

    他們的思想在60年代和70年代的西方大學盛行, 激進左派的真正信徒

  • of the radical left became the professors of today.


  • And now we rack up education-related debtnot so that our children learn to think critically,

    而現在我們加大了與教育有關的債務 --- 不是為了讓我們的孩子學會批判性思考,

  • write clearly, or speak properly, but so they can model their mentors' destructive agenda.

    寫得清楚,或說得正確, 而是讓他們能夠支持並塑造這些 "導師" 的破壞性課程。

  • It's now possible to complete an English degree and never encounter Shakespeareone of those


  • dead white males whose works underlie oursociety of oppression.”

    --- 這些已死的白人男性作品 是製造我們 “社會壓迫” 的基礎。

  • To understand and oppose the post-modernists, the ideas by which they orient themselves


  • must be clearly identified.


  • First is their new unholy trinity of diversity, equity and inclusion.

    首先是他們全新的不聖潔三位一體 : "多樣性"、"公平性" 和 "包容性" 。

  • Diversity is defined not by opinion, but by race, ethnicity or sexual identity; equity

    多樣性的定義不是指 "包容不同的意見" , 而是指 '種族","民族" 或 "性別認同";

  • is no longer the laudable goal of equality of opportunity, but the insistence on equality

    公平性不再以 "機會均等" 作為值得讚美的目標, 而是堅持 "齊頭式平等" ;

  • of outcome; and inclusion is the use of identity-based quotas to attain this misconceived state of equity.

    包容性 則使用 "基於身份的配額" 來達到這種 錯誤認識的公平狀態。

  • All the classic rights of the West are to be considered secondary to these new values.

    在這些新價值觀下, 西方文明中,所有的經典權利都被視為是次要的。

  • Take, for example, freedom of speechthe very pillar of democracy.

    舉例來說,言論自由 - - - 民主最重要的基礎。

  • The post-modernists refuse to believe that people of good will can exchange ideas


  • and reach consensus.


  • Their world is instead a Hobbesian nightmare of identity groups warring for power.

    相反的,他們的世界是霍布斯式的噩夢, 不斷爭奪身份群體的權力。

  • They don't see ideas that run contrary to their ideology as simply incorrect.

    他們看不到與自己意識形態背道而馳的觀點, 只因他們認為這是不正確的。

  • They see them as integral to the oppressive system they wish to supplant, and consider

    他們認為這些觀點 是他們極力想要推翻的壓迫制度的基本​​組成部分,

  • it a moral obligation to stifle and constrain their expression.

    並且認為扼殺和限制這些不同觀點的表達, 是他們神聖的道德義務。

  • Second is rejection of the free marketof the very idea that free, voluntary trading

    其次,是拒絕自由市場 - 自由,自願交易的理念

  • benefits everyone.


  • They won't acknowledge that capitalism has lifted up hundreds of millions of people


  • so they can for the first time in history afford food, shelter, clothing, transportation

    所以人們可以在歷史上第一次買得起 食物,住所,衣服,並支付交通費用

  • even entertainment and travel.


  • Those classified as poor in the US (and, increasingly, everywhere else) are able to meet their basic needs.


  • Meanwhile, in once-prosperous Venezuelauntil recently the poster-child of the campus radicals

    同時,在一度繁榮的委內瑞拉--- 直到最近還是校園激進分子的貼海報小孩 ---

  • the middle class lines up for toilet paper.


  • Third, and finally, are the politics of identity.


  • Post-modernists don't believe in individuals.


  • You're an exemplar of your race, sex, or sexual preference.


  • You're also either a victim or an oppressor.


  • No wrong can be done by anyone in the former group, and no good by the latter.

    前者 (指受害者) 中的任何人都不會做錯, 後者 (指壓迫者) 中沒有任何優點或良善。

  • Such ideas of victimization do nothing but justify the use of power

    這種 "受害者" 的想法只會盡一切所能, 證明使用權力是正當的

  • and engender intergroup conflict.


  • All these concepts originated with Karl Marx, the 19th-century German philosopher.

    所有這些概念都源於卡爾馬克思, 這位19世紀的德國哲學家。

  • Marx viewed the world as a gigantic class strugglethe bourgeoisie against the proletariat;

    馬克思認為世界是一個巨大的階級鬥爭 - 資產階級反對無產階級;

  • the grasping rich against the desperate poor.


  • But wherever his ideas were put into practicein the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia,

    但是,無論他的想法在任何地方實踐, 蘇聯,中國,越南和柬埔寨,

  • to name just a fewwhole economies failed, and tens of millions were killed.

    僅舉幾例 --- 整體經濟失敗,數千萬人被殺。

  • We fought a decades-long cold war to stop the spread of those murderous notions.


  • But they're back, in the new guise of identity politics.

    但他們以 "身份政治'' 的新幌子回來了。

  • The corrupt ideas of the post-modern neo-Marxists should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

    後現代新馬克思主義者的腐敗思想 應該全部丟入歷史的垃圾箱。

  • Instead, we underwrite their continuance in the very institutions where the central ideas


  • of the West should be transmitted across the generations.


  • Unless we stop, post-modernism will do to America and the entire Western world

    除非我們停止繼續這樣做, 否則後現代主義者 會繼續在美國和整個西方世界

  • what it's already done to its universities.


  • I'm Jordan Peterson, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, for Prager University.

    我是喬丹彼得森,多倫多大學心理學教授, 在普拉格線上虛擬大學 (PragerU) 講學。

You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people.



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