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  • Let's start with a single, simple truth:

  • OMEGA's Co-Axial calibres

  • are unlike any other mechanical watch movements

  • in the world.

  • At the heart of each one is the

  • first practical watch escapement to be invented in some 250 years.

  • In short,

  • the Co-Axial escapement reduces friction in the movement,

  • resulting in superb long-term chronometric performance.

  • The Co-Axial story is told in near-microscopic detail:

  • An anchor with three ruby pallet stones,

  • weighing an impossible-to-imagine four thousandths of a gram.

  • A three-level Co-Axial escapement wheel

  • that can bear more than half a billion strains each year.

  • A silicon balance spring

  • that has one-seventh the weight of a grain of rice.

  • It was up to our master watchmakers,

  • who have made horology an art form,

  • to advance Co-Axial technology

  • from theory to practice.

  • Assisted by purpose-built, state-of-the-industry instruments,

  • this team of visionaries, innovators, and pragmatists

  • has created OMEGA Co-Axial calibres:

  • nothing less than a turning point

  • in the history of mechanical watchmaking.

Let's start with a single, simple truth:


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B2 中高級

歐米茄同軸擒縱系統 (OMEGA Co-Axial Escapement)

  • 120 8
    Dada Lu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日