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When it comes to time and space, it is easy to become mind boggled.
Down here on planet earth, we are much less than a tiny pinprick of our observable universe,
and again, that is simply what we can see.
Many contemporary scientists speculate that actually, our observable universe isn't
the entire picture, they believe our universe is part of a multiverse.
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that loves a good what
if ! I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What if the Multiverse was real?
Before we get into the video I want to hear what you think?
Do you believe there are parallel universes out there?
Let me know in the comments section down below!
Also while you are down there please do leave a thumbs up on this video and share it with
a friend….also do stick around until the end of the video where I will be reading comments
from a previous video.
So, multiverses.
The late great Stephen Hawking's final research paper was on the Multiverse.
The multiverse is actually a name that pops up in a number of different strands of theories
that often interlope.
One theory, shared by many physicists is that when the big bang happened, our universe wasn't
the only one created, which makes up part of the bubble theory.
Others have considered multiverses when it comes to matter and antimatter.
Over the last few decades, Scientists have observed a whole bunch of Dark Matter hanging
out WITHIN our universe.
Dark matter, so to speak, are dark spots that seem to make up 26.8 percent of our universe.
No one knows what it consists of and no one has seen it, because it doesn't interact
with the matter scientists know about – visible matter, that makes up around 4.9 percent of
what we can see.
Some cosmologists think that the dark matter could be the sign of another inverse universe,
existing side by side to ours, but unseen.
My favourite multiverse theory is the theory of multiple outcomes.
This one can be summized in Schrödinger's cat paradox, or by considering the simple
Electrons can spin clockwise and anti clockwise, but quantum mechanics says that they can spin
both clockwise and counter clockwise at the same time…which…means there are two things
happening at the same time, which is hard for us to get our heads around.
This creates a paradox as we have never seen things spinning two ways at the same time,
we perceive just one outcome.
But does that mean the other outcome didn't happen.
This is the crux of the “quantum measurement paradox”.
The answer here, could be the multiverse – with each possible outcome for every possible decision
creating a new strand of reality… kind of like tree branches…if you catch my drift.
So, if multiverses in this respect were real it would mean that everything that could ever
have happened from the start of time to now has happened in an infinite number of realities.
If we start small, this is easy enough to understand.
This morning I woke up at 6am, I wrote my blog, I sent an email, I had a shower, I put
make up on, I had breakfast, I slipped on ice so I was late for work… there are already
a massive number of universes that would exist where just the smallest factors were changed,
I didn't slip on ice so I wasn't late for work so instead something else happened.
On a bigger scale, there could be a universe where I didn't move to Canada, didn't
break up with that one ex… in another universe my parents didn't meet so I don't exist.
If multiverses are real, there are many many versions of you that could exist side by side
– one where you need glasses, one where you don't….
some universes may be similar but some may be different….
There would be a universe where World War 2 never ended or the Cold War did end in mutually
assured destruction.
These are all reasonably basic concepts to grasp… she says whilst discussing everything
that could ever possibly have been true to be true… but the concept gets much deeper
when we consider all of the possible outcomes created from the beginning of time, which,
so far as we can track, was 13.7 billion years ago.
Planet earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago and orbits our sun.
We have the perfect conditions on earth for life, but if the multiverse theory is true,
there are infinite other universes out there that that didn't happen, there will be universes
where time runs backwards, where gravity doesn't exist… all of the constants within our own
provable physics wouldn't be the same…which is mind boggling.
A few more things to mess with your brain before we are done.
Again, so far as we can observe… the universe keeps on expanding.
Is this constant?
This means that, with every expansion, more possible outcomes would take place…using
the earths population as a case study – if every outcome from every action exists in
a multiverse…well…does that mean the multiverse is speeding up and getting bigger?
The human population has nearly doubled in my life time, with each individual creating
more outcomes.
Do we really need to just accept the notion of infinity, but know that we can only live
our one truth?
Many scientists theorize that the multiverses exist but there is no way, considering our
universes rules of space time, that we can ever get there… that is, unless, the multiverses
interact without us knowing.
I want to talk about our friends the electrons again before we go.
As well as having the ability to spin forwards and back, electrons show Quantum indeterminism
– basically to keep this simple, if you fire an electron through a double slit you
would expect it to go through one slit or the other, choosing an outcome, however scientists
have observed electrons acting like waves, passing through both slits simultaneously
and interfering with itself.
It is complicated, but this could be a hint towards proving the theory that multiple outcomes
create multiple universes…and actually they are unknowingly influencing each other.
Would this mean that phenomenon like the Mandela effect – an effect where large numbers of
people remember slightly different variations of historical events, are actually interactions
of multiverses, rather than tin hat theories.
Okay, sure, yeah, I've gone cross eyed.
Ultimately, if the multiverse did exist, unless we can access it, it isn't worth losing
too much sleep over.
Physics is provable science….
Not theory or simple observation.
At the moment, we can't prove Multiverse… but if we could, it could be both a comfort
and a discomfort at the same time.
The possibilities are endless.
So thanks for sticking with me through that brain work out – do you believe in the multiverse?
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Comments from What if Scotland left the UK: Sluggy 1990 said: I'm from Scotland(Glasgow)
and I support Scottish independence.
Lewis Hussen said: I'm from Scotland this was very helpful thanks Rebecca
Dan the Science man said: The new name would be: The Joint Kingdom of England Wales and
Norther Ireland