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- (Ms. Frizzle) Seat belts everyone! - Is Barbra Streisand
driving the bus?
- I got the laughs out of me. I'm gonna pass the next one, okay?
♪ (upbeat intro) ♪
- (FBE) Today, we've got a challenge for you.
- A challenge? Is it a don't laugh challenge?
- (FBE) Gonna be showing you a series of videos,
but no laughing and no smiling.
- I'm so bad at that. I'm the literal worst person
to do this challenge. Look at me already.
- I'm gonna try to be strong this time
and actually try not to smile, so yeah,
this is gonna be the one.
- (FBE) All of these videos were submitted by fans
who think they're gonna get you to laugh.
- They're probably right. They'll probably get me to lose.
- They probably will. - No, there's nothing
that they can send to make me laugh.
- I'm already laughing
thinking about it. - Stone cold killer.
- (FBE) You'll come back for each video
even if you do laugh, but we'll keep track
of how many times you get out. - Oh, so I get to just watch
them even if I laugh? - (FBE) Yeah.
- Okay, great. Then I'm in.
- People always find the best stuff on the internet.
- They do, they do, but not gonna win this time.
- ♪ (dramatic music) ♪
- Good start.
- Oh, I have to keep looking. I'm looking.
- It's catchy.
- See, I thought he was gonna faceplant, so when he started
dancing, I didn't laugh.
- What is up with Spiderman? Everybody's doing their take
on dancing Spiderman. Okay, we made it.
- I made it through one without laughing, nice.
- (anchor 1) These little babies are so overwhelmed,
that they've started wearing your clothes.
- (anchor 2) That's cute. Pussy, get out of my pants.
- What an unfortunate thing to say.
- (anchor 1) You're on your own. - Okay, that one almost got me.
- (anchor 2) Pussy, get out of my pants.
- [Bleep]. Damn it.
It's when he started laughing, that made me laugh.
- Okay, okay, that got me good.
- (anchor 1) Are you okay? - Okay, with the guy.
Oh my God. The grown man laughing,
that got me.
- (anchor 1) Warning to parents. We're gonna speak--
- I'm good. - I'm dying inside, basically.
- (car horn) - Is that a dog?
- All right, this is a smile, I think.
I think this is a smile. And it's a real dog doing it.
- (car horn) - Damn it.
I'm not even mad that I laughed at that.
That was a good video. That is a good dog.
- You don't know how to drive. - LA traffic, man.
- Road rage.
- (car horn) - He's starting the revolution.
- That dog just gave no [bleep]. I love the dog's expression,
when you look and the dog, he's just like, "Yeah,
what are you gonna do about it, bitch?"
- (dog imitating speech) - Why did you--
- I've watched this video so many times, too.
- (dog imitating speech) - That's so--
- Don't do it. Oh, no.
(laughs) I'm just falling apart now.
- This is so hard. This is way too hard.
I'm not laughing.
- I'm surprised the dog's still making that noise.
- I got the laughs out of me. I'm gonna pass the next one, okay?
- (speaking Chinese)
- All right, that got me at the end.
- (laughs)
- Don't head-- Uh uh.
- (speaking Chinese) - Something bad's gonna happen.
He's just gonna hit his-- oh no.
- Ooh.
- (gasps)
- (kid) I have no idea what this is.
It looks like a big, metal... - He knows.
- That's like my mom. - He knows.
- (kid) I think it's a big-- - (mother) Open it, then.
- (kid) I'm opening it. - It's for flowers, mom.
- (kid) This looks like a vase. - Oh, no.
- (mother) It's a bong.
- Oh, what is that? Oh, no, no
- (mother) It's a bong. - Good acting.
- (kid) What the frick? - What the frick?
- What the frick? - (kid) What the heck?
I didn't order that. I ordered an Xbox card.
- You liar. - I mix those up so much.
- Did your mom use a thousand of those in the '60s?
Sounds to me like. - You just laughed.
- Did I? Oh, God damn.
- It's not gonna make me laugh. This is just gonna make me cringe.
It's just like, this is so bad. He's just so bad in this thing.
- Ooh, no. And caught on film, too.
Not a good look.
- (Ms. Frizzle) Seat belts everyone! - Is Barbra Streisand
driving the bus?
- (kids) No way. - Damn, this is some nostalgia
right here. I remember watching this
when I was a kid.
- Oh yeah.
- (anchor) This school bus carrying elementary school students.
- Oh no. - (anchor) Careened into this lake
outside of Tampa.
- And then vroom. No?
I thought they were gonna add something in.
- Not smiling.
- That's when the reality hits.
- Of course that happened in Florida.
- That was creepy. - That took a weird turn.
- I hope everyone's okay in that crash.
Also, that is a very, very good show.
- ♪ Keep my hands to myself ♪
♪ Think I'll dust them off put them back up on the shelf ♪
♪ In case my little baby girl is in need ♪
- Oh yeah. - ♪ Am I coming out of left field? ♪
- (straw scraping) - ♪ I'm a rebel just for kicks ♪
- Oh my God. Okay, that got me good.
That got me good.
- ♪ Am I coming out of left field? ♪ - (straw scraping)
- ♪ I'm a rebel just for kicks ♪ - Oh, the stupid little things,
they get me so good.
- ♪ Am I coming out of left field? ♪ - (straw scraping)
- ♪ Am I coming out of left field? ♪ - (straw scraping)
- ♪ I'm a rebel just for kicks now ♪ - Not bad, not bad.
- (FBE) All right, that's your last video. - Phew.
All right, I didn't go full ice queen.
I tried to hold it up, but you guys got me.
- Smiling is just such a natural emotion.
- I'm just glad that I didn't laugh at
the kids drowning in the lake.
- I give myself an A for effort.
- Thanks for watching us try not to smile or laugh
on the React Channel.
- Subscribe for new shows every single week.
- If you like this episode, smash that Like button.
- (both) Bye.
- Hey guys, Alyssa here, a producer from the React Channel.
Thanks so much for checking out this laugh challenge
with us today. What video got you to laugh?
Let us know in the comments. Bye.