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  • Shrinking waistlines, a third of the population considered underweight, and new laws that

  • enforce a skinny lifestyle. Has Japan gone too far in its fight against obesity, and

  • is America next? I’m Kimberly Walleston, with an international healthcare focus for

  • Insider’s Health News.

  • Health ministries in Tokyo are facing a difficult problem that is nothing like the one we have

  • in America. After putting in laws associated with weight loss in the last year, it’s

  • now coming to light that 29 percent of Japanese women in their 20s are underweight. What’s

  • worse- many have said that they are unhappy if they weigh over 100 poundsno matter

  • their height.

  • Unfortunately, this quest for a rail-thin body is causing a huge spike in eating disorders

  • across the country. Also, because of a widespread cultural conception that muscles only look

  • good on men, young girls are trying to get skinny through skipping meals and not eating

  • altogether. It’s even prompted multiple public safety videos, hoping the perception

  • can change for these women.

  • If you were wondering about the other half, men actually seem to be going more with the

  • American way. Nearly forty percent of middle-aged men are considered overweight, prompting laws

  • that allow for a standard number of inches in your waistline. Companies and local governments

  • are requiring every man to be under 33.5 inches and every woman to be less than 35.4 inches,

  • or they are asked to undergo counseling. After that? You get a government fine if you can’t

  • weight in where you should.

  • So what is the likelihood of that happening in the states? It’s clear that a culture

  • obsessed with weight loss can have just as many problems as a culture that seems to disregard

  • what we do to our bodies. In the comments below, let us know if you would be all for

  • a government mandated cutoff to help those in the most need, or if that would be eliminating

  • one of our main human rights.

  • At the very least, it’s clear that the US isn’t the only country dealing with health

  • issues. We here at Insider’s Health News will keep stressing that a natural and healthy

  • lifestyle can make all of those ups and downs a lot less extreme. Because maybe the solution

  • to this and so many of our problemsis moderation.

  • That’s it for this edition of Insider’s Health TV. I’m your host, Kimberly Walleston.

  • And remember: it’s your health. Were just helping you think outside the box.

Shrinking waistlines, a third of the population considered underweight, and new laws that


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B1 中級

日本的體重法--超重是違法的! (Japan's Weight Law - Overweight is Illegal!)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日